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Leo finds a blue pansy caterpillar, and the Junior Rangers set off to find a home for it. On the way, they come upon other blue pansy caterpillars and butterflies, whose home will be destroyed soon. Can the Junior Rangers find a new home for all these blue pansies?
Ranger Rocky invites the Junior Rangers along on an adventure to return an orca to the sea. But the task becomes twice as hard when they come across a second orca that is stranded on the beach.
Fireman Sam
Mommy is coming home! The Triplets run to welcome her when they realize her favorite flowerpot has been knocked down and broken. But who could do such a thing? The Triplets decide to hide the flowerpot but unfortunately Mommy sees it and asks to know who did this. Since no one replies, she states a fault confessed is half redressed and she gives them five minutes to find the guilty one. Who did this? Girl with her tea party? Turbulent with his soccer ball? Or Poet with his violin? Or maybe someone else?
Its the end of the day at the beach and the Triplets want an ice cream. Mommy says they wont be hungry for dinner when she prepares for them a delicious soup of stinging nettles and a juicy ox tongue. When she sees their reaction, Mommy challenges them to fish their dinner and everything theyll find will end in their plate. The Triplets are more than excited, which one of them will bring the biggest fish? But unfortunately, our heroes will only catch a disgusting, sticky jellyfish. They hope Mommy wont make them eat it.
Mommy must go shopping but when shes back, she wants the Triplets to play for her and her friend the new piece they learn The Flowers Dance. Unfortunately, the day before, when Eliott was supposed to make them repeat, the Triplets preferred to play with their mini-cars. Which is way more fun! How will they manage to learn a piece in less than three hours? Hopefully, their imagination is always there to help.
Sula and Amma go round to Bings house to watch the fireworks. Sula doesnt like the bangs so shes wearing her earmuffs but Bing thinks hes brave enough to watch the Fireworks outside in the garden. Suddenly –theres a huge BANG! and a super loud rocket sends Bing racing back inside and under the kitchen table in shock.
Bing plays with a new orange balloon but when he bounces on it too enthusiastically, it POPS. Bing is sad to lose his new toy so Flop helps him put the balloon fragments in the Bye Bye Box; a memory box where things too broken to be fixed but too special to throw away are kept.
Flop is pushing Bing on the swing in the park when Pando arrives and wants to have a go too. They agree to let each other have turns by counting up to ten but when Pando has his turn he wont count properly. Bing gets so cross he runs in front of the swing and gets bumped.
Bing is busy building a tower as tall as he is with his blocks and is upset when Coco arrives and hijacks the blocks so that she can make a rainbow pattern with them instead. When even Charlie wants to play with the blocks its clear a new game needs to be found that they can all play together.
Smeraldo is to sail to the famous pirate Red Hair Anna's shipwreck to retrieve its treasure chest. Grisu, accompanied by Stella, goes with Smeraldo to operate his boat crane and haul the treasure, while Smeraldo is in his submarine. Unfortunately, the young dragon unwittingly breaks the professor's glasses and has to pilot the submarine all by himself. He finds the treasure but also encounters a giant and playful octopus. Grisu, surprised by the animal, burns the rope and the treasure sinks back into the sea. Everything seems lost, but a firefighter never gives up! Using a giant air bubble, Grisu manages to bring the treasure up again and saves the mission.
The chickens are very strict: they are not convinced by Findus' performance on his new bike so far. They do not want to live with this dangerous situation on the farm. They demand that Findus must pass a highly official cycling test before he is allowed to ride around at will. He has to master stations on a course that the chickens have devised. Findus is now a little afraid of failing the test.
Paddles and Bracken and all the new pupils are feeling nervous and anxious - its their first day of school. An over confident Fagan bosses it in an impromptu game of Gaelic Football. Miss Hoot the Teacher and Uncle Liam the Head Master put the pupils into pairs in class and to their dismay Paddles and Fagan are put together - it looks like they have nothing in common. Its going to be a long day. Paddles discovers that Fagan is nervous too, and finds the toy that Fagan made and then lost. Everyone is impressed with Fagans inventiveness. Fagan is relieved and at the end of the day everyone else is also. Theyve all made new friends and had a great day. Same time tomorrow then?
Little Nutbrown Hare falls into a muddy Autumn puddle and is delighted when he startles Little Grey Squirrel, who doesnt recognize him at first. This starts a great new game of Surprise! as they dress up in disguises to surprise the others. But they werent ready for Little Field Mouse, who works out a clever way of surprising her friends even more.
One day, Egon happily played with his new black scooter. The others also wants to try it but Egon not in the mood for sharing at all!
Bubble, the small flower beetle one spring day decided to build a tall tower from his colorful building blocks. Unfortunately the tower is keep falling down again and again.
Hattys garden is in a messy muddle and he wants to know why? Hatty always tidies his things away, but today theres a pumpkin on the path and tools and sticks scattered all around the garden! Its up to Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave to clean up, putting everything back in its proper place, and solve the Mystery of the Messy Muddler.
Holiday in the mountains is the greatest thing for Conni – if only you didnt have to hike up and down all the time. But then she discovers a waterfall, a cave with stalagmites and stalactites, wild animals and much more … and luckily a cable car as well!
Conni and mum are going shopping for a new pair of trousers and t-shirts. Naturally, Conni wants to pick out her own clothes and looks around here and there behind the racks and shelves. Suddenly … Mum is gone! Now the department store is not so nice anymore, because there are strangers everywhere. Conni is scared. Will she ever find mum again?
What does a king love to do on the beach? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Castle.
Who does not mind the rain? Doodleboo explains how to draw a snail.
Who can take you on an extraordinary vacation? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw funny alien.
Who is the ideal person to clean up Sketchy's mess? Doodleboo, joking, explains how to draw Sketchy.
In the real world, Messy is in the living room playing his musical horn. PARP he sounds through a soft play tunnel but to Messys surprise he hears the loud PARP repeat back to him. Thats strange? He tilts his head inside “Hello?” To his astonishment he hears the same timid “hello” shout back at him but theres no-one to be seen! Messy folds his arms and taps his foot “Well if you wont tell me who you are Im going to Okido to find out!” and vortexes himself to Okido. Messy arrives in Zoe and Felixs garden. “Hello” shouts Messy. “Hello” Felix shouts back, but poor Messy cant see where Felix is hiding and starts to feel uneasy.
In the real world Messy is in the bathroom looking for his toothbrush. “My teeth are pretty dirty – even for a Messy Monster!” he says. He dives into the laundry basket frantically launching socks and clothes in search of his toothbrush but has no such luck. “But why do I have to brush my teeth? Why cant I just clean them with water?” He transports himself to Okido to find out. Messy arrives in Okido where Zoe and Felix are cleaning a very dirty looking Okidoodle. “He went off road and got all muddy” Zoe explains. “Maybe we need to scrub it off?” Felix picks up a broom and starts to scrub Okidoodle whilst Messy sprays with the water hose. Together they make lots of muddy puddles!
The new yellow t-shirt that Sally planned on wearing for her portrait painting has mysteriously turned green. Huckle and Lowly help Sally look for clues as to how this colour-change happened. They discover that mixing different colours results in the creation of a new one. It turns out that the dye from a blue blanket turned the yellow shirt green in the washing machine. / The kids discover pieces of a large metal hand, Huckle and gang are determined to find out to whom they belong.
Daisy and Ollie wonder how bats can see at night when its dark? Why dont they bump into things? Together they discover that bats rely on super hearing and echo location to find their way around in the dark and have fun pretending to be bats in the garden. Later on, when night falls, they enjoy bat spotting with Daddy in the garden.
A barn owl scares Leo in the garden. The Junior Rangers depart for the grasslands to find a better hunting place for the barn owl.
Leo comes across a baby Asian elephant while planting an apple tree. To find the elephants mother, the Junior Rangers explore the lowland forest.
Jess is given his very first kite by Mimi. It's very special indeed. He can't wait to fly it! But first he has to work out HOW!
Mimi is shocked to find a dandelion plant in her lovely pink and purple garden. She didn't plant it there herself, so how on earth did the dandelion get there? Jess is determined to find out and in the process they work out how some seeds are transported by birds, some in the coats of animals and some in the wind. Jess says goodbye and asks the children to see how many different types of seeds and flowers they can spot.
Harry and the dinos are playing a game of 'I Spy'', Harry decides to 'spy' his dinos, but he can't remember their proper dinosaur names.
The kids have bought Bill a remote control car for his birthday and Pat is going to deliver it to Bills party. On the way, Pat is delivering a remote to Ted, who is fixing Mrs Goggins TV. Julian is helping Pat and gives Ted the wrong remote control. When Ted uses the remote, the car zooms out the back of Pats van and shoots across Pencaster. Pat saves the car just before it falls from a cliff edge, and delivers it to Bill just in time.
This popular series follows the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor.
This popular series follows the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor.
Grisu has promised Mr. Toramento to help him clean up the beach. The problem is that he has more important things to do, like taking the fire truck ride that David promised him. Or even more urgently, helping his firefighting heroes find the fire truck keys that David lost. So, he messes up his work, until he realizes that it's better to do things right. At the end he eventually finds the keys and gets his fire truck ride.
Grisu wants to set up a special birthday party for Fumé at the pizzeria, and to offer him his favorite pizza. Unfortunately, Mr. Guellec has hurt his arm and he can't harvest the tomatoes that the pizza sauce requires. With Stella's help, Grisu turns into a farmer but it's not an easy task to harvest Guellec's high tomato plants for such a tiny dragon. Fortunately, Grisu has plenty of ideas: if you can't reach the tomatoes, try to make the tomatoes reaching you! And after having burnt the cart he needs to deliver the tomatoes in time, Grisu finds a way to achieve his mission by creating the first rolling catamaran!
Bob tells a tired Scoop to stay behind at Bob's Yard as he goes to build an ice-cream kiosk at the beach. Scoop keeps finding spurious reasons to radio Bob and make him return to the yard. Finally theres a real crisis but Bob doesn't believe its anything serious. Scoop takes a burning bin to the beach where it falls on the kiosk roof. Scoop saves the kiosk by scooping sand onto the roof.
Mayor Madison has commissioned a skate park so that the Spring City Rockets can enter an online action sports video. As Bob and the team set to work building it, Scoop, Muck and Lofty ask Leo if he can skate. Although hes never actually set foot on a board, Leo gets swept up in the moment and boasts that hes an amazing skateboarder, nicknamed “Lightning Leo”. When Brandon announces that they need one more rider to join them in the video (competition rules) Dizzy is keen to have a go, demonstrating her skill on four wheels. But the machines insist Lightning Leo should be in it... and suddenly Leo finds himself slated for a “Battle of the Boards” contest with Dizzy once the skate park has been completed. He dashes off to buy a skateboard kit (including an action camera), and returns to the park to practice.
Little Nutbrown Hare makes a slippery slide from a pile of snow and has so much fun he decides to keep it a secret and play with it all by himself. But he soon gets bored playing by himself, and invites his friends to play. They build bigger and curvier slides together and slide faster and faster. Little Nutbrown Hare learns its lots more fun to shares the joy with his friends.
After Big Nutbrown Hare shows Little Nutbrown Hare a special place where his voice echoes, he and Little Field Mouse play a game of 'Try to find me' with Little Redwood Fox and Little Grey Squirrel. They hide in the ravine and as their voices bounce off the rocky walls, their friends have a very tricky time trying to find them.
Bing and Pando are in the sandpit pretending to be diggers. Bing wants to dig the biggest hole and gets upset when Pando accidentally fills it in. It takes Flop to show them how they can work together to be just like the digger men they saw planting a tree in the park earlier.
Sula and Amma have come to Bings house for lunch but there are no carrots so Flop pops to the shop to get some. Bing stays behind but its not long before he starts to miss Flop. Missing Flop…its a Bing thing.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
When the Triplets are going to the beach, Turbulent offers to carry the umbrella but it seems too heavy for him and Mommy asks him if he wants help. But no ! « I am strong » answers Turbulent. Then comes the lifeguard to help them, he is super strong with giant muscles and Turbulent is very impressed. Plus, the lifeguard has won the Mister Beach competition. Its decided, Turbulent will do exactly the same. He decides to start exercising, doing a lot of push ups and weightlifting. But sport is really hard. And Turbulent would rather play with his brother and sister.
The Triplets are having fun in the park with Toto when the dog suddenly rushes after Mrs Gzell's cat, well actually rather after the cookie the cat had in its mouth. He runs like the wind and for the Triplets, Toto is THE Champion. But Mrs Gzell replies that if hes so strong like they say, he should take part to the dog championship the next day. The Triplets are sure Toto will win everything, the competition of snoring, of barking and even the eating contest. Unfortunately, when the competition begins, those are not the challenges the Triplets were expecting.
When Cherry Jam plans a recital for her new music students, Plum experiences stage-fright for the first time, and tries to delay the event.
A fun game of table tennis leads to the surprise discovery of a baby sea turtle and some sea turtle eggs! Can the Junior Rangers return the baby sea turtle and eggs to the beach while keeping them safe from hungry raccoons?
The Junior Rangers bring a greater mouse-deer back to its home in the rainforest. But can the Junior Rangers rescue the mouse-deer when it gets caught in an animal trap?
Jess sets out to re-assure his frightened friends by working out what the noise is in the sky that's so loud.
Jess is hoping that soon it will snow so that they can make snow kittens and play in the snow like they did last year. First though he has to work out what the weather would have to be like for the snow to come..
Harry has a nightmare in which he is chased by a monster, so he goes to Dino World in an attempt to hide from it.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
Pig with a blue mouth from eating a blue sweet, Kipper with a black eye from a telescope with an inked eyepiece, Jake itching from itching powder – Tiger has fun with his joke box but the joke is on him when the others decide enough is enough!
The class is having a picnic and everyone is happy. Especially Paxton! Learn about healthy snacks with Otus, Stripey and Yabba.
Paddles and Bracken and all the new pupils are feeling nervous and anxious - its their first day of school. An over confident Fagan bosses it in an impromptu game of Gaelic Football. Miss Hoot the Teacher and Uncle Liam the Head Master put the pupils into pairs in class and to their dismay Paddles and Fagan are put together - it looks like they have nothing in common. Its going to be a long day. Paddles discovers that Fagan is nervous too, and finds the toy that Fagan made and then lost. Everyone is impressed with Fagans inventiveness. Fagan is relieved and at the end of the day everyone else is also. Theyve all made new friends and had a great day. Same time tomorrow then?
Simon is sick and tired of Gaspard always going and tattle-telling to Daddy. But being called a tattletale doesnt please Gaspard in the slightest. The two brothers fight about it and it gets even worse when they spill the jar of soapy liquid that makes bubbles that they were given at snack-time. Each of them blames the other. Since Gaspard wants to go tell Daddy again, Simon teases him before regretting it. They make peace and in the end, Gaspard doesnt tell daddy and instead, the two of them try and find something in the house that will make bubbles.
Suri is tired of being the gangs baby. She wants to be able to help the forest more. Her friends are explaining that growing up takes time, when they hear the “cru-cru” call and set out for adventure. This time it is an Amazon river dolphin who needs help. He decided to face the Pororoca—the dramatic and dangerous encounter between river and sea—before he was ready to do so. The thing is that only grown dolphins can ride the Pororoca, and Beto is still a baby. He is not even pink yet! He is grey, like all other baby dolphins. To make matters even more complicated, Suri, trying to prove that she is already an independent hedgehog, tries to solve the problem herself and nearly drowns! Beto saves Suri, and Tainá and her friends rescue the impetuous dolphin just in time for the baby dolphin to notice that his fin is turning pink. Beto and Suri learn that growing up can take a while, and it is worth waiting for!
Suri wants to keep a ladybug to herself. Tainá explains that “animals dont belong to anyone, Suri.” While they talk, the “cru-cru” call warns them about another peril: Juju, the little blue macaw, is missing! The gang promises her mother, an inconsolable Macaw Mama, that they are going to find her baby, and set out to investigate the mystery. Tainá and her friends find out that a boy has trapped not only the little macaw, but also a lot of other forest animals. After many attempts, Tainá finally makes him understand that animals belong in the wild. The boy frees Juju and all the other animals, and Tainá and her gang make a new friend; the red-haired boy. Good for nature.
Leo, Katie and Hero get to know a feathery new friend—an Indian peacock! They bring the peacock to the rainforest to look for peahens, but end up crossing paths with two jungle cats.
A trip to the rainforest becomes necessary when a clouded leopard cub turns up in the garden. The Junior Rangers search for the cubs mother, but are set back when the cub gets entangled in some tree vines above water.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave cheer Little Lamb on in her first big running race. Little Lamb doesnt think shes good enough to beat the champion, Speedy Sheep, so they make up a rousing cheerleader chant to encourage her to run faster. They even add some special moves! But will this be enough to help Little Lamb become the new speedy champion?
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave build a playhouse for Little Lamb, Baby Calf and Littlest Bunny. First they choose a safe place to build. Then they work out which construction materials to use to create a strong, weatherproof, perfectly sized playhouse that all three friends can play in together.
Why do I have to look left, right, left, if the traffic lights are green?, Conni wonders. And what if there are no traffic lights? Conni thinks that there are a lot of things to discover in traffic. That's why she's going on a small walk through the city with her mum and Anna that ends at a traffic light that you can eat!
Sketcky drew the plan of the castle of his dreams. Bubble wants his room to be in the dungeon. Sketcky does not understand why, but Doodleboo will point it out to him.
For Christmas, Sketcky wonders how Santa Claus could give so many gifts. Thanks to Doodleboo, he will know who is very useful to Santa Claus.
Sketcky, Doodleboo and Bubble are raving about a magnificent picture of the seabed... Sketcky and Doodleboo wonder what could hide behind these pretty corals. Bubble has an idea and inspiration for Doodleboo who will make it the most beautiful of his Riddleboos...
Farmer Fuddle's chickens have escaped. Their feathers make Vivienne Volcano very itchy. Messy has to find a way to scratch her itches and round up the chickens!
After a button pressing 'accident' at the Fab Food Factory, a giant popcorn is on the loose in Okido. Will Messy and Zoom be able to stop it before it flattens the city?
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
On a spring day, Flutter meets a group of unknown butterfly girls. The girls are happy, energetic and skitty, and Flutter is in awe of them at first. But it turns out the group always makes fun of Flutter's real friends. So Flutter decides to choose her peacful way of life besides her friends.
The Ant Queen has just recovered from a long sickness, so the ants decide to build her a giant Ferris Wheel on top of the hill. The work isn't going as fast as they've planned, so the forest friends decide to help them. The work still goes slowly, so they sadly give up, but then the night stars arrive to help the group, and the Ferris Wheel is finally complete.
The three bark beetles can't decide what costume to wear to the spring carnival party. So they ask the help of Leapy. Since she also still hasn't gotten a costume yet, they come up with the idea to dress as the four seasons. Leapy becomes Spring, and the three bark beetles become Summer, Fall and Winter. The four seasonelves go on to win the costume contest at the party.
Its snack time for Bing but the only banana left is too mushy to eat. Flop suggests making a smoothie with it instead. Disaster strikes when Bings carrot accidentally gets put into the blender as well and when it gets shredded Bing is upset to discover that his carrot has changed and that he cant have it back.
Bing finds a frog in the garden and wants to keep it so he and Sula make the frog a house in a bucket. But froggy doesnt like her new home and hops out. Maybe theyve not thought enough about what froggy really needs in her home.
Bing wants to play his car park game with Flop but Charlie is visiting and keeps messing up the game. Bing wants Charlie to go away so Flop with Charlie in the kitchen. Bing doesnt enjoy his game on his own and finds out that some games are better played together.
Mrs Twigg is unwell with a dose of the sniffles and leaves Fergus and Fergal in charge of running the shop. Paddles and Bracken offer to help the twins with their home delivery service and things quickly go from bad to worse.
The kids have bought Bill a remote control car for his birthday and Pat is going to deliver it to Bills party. On the way, Pat is delivering a remote to Ted, who is fixing Mrs Goggins TV. Julian is helping Pat and gives Ted the wrong remote control. When Ted uses the remote, the car zooms out the back of Pats van and shoots across Pencaster. Pat saves the car just before it falls from a cliff edge, and delivers it to Bill just in time.
Doctor Natureza needs help to clean up the ocean. Indeed, a large sheet of plastic floats on the water and endangers the flora and fauna. Grisu, accompanied by Stella, boards the « laboratory boat » to help Doctor Natureza vacuum up the waste with the machine she has developed. But throughout the process, Grisu burns the pumping engine. They can't vacuum the ocean anymore. Fortunately, Grisu has the idea of using all the waste that lies around them and Natureza's bicycle to design a new – and ecological- device that finally allows them to achieve the mission. Because, as firefighter, Grisu never gives up!
Mr. Cornuzzo, a journalist, comes to Dragontown to check whether Stellas school blog articles about Grisu are true. He quickly comes to the conclusion that what Stella invented everything, and she is actually a liar. To his eyes, Grisu is nothing more than a tiny lizard! Driven by his friendship for Stella, Grisu tries to do his best to prove Cornuzzo that there are dragons in Dragontown. However, acting like a dragon is none of Grisus best skills.
Simon has found a wounded bird in the yard. With help from his younger brother Gaspard, he decides to look after him. Simon takes a real liking to the bird, he becomes his friend. He even gives him a name: Feather. With help from daddy, he builds him a nest, finds him seeds to eat. But the bird recovers and one day, flies off without Simon even noticing. Saddened by his departure, Simon looks all over for him. Finally, the bird reappears and shows Simon his real nest. Simon gets to meet the birds whole family and realizes how much better it is for him to be with other birds in his natural element. He is so happy that Feather has found his Mommy and Daddy again!
Gaspard is doing everything Simon does. He even thinks hes Super Rabbit! Enough is enough and Simon decides to turn the tables on his brother by repeating everything Gaspard says. But Simon finally understands that if Gaspard is copying him, its because he wants to be just like him, he admires his older brother. So Simon goes back to being a sweet, caring older brother and suggests that since theres only one Super Rabbit, then he can become…Capitan Rabbit! Yippee!!
One morning in the early Springtime, Little Nutbrown Hare wakes to find the air filled with a delightful smell. He and Little Field Mouse search all over the meadow, the woods and by the riverside to find the source of the wonderful smell. They discover all kinds of new and unexpected Spring scents… sweet, pretty and fresh, but will they find the one they are searching for?
Woodsy has gone camping with Loudo and his father and Scoutbadger finds himself alone. Unexpectedly, Scoutbadger is unsettled by his twins absence. He is sure that being twins creates a special link between them and now 'senses' that Woodsy is in great danger. He wants to find out what is happening.
Scoutbadger is detained by Edmund and asks Martis (his best friend) to take their group of friends to the hazelnut tree that Martis spotted from the top of his tree. It is full of nuts and they must collect them before the village Tomcats beat them to it. Martis is very proud of his task but on the way his bossy attitude is catastrophic and irritates the children. Rosie decides to become leader instead but this does not please Martis at all.
When snow strands Spencer on Sodor, he delights in boasting to the other engines by talking about meeting the abominable snowman, which frightens Henry. The next day Spencer is reluctantly put to work helping Henry and he delights in teasing Henry about the abominable snowman again, taking every opportunity to play up his fear, but when they meet a man covered from head to toe in snow, it is Spencer who is the most frightened of all and it is Henry out tries to protect him. Luckily the snow covered man turns out to be the Fat Controller.
Mr. Mayor is planning a party to celebrate the town's founder Crandall Crankcase and the unveiling of a new statue. Somehow the statue gets mixed up with another one and soon it's very little time before the party begins. Mr. Mayor makes Tommy Tow Truck to go the other Town and switch the statues and Mr. Mayor order him to go fast, really fast.
Tigers very excited when his new rocket arrives. Hes not so excited when it refuses to take off. With a bit of help from Kipper and Sock Thing, everything works out fine.
Pig suggests Kipper takes some of his unwanted things to a jumble sale. He points out that if Kipper gets rid of old stuff, he will have more room for new stuff. Kipper is almost convinced until he realises his precious comics have to go.
Kevin and Doug are going out to look for fireflies at night and take Jenny along on their firefly adventure. Kevin packs sacks and drinks drinks for everybody, but Doug forgets the map and flashlight he was supposed to bring. They are going anyway and seem to get lost, but finally discover a light which they think is the fireflies… While the three of them are searching Owl Forest which is also known for its “forest monster” mom calls Poli for help to look for the kids as they left without telling her. Luckily the rescue team find them fast after some confusing moments in the dark where everybody was unsure what they see. Poli teaches everybody that its important to be extra careful whenever youre in the dark.
Brewster and Wilson compete to earn their Helping Wheels badge. However they get so caught up trying to outdo each other, that they dont help anyone. Koko beats them to it, winning her badge by helping a little girl rescue her kite. In the end, Wilson and Brewster help each other out and decide to work together as a team to earn their badge.
Zephie has never worked in the Safari Park before, so shes excited to be taking the vet, Dr. Gosling, to give the animals their checkups. Emery teases her, saying shed better watch out for the monkeys. They might pull her wipers or steal her bell! Zephie gets worried. When Dr. Gosling says hed like to start with the monkeys, she asks if they can do the giraffes and elephants instead. When theres no putting it off anymore, Zephie makes an excuse and runs off! Unfortunately, she races right into the monkey enclosure.
Brewster overhears Morgan talking about something going to the scrap yard, and then hears Pete saying how worn out he is. Brewster jumps to the conclusion that its Pete whos going to the scrap yard! He and the other trainees determine to help Pete by doing all of his work for him. A farce ensues as the trainees rush around doing Petes work as well as their own. Pete is completely unaware of this - but he thinks its a little spooky that his loads keep disappearing!
The Junior Rangers go to the rainforest to find a new home for a goliath birdeater spider. But can the Junior Rangers scare off a pair of weasels who are preying on their eight-legged friend?
A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Train Station in Pencaster is getting a brand new stained glass window but, um, the locals think that the new 'modern art' window isn't all that great.. Pat's job is to deliver it but when it gets a dangerous crack in it during the journey Ajay says he can't accept the delivery. It's a Special Delivery: Mission Not Accomplished! Oh dear! Pat knows exactly who to ask for help and the children of Greendale School find their gorgeious mosaic picture of Greendale comes in very handy.
Mrs Goggins has organised a fun 'Sculpture Trail' and lots of friends including the children have been busy making their own sculptures to add to the display. P.C Selby's made a giant policeman's helmet, Alf's made a straw tractor, Reverend Timms has even made a giant angel! Trouble is naughty Rosie the goat has nibbled bits off all the pieces. The children's lovely model of Jess the Cat is destroyed. Disaster! Pat has a plan though. He uses all the bits and bobs from other scultpures to mend the children's sculpture and everyone's very happy indeed with the result.
Bing and Sula head off for a picnic at the paddling pool with Flop. But when they get there, they are shocked to find there is no water inside. Bings disappointment soon gives way to the realisation that its a very special pool day. With no water there are all sorts of games they can play that are usually against the pool rules.
During Bings bedtime routine he inadvertently pees on his blankie and its too wet to wash and dry before bed. Fortunately his Hoppity Voosh toy has a cape just as soft and huggy as blankie and it even smells just right too.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Bing and Sula discover a new toy at Ammas creche, a talking ride on car. It seems like fun until Talkie Taxi keeps saying the same thing over and over again. When the taxi crashes and is finally silenced Bing and Sula use their imagination to play a game they really want to play without being dictated to by the noisy taxi.
Its a windy day and Bing wants to fly his Hoppity Voosh kite with Flop. And he wants to do it all by himself. Even when Pando arrives and wants to help Bing insists on doing it his way. When the kite gets caught up in the park bench Bing realises that there are some times when another pair of hands comes in handy.
To earn their badges, Wilson and Brewster must rescue Emery, who will pretend to be broken down in a tunnel. They spend so much time bickering that a fed up Emery drives off. It looks like Wilson and Brewster wont earn their badges – until theres a power cut causing a real emergency. They work together and rescue a now genuinely stranded Emery!
On a hot sunny day, Oswald, Weenie, Henry and Daisy decide to go to Johnnys Snowcone Shop to get some delicious snow cones. But when they arrive they find that Johnny Snowman has run out of snow! Determined to get their treats, they take the wagon to gather fresh snow from the top of Kitty-Katskill Mountain. They select the sweetest crunchiest snow and head home. But they accidentally start an avalanche and find themselves being chased by a giant snowball. Oswald saves the day by guiding the snowball into the Snowcone Shop and everyone celebrates - with lots of snow cones!
Oswald, Weenie, Henry and Daisy head to Big Lake on a fishing trip. Everyone is very excited, especially Henry whos looking forward to catching his favourite waggle fish and showing off his fishing skills. But despite all their efforts, they end up catching everything but fish. Henry thinks the day is ruined until they catch something much better: a treasure chest containing the most beautiful waggle fish they have ever seen!
Bob and the team have been busy building a new water park, “Spring City Splash” that includes a wave pool and splash zone. Now there is only one thing left to build... the double dragon water slide. Scoop loves dragons and cannot wait to help build the slides, but when he is asked to help build the support beams instead, he is less than impressed with his job. As Bob attaches the new water park entrance sign, Scoop digs foundations for the support beams. Suddenly Scoop becomes distracted with the arrival of the dragon slides and doesnt finish the foundations. He attempts to see the dragon slides only to be sent back to finish his job. Now totally eager to get to the slides, Scoop rushes to complete his job and doesnt realise that the support beams are not set and are beginning to lean.
Leo and Muck are having great fun playing the very latest computer game “Space Robots!” Bob reminds them theyve got an early start in the morning. Muck pleads to stay up a bit longer and Leo promises theyll get a good nights sleep…just as soon as they reach the top level of the game. But at dawn theyre still playing! Next morning, Leo and Muck are very tired and sleepy. Bob explains that they have to finish building The Spring City Wheel, a huge Ferris-wheel, in the Docklands Regeneration Area. Hes promised the Spring City Rockets theyll be the first to ride on it - today! Bob and the gang drive towards the site but on the way Muck and Leo stop to have a quick nap.
Can you guess how much I love you? Little Nutbrown Hare asks his father. Big Nutbrown Hare looks up at the big, old oak tree. As much as the Old Oak Tree is big? he asks. Little Nutbrown Hare holds up an acorn in triumph. No, as big as this acorn! He replies. Because this acorn will just keep growing and growing and growing.
One morning in the early Springtime, Little Nutbrown Hare wakes to find the air filled with a delightful smell. He and Little Field Mouse search all over the meadow, the woods and by the riverside to find the source of the wonderful smell. They discover all kinds of new and unexpected Spring scents… sweet, pretty and fresh, but will they find the one they are searching for?
Little Nutbrown Hare watches as Blue Birds eggs hatch into three happy, chirpy baby birds. Fascinated and charmed by these youngsters, he visits them every day and even helps teach them to sing, play and fly. But how will he feel when Summer is on its way and they are ready to fly the nest and make homes of their own?
When Crackpot accidentally breaks Inuis sledge she finds a suitable replacement: her own bed. Grouchy is pleased that he wont have to forgo his sledging fun and sets off downhill. He makes the bed bobsleigh go into a spin until he slows to a stop and dizzily dismounts. Lady P heaves a sigh of exasperation. They really need her to show them how it is done! She lands on the pack ice and bails out just in time as the bed disappears into the icy water. No problem for Inui. She rides the ice-encased sledge downhill only to crash into a tree. The ice jacket around the sledge shatters leaving the bed untouched by the collision. Crackpot remarks that its a lucky thing she hit that tree or shed be sleeping on a block of ice tonight!
Mr. Rabbit makes up coupons for free cookies to celebrate the grand opening of his cookie shop and gives them to his young son to drop in the mailbox outside. But the coupons never arrive. After chasing down the clues from the mail carrier to the post office and back again, Huckle determines that Jr Rabbit mistakenly dropped the coupons into the trash container beside the mail box. /A model boat is mysteriously broken and Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to discover how it happened.
It's the day of Mayor Oki's Ice-skate Skate-tacular. Only there is too much ice and it's stopping everyone from getting to the show! Messy must find away to metl the ice and save the show.
Messy is in the kitchen making a jam sandwich. He jumps to grab the sandwich from the side but accidentally loses his grip - whoops! Poor Messy, his sandwich is all over the floor! “But why do things always fall down and not up?” he asks and transports himself to Okido to find out. In Okido, Messy joins Zoe and Felix in the garden, who are stargazing at the night sky. They spot a shooting star. As it zips across the sky it starts to get bigger in size. Now its travelling towards them! “Duck”, shouts Messy, as it lands right in front of them.
When Sour wishes she could have a birthday all her very own, her twin sister Sweet grants her wish by forgoing celebrating her birthday. But what begins as a day that Sour has always dreamed of quickly becomes a disappointment when she misses her twin. With Strawberry's help, Sour gives her birthday back to Sweet with a special surprise.
A preschool boy named Harry receives a bucket full of toy dinosaurs. This bucket holds a secret --- by using its power, Harry can travel with his dinosaurs to an amazing land of imagination called Dino World.
When Harry thinks his delicious cookie has been stolen he goes to Dino-World where he plays at being a detective searching for the thief.
Chuck and friends try to stay up late to welcome in the New Year.
Toot doesnt want to do track inspection with Hoot. To get out of it, she pretends she isnt feeling well. At first she enjoys getting lots of attention, but when Morgan thinks her flywheel needs replacing, which means having her engine taken out and spending the night in the repair shed, Toot realises shes gone too far. She confesses that theres nothing wrong with her - she just didnt want to do the track inspection! Toot realises she has caused a lot of trouble for everyone and promises never to do it again. She and Hoot head off to do the track inspection. Actually, It turns out to be really fun and Toot realises she was making a fuss over nothing.
Hoot and Toot do a good deed to help Wilson so Vee rewards them with a gold wheel. But they get greedy and want another and go about it all the wrong way.
When Gracie hears a mysterious tapping in Roquefort Hall, she is afraid that the place is haunted.
All of Angelina's friends are vying for her attention.
Its Spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth. He sets off cross- country to find it, with Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, but the journey is longer and harder than he remembered. Will the blossoms floating downstream give them a clue as to a shorter way home?
Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends go on a hunt for treasure in the meadow and collect all kinds of unique gems like flowers, feathers, apples and egg-shells. But theres a hole in Little Nutbrown Hares leaf-bag and he loses the precious collection along the way. Luckily, Big Nutbrown Hare is not far behind to collect the lost treasure as well as follow its trail to find his son.
Pico and Rosie do not agree with the days plans made by their respective families. Pico dreams of having some independence while Rose wants calm and attention. They decide to change places.
After a solar panel demonstration, Mayor Madison decrees that the Sea Life Center will be entirely powered by renewable energy. Bob and the team must build a wind farm, which excites Scoop - he can't wait to see the 'spinny things' going round. As they begin construction, Mr Bentley arrives and pulls Bob away, enthusing about other renewable energy schemes they have planned. Spring City will need more energy as it grows, so they need to think ahead. Scoop decides he should think ahead like Mr Bentley suggests, and convinces Lofty to move some of the turbines closer together.
Bob announces theres been a Spring City Clock Competition to design the new Spring City Clock – and guess whos won? The Spring City Rockets! Bob shows the Machines their winning design and explains that metal figures will emerge and sound the bells on the clock. Wendy has been welding the metal figures together. Leo arrives and is looking forward to helping Bob with the decorative cladding around the clock tower but Bob tells him its Recycling Day today and his job is to take all the recycling to the Centre first. Bob and the Machines set off to the site while Leo and Muck gather up the boxes of recycling from around the Yard. But Leo is in such a hurry that he mistakes the box with the metal figures in for recycling and dumps it at the Recycling Centre.
It seems some sort of monster is causing havoc in Busytown Lake. The kids catch glimpses of it and find numerous finny footprints by the shoreline. However closer investigation reveals it to be Mr Fix-Its latest invention – a swim fin-wheeled amphibious submarine car!/Huckle and his pals try to track down a bad driver.
Leo is shocked to find an electric eel in the garden pond! The Junior Rangers travel to South America to return the eel to its home, but their mission takes a wild turn when they meet an anaconda.
Leo spots a South African cheetah cub in his garden. The Junior Rangers journey to the savannah to locate the cheetah cubs mother, but the cheetah cub is captured halfway by illegal hunters. Will the Junior Rangers have enough speed to catch up with these criminals?
Fireman Sam
The Triplets armchair is quite damaged, Mommy decided to recover it with a new fabric and it will be to the siblings to choose the color! Poet wants blue, the color of the sky, Turbulent wants green, the countrys color, and Girl wants yellow, the color of the sun! Not easy to agree on a same color but careful! If they dont decide quickly, Mommy will, and she has some strange color ideas like grey, the color of the rain!
Its the night and The Triplets and Grandpa are at the beach to observe the night of the shooting stars. The Triplets are really really excited and ask a lot of questions to Grandpa. He explains to them that when you discover a new star you can name it after yourself, and when you see a shooting star you must make a wish. When they see their first shooting star, the Triplets wish for exactly the same thing, to have their own little star, The Triplets star!
In Grandpas garden, Turbulent is fascinated by the super heroes stories he can read in his book. He wishes too to be a Kind Vigilante who saves the lovely and the helpless. Unfortunately, every time he tries to save someone, his sister who stucked her kite in a tree or his brother who is afraid of a spider for example, Grandpa always comes first and fixes the problem. When Turbulent was at the most discouraging point, a new villain appears ant kidnap all the people he loves, the Kind Vigilante is back in business!
Bing and Sula go to the park to feed the ducks. Sula is very good at standing quietly and giving the ducks just the right amount of food. Bing throws all his duck food into the water in one go and gets more than he bargained for when a big flappy goose comes to gobble it all up.
Its snack time for Bing but the only banana left is too mushy to eat. Flop suggests making a smoothie with it instead. Disaster strikes when Bings carrot accidentally gets put into the blender as well and when it gets shredded Bing is upset to discover that his carrot has changed and that he cant have it back.
Bing finds a frog in the garden and wants to keep it so he and Sula make the frog a house in a bucket. But froggy doesnt like her new home and hops out. Maybe theyve not thought enough about what froggy really needs in her home.
Bing wants to play his car park game with Flop but Charlie is visiting and keeps messing up the game. Bing wants Charlie to go away so Flop with Charlie in the kitchen. Bing doesnt enjoy his game on his own and finds out that some games are better played together.
Natureza wants to study a very rare butterfly that lives on trees on top of mountain peaks. At David's requests, Grisu accompanies her – as a junior pilot – on a hot air ballon ride to the peaks. As Grisu never flew one, there's a bunch of comic mishaps before they manage to reach the mountains. But as they're getting close to the butterfly, the balloon accidently bumps into flying Fumé. Surprised Grisu breathes a flame on the envelope heater, ruining it and bringing them back down to the ground. But a firefighter never gives up. Grisu asks his father to throw a big flame in the balloon envelope. They take off again and head for the butterfly!
When Pettson and Findus return from an outing in the forest, they discover a dead magpie in the yard - the nosey parker. Findus and the chickens are very sad about this. Pettson explains to them that the magpie was very old. They all decide to give her a nice funeral by the lakeside. During the preparations, they fondly remember the little experiences they had with her.
In trying to teach Paddles hurling, Fagan and Bracken are a bit too competitive, and despite Paddles best efforts on the pitch soon theres a falling out, with Bridie caught in the middle. Paddles is very downcast and wishes they could all be friends again. The Old Moor Hen suggests a visit to the Magical Wishing Tree. Overhearing, Fagan thinks this might just make all his dreams come true! But what sort of wishes really come true, and who will visit the tree?
One Autumn day Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse convince Little Grey Squirrel to leave his pile of spotted acorns unattended, so they can all play with the crunchy leaves. While theyre gone Little Redwood Fox discovers the yummy acorns and takes them home. Once she finds out they actually belong Little Grey Squirrel, she has to decide whether to give them back or keep them.
Berry, Dolly, Stanley, Balthazar, Flutter and Bubble are hiking in the forest on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly they recognized that someone is crying in the bush. They found a mushroom without his hat. The friends immediately start to help him.
One spring day, Frank longhorn beetle visits his friend, Stanley. Frank suggests to organize a football match. Everyone wants to play football, the two teams get together quickly. The girls cheer on the sidelines. The game is about to start.
Ruff-Ruff and Dave both want to be Tweets best friend, but Tweet cant choose between them. So Hatty takes them all on a Friends Adventure to help Tweet decide. Helping feuding friends, Danny Duck and Penny Hen to be good friends again, by showing them how to take it in turns and share, they soon realise it is possible to have more than one best friend. And they all agree that Hatty is everyones best friend!
Books are full of secrets that can all be uncovered! But when Conni suddenly loses her favorite book, she discovers where to buy or borrow books and even how to learn stories by heart and tell them to others.
A visit to the doctors can be really fun, as Conni discovers when she is told to hop on one leg, guide her fingertips to the tip of her nose and then memorize lots of colorful pictures as in the memory game. Actually, she would like to go to the pediatrician again next week.
What lives in a garden and is busy during the Spring? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a bee.
Who is the king of hide and seek in the forest? Doodleboo explains how to draw a squirrel.
What's the best guardian of treasure? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Dragon.
What really makes a vacation unforgettable? Doodbleboo explains how to draw a Camera.
Its a grey day in the real world. Messy monster is looking out of the window and sees something hes ever seen before. A beautiful arch made up of every colour you can possibly imagine appears between the clouds. Bigger and bigger it gets, as it stretches across the gloomy grey sky, but what is it? “When you need to know, go to OKIDO” says Messy and he transports himself to Okido to find out.
In the real world, Messy is in the garden searching for his caterpillar friends. He is sure hes found the bush where they used to live but strangely the bush is now home to lots of pretty butterflies. “I wonder whats happened to them?” When you need to know go to Okido. Messy lands in Okido just in time to join Zim, Zoe and Felix on a nature walk. They begin down the path ready to spot as many different types of flowers, plants, animals, birds and insects as they can. Felix suddenly stops “Look” he cries. “Its a caterpillar” says Zim rushing towards it. They realise the giant caterpillar has lost her friends and looks very sad.
All the balls at Farmer Patrick Pig's new mini putt are disappearing. After much investigation Huckle and the gang track the missing balls to Patrick's record breaking egg laying chicken. / When the gold coins Mr Fix It finds on the beach disappear, Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to find out where they went.
Daisy and Ollie enjoy playing a game of fetch with Herbie, but when Herbie starts to behave differently and the children realise that he isnt his bouncy self, Whizzy diagnoses that they need to visit Vet Louise. The Veterinary clinic is like a doctors surgery for animals. Daisy & Ollie help Vet Louise check Herbies heartbeat and She discovers he has a thorn stuck in his paw, poor Herbie. With a little rest and a carefully applied bandage he should be feeling like his happy old self soon.
A fun game of table tennis leads to the surprise discovery of a baby sea turtle and some sea turtle eggs! Can the Junior Rangers return the baby sea turtle and eggs to the beach while keeping them safe from hungry raccoons?
The Junior Rangers bring a greater mouse-deer back to its home in the rainforest. But can the Junior Rangers rescue the mouse-deer when it gets caught in an animal trap?
Jess sets out to re-assure his frightened friends by working out what the noise is in the sky that's so loud.
Jess is hoping that soon it will snow so that they can make snow kittens and play in the snow like they did last year. First though he has to work out what the weather would have to be like for the snow to come..
Harry and Charlie are arguing over what the moon is made of. In order to settle their dispute they take a rocket journey to the moon via Dino World.
Pat needs to deliver a piano for Lizzys first ever concert. The problem is that the piano has wheels, and its as if it has a mind of its own. It slips and slides, rolls down the hills and looks like it is never going to be delivered. With Pumpkins help, Pat makes it just in time for the concert.
This popular series follows the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor.
This popular series follows the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor.
Professor Smeraldo, in the middle of a pyramid exploration, calls Fumé to have some information about Thudnose, a pharaoh who was nicknamed The Dragon Pharaoh. Unfornutately, the video communication is not good and is quickly cut off. Grisu and Fumé go to Egypt to give Smeraldo a hand. Unfortunately, they don't know how to get into the pyramid to meet him, so they have no other choice than find their way all by themselves, like Egyptologist. Grisu manages to use and decrypt the pharaoh's secret motto. They finally find Smeraldo. Grisu helps him to overcome the final obstacle to eventually discover the marvelous sarcophagus of Thudnose!
Grisu and Stella are wandering in the harbour eating an ice-cream. David arrives by car, he comes to see his friend Olivier, a sailor whose expedition has just fallen through. Olivier was supposed to go sailing and clear up the mystery of the “Mermaid pass” but his teammates have withdrawn at the last minute. Fortunately, Grisu can replace them. And here are Olivier and Grisu leaving on the planned expedition. But they didn't notice that Stella is also on board, locked in a closet in spite of herself.
There is a sand sculpture competition taking place on Fixham Beach and Leo is the designated Weather Forecaster for the day; his weather app assures him there is a heat-wave on the way. Mayor Madison is judging the teams (including late entrants Bob and Wendy) but loses a special loaned ring. The partly built sand sculptures are demolished in the search but the ring still isnt found, so Mr Bentley fetches his metal detector and combs the beach while the sculptures are rebuilt. When the skies darken ominously, Leo realises hes been checking the wrong Spring City and that a freak storm is heading for them.
When an old factory needs demolishing to make way for a new skyscraper, Bob says they will need to bring down the factory's tall chimney using explosives. Lofty is nervous about the noise of the explosion, but Scoop hopes it's as big and loud as possible. As they begin to knock down the main building, Lofty becomes increasingly spooked by unexpected crashes and bangs around the site - most of them caused by Scoop. Bob tries to reassure Lofty, but when Scoop surprises the crane by shouting 'KA-BOOM', Lofty accidentally smashes the girder he's carrying against the chimney and creates a hole. Now the chimney might fall the wrong way into the nearby street.
When Little Nutbrown Hare, Little Field Mouse and Big Nutbrown Hare go up to high meadow with Big Nutbrown Hare they get caught in the mist. Its a little scary so they hold hands and pass the time by playing guessing games. As the mist starts to lift, they see a beautiful circle rainbow around the sun.
Little Nutbrown Hare is excited because Big Nutbrown Hare has agreed to meet him later to play games. When his father arrives to tell him a storm is coming and he needs to gather food instead, Little Nutbrown Hare is hiding so Big Nutbrown Hare leaves. He searches the meadow for his father, more and more disappointed, but when he learns why Big Nutbrown Hare couldnt play this time, he understands.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
The Triplets are quietly playing cards on the top bunk and Turbulent is taking all the place, which annoys Girl and Poet. Turbulent replies that if they're unhappy, they can leave HIS bed! For Turbulent, his bed is a dungeon and you can only enter with the right imaginary ticket ! To get even with him, Girl and Poet decide to make their bed become an hotel and a restaurant in THEIR bed. And Turbulent is not welcome. Nobody is happy with their place anymore. Mommy will have to find a clever way to close the argument.
Today Poet is sick, he cant go to school and Mommy decides to prepare him a good hot milk with honey. Girl and Turbulent are so jealous and they wonder if Poet would not be Mommys favorite! Once they come home from school, they even find Poet in Mommys bed: there is no doubt anymore, he is her favorite! They decide to take a drastic decision, they will leave the house, let Mommy and Poet alone and they will regret it. But Mommy has a solution of her own to put an end to this conflict.
Berry Bitty City holds its first talent show. When the girls discover a talent scout will attend, Lemon decides she has to perform without any help from her friends, even though they are all helping each other.
Leo, Katie and Hero get to know a feathery new friend—an Indian peacock! They bring the peacock to the rainforest to look for peahens, but end up crossing paths with two jungle cats.
A trip to the rainforest becomes necessary when a clouded leopard cub turns up in the garden. The Junior Rangers search for the cubs mother, but are set back when the cub gets entangled in some tree vines above water.
Jess and Horace want to play Boat Racing on the pond - but first the need work out how to make a boat! Some things are too heavy, some are too light… having tried lots of options and worked out that they need something light and boat shaped, they make Mimi's paper hats into boats for their boat race. Perfect!
It's Willow's apple picking party today, but some of the friends just are too chilly to go. Jess tries to work out how to keep them all warm, should they cover themselves in mud just like frogs do? Should they wrap themselves up in straw? Or might running around be the trick to getting them all toasty warm?
Harry is upset to learn that he must return his library book so decides to hide the book in Dino-World.
Tigers very excited when his new rocket arrives. Hes not so excited when it refuses to take off. With a bit of help from Kipper and Sock Thing, everything works out fine.
Pig suggests Kipper takes some of his unwanted things to a jumble sale. He points out that if Kipper gets rid of old stuff, he will have more room for new stuff. Kipper is almost convinced until he realises his precious comics have to go.
Timmy likes football. What other things does Timmy like?
In trying to teach Paddles hurling, Fagan and Bracken are a bit too competitive, and despite Paddles best efforts on the pitch soon theres a falling out, with Bridie caught in the middle. Paddles is very downcast and wishes they could all be friends again. The Old Moor Hen suggests a visit to the Magical Wishing Tree. Overhearing, Fagan thinks this might just make all his dreams come true! But what sort of wishes really come true, and who will visit the tree?
While playing tag in the school yard with his friends, Simon goes running into a tree trunk and gets a big bump on his head. The principal calls his mother and tells her that he should be taken to the hospital for x-rays, just in case. Ferdinand scares the daylights out of Simon when he tells him about all of the horrible things that await him in the hospital, but on the way there, mommy reassures him. The doctor is just as reassuring as Mommy and Simon finds the tests hes given, amusing. Like the supersonic wheelchair and even more than that, the magical camera that takes pictures of the inside of his head!
Belmiro hid himself from everyone. The baby Electric Fish doesnt want to hurt his friends anymore with involuntary shocks. But his friends love him very much, and dont care about the shocks, so they call Tainá and her gang to find Belmiro. After getting a lot of shocks and even getting into trouble with a jaguar, Tainá manages to bring Belmiro back to his friends, who are more than happy to see him again – they literally “lit up”, just like lamps, when they hug him. Belmiro really is a shock!
The White-lipped peccaries are a kind of Amazonian pig-like mammal, who live in groups and make a huge mess everywhere they go! Tainá and her friends are called out in order to avoid that, because the peccaries are destroying the forest in their “Yearly Mess Around Festival”. But the only way to convince them to “cease fire” is to defeat them in the Festivals challenges, and in order to do that, not only Tainá, but also Pepe, Catu and Suri will need to play.
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to Peru to take a marvellous spatuletail home. But what can they do when the hungry bird falls into a deep sleep?
The Junior Rangers bring a wild boar in their garden back to the forest. There, Ranger Rocky advises the Junior Rangers to find the boars sounder, which is a group of female wild boars and their young children.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave go in search of Littlest Bunnys missing cuddly carrot toy. They search all the places that Little Bunny has played that day, one by one, without success. Its only when they have learned to look carefully and check big open spaces thoroughly, by walking slowly in lines from one side to the other, that they find it. They also find Penny Hens lost scarf, Herman the Hermit Crabs beach bucket and Cindy Squirrels missing nuts!
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave have fun at the Animal Day Parade. They decorate their Rollypod trailers, transforming them into colourful floats and give some of their animal friends a lift to the parade. The parade queen is chosen and everyone ready, until Sneezy Sheeps giant parade balloon floats away! Hatty saves the day and proudly leads them all in the parade.
To crawl like crocodile and to swing on lianas just like a monkey! Have you been in the jungle today? Dad is amazed. No! Conni goes exercising and thats a lot of fun. Especially, since she soon learns to perform a leap-frog, which is something she never dared to do before. Even I cant do that dad declares. Maybe he should also do some exercises.
On the beach, there is a contest for the most beautiful sandcastle and a balloon trip to win. Doodleboo and Sketcky, enthusiastic, would like to participate. Doodleboo knows a very useful Riddleboo.
Sketcky shows off in front of Bubble with his old sea bass tricorn. According to him, there is nothing more important for a pirate captain than to have a hat. But Doodleboo has an idea of what can be even more valuable for a pirate!
Seeing Bubble miming one of Doodleboos waltzes, Sketcky sees Bubble very well participating in the princess ball, but he lacks something to get there. Sketcky has no idea, but Doodleboo has one, perfect for princesses.
Messy borrows Zoe's umbrella and it gets swept away by the rain. Messy and his friends go on a white water adventure down the drain in search for it!
When Messy accidentally sets Farmer Fuddles sheep loose, he must help round them up in time for their annual wool shearing. But will Messy be brave enough to get a fur-cut of his own?
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
In January, Eddy the Potato beetle and his friends visit Stanley, who presents his new toy cars. Eddy would like to try out the silver truck but accidentally breaks it. The next day, Eddy confesses his mistake and compensates Stanley with a golden-colored vehicle, while Patrik, the handyman beetle, repairs the wheel.
In February, the little friends gather for a carnival party and agree that there won't be a costume competition. Instead, the girls dress up as vegetables, while the boys dress up as fruits. However, Katie, the yellow ladybird and Snail Sam are not aware of this arrangement. So when they burst into Vende's house where the ball is taking place, everyone teams up to creatively transform their costumes. The friends enjoy the celebration, which is made complete by a large basket of colorful carnival donuts. On their way home, they admire the first snowdrops.
The five girls are getting ready for a spring welcoming party, where they will perform a spring dance. They share their plan with the mushrooms, who are thrilled and offer their hats. Rosita, the rose beetle promises to return them, but Berry puts the hats back incorrectly. Rosita puts them back in the correct order and, as an apology, the girls also present their dance to the mushrooms.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Tomorrow is Show and Tell and the pupils must bring in something interesting to show the class. The most interesting exhibit will have pride of place on the Nature Table. The competition is on!
Pat needs to deliver a piano for Lizzys first ever concert. The problem is that the piano has wheels, and its as if it has a mind of its own. It slips and slides, rolls down the hills and looks like it is never going to be delivered. With Pumpkins help, Pat makes it just in time for the concert.
Grisu has promised Mr. Toramento to help him clean up the beach. The problem is that he has more important things to do, like taking the fire truck ride that David promised him. Or even more urgently, helping his firefighting heroes find the fire truck keys that David lost. So, he messes up his work, until he realizes that it's better to do things right. At the end he eventually finds the keys and gets his fire truck ride.
Grisu wants to set up a special birthday party for Fumé at the pizzeria, and to offer him his favorite pizza. Unfortunately, Mr. Guellec has hurt his arm and he can't harvest the tomatoes that the pizza sauce requires. With Stella's help, Grisu turns into a farmer but it's not an easy task to harvest Guellec's high tomato plants for such a tiny dragon. Fortunately, Grisu has plenty of ideas: if you can't reach the tomatoes, try to make the tomatoes reaching you! And after having burnt the cart he needs to deliver the tomatoes in time, Grisu finds a way to achieve his mission by creating the first rolling catamaran!
This evening, André and Eva, Simon and Gaspards parents are going out and they have hired a babysitter, Marion, to look after the kids. It turns out the boys had some pretty misconstrued notions about Marion and the babysitter has her work cut out for her. But Marion is very resourceful and super clever and super nice. So much so that the next day, Simon asks his parents if theyre not by chance going to go out again tonight so Marion can come babysit them!
Daddy is very busy today: he is baking a super cake for Mommys birthday. Everything has to be ready so they can surprise her when she gets home from the office. Simon and Gaspard have promised daddy that they will straighten up their rooms and set the table for the big event. But the two brothers also want to prepare their own surprise for mommy.. In order to get everything done in time, Simon and Gaspard realize they are going to have to straighten up their room and set the table…in their own particular fashion! Whoa, is Mommy ever going to be surprised!
Little Nutbrown Hare watches as Blue Birds eggs hatch into three happy, chirpy baby birds. Fascinated and charmed by these youngsters, he visits them every day and even helps teach them to sing, play and fly. But how will he feel when Summer is on its way and they are ready to fly the nest and make homes of their own?
As the family are gathering in food for the winter, Berry becomes ill and is the focus of her parents attention. Her brothers and sisters, who would rather laze around instead of sorting redcurrants or nuts, notice this. Now, one after the other, they all fall ill… with much playacting. Edmund and Margaret are not fooled and come up with a response as they have every intention of having a relaxed moment tasting some nice, fresh redcurrant juice….
Rosie, Scoutbadger, Woodsy and Berry decide to put on a show for their parents. They make a little theatre but Scoutbadger wants to control everything and thinks he is a star. His team quits and each one goes off to rehearse an act alone. Woodsy will juggle with plums, Rosie will walk on stilts and Berry will do acrobatics. Meanwhile, Scoutbadger rehearses his one-badger show but finally goes hoarse….
Salty loves to talk about things like sea monsters and to tell tall tales and scary stories that sometimes frighten other engines. Then one day the Fat Controller decides to lend Salty to help out at a port on the mainland. Salty is happy to help, until he hears that the bridge is out and that he must travel by ship. Than Saltys wild imagination gets the better of him and he runs away. His scary stories have scared him too and now hes the one who has to overcome his fears!
Harry Hot Rod is out on the streets, making his usual pranks. But today instead of laughing, the citizens get mad at him, telling him he's gone way too far this time. Harry is baffled; he doesn't understand at all what he is doing that is making everyone so upset, so he tries really hard to be a good citizen.
Kipper and Tiger are having great fun with the hosepipe and paddling pool. Unfortunately Tiger didnt attach the hosepipe to the tap properly and suddenly theres water everywhere.
Pig sets up a sweet shop with Arnold as his assistant. Kipper says hed like one of each but Pig wants to be paid. He says hell take a conker in exchange for a gobstopper. But hes made the same offer to Tiger – and in a game of conkers with Kipper, it turns out Tigers world beating conker is, in fact, a gobstopper on a string!
Kevin and Doug got to Jenny to do homework together and Jenny promises to bake cubcakes which Doug really is looking forward to. On his way to Jenny Doug shows Musty the way to the hospital and then helps Mary to get her cat Coco from a tree. Because he then hurries – as he does not want to be late for these Cubcakes - he crosses a red light and gets hit by a car. Everybody is worried that he hurt himself but Doug just runs away as he still does not want to be late. Only at Jennys he feels some pain and seeks his knee is bleeding. In the meanwhile Poli arrived on the scene and from the descriptions understands the boy in the accident was Doug.
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster must keep to a schedule picking up passengers. Koko is too eager and gets ahead of schedule, while Brewster is too cautious and gets behind schedule – but in the end, they both learn to run on time!
Old 'Picky Nicky' Inspector Nicholas is coming to conduct Chuggington Depots annual inspection. The chuggers swing into action getting things ready. Emery has a day off and really wants to help. He bosses everyone about and generally gets in the way. An exasperated Vee sends him to the station to wait for the Inspector. Emery finds a young woman there, and - as he has a bit of time before the inspector arrives - he takes her on a tour of the depot. His assumption that the inspector is a stuffy old man leads him to spill the beans about the depots shortcomings to the young woman, who turns out to be the new inspector! Mr. Nicholas has retired.
Dunbar and Nurse David from Chuggington Hospital are teaching the trainees how to use the ambulance car. Shouting over the noise of the siren, Dunbar loses his voice. Morgan cant find out whats wrong, but he suggests that Dunbar rest. Inspired by his lesson, Wilson decides to nurse Dunbar. Unfortunately hes a little too attentive, but Dunbar doesnt have any voice to tell him to go away! Determined to find a cure, Wilson consults Nurse David, who tells him that humans sometimes use warm honey and lemon when they lose their voices.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
A swim in the garden brings Leo and Hero up close and personal with a Malayan water monitor. The Junior Rangers set out to search for the monitors home, but will their jeep survive a river crossing after a jeep float gets punctured?
Meera's expecting a Gecko to arrive and has got his lovely tank all ready and cosy to greet her new pet called George. Pat's collected him and is on his way but the gecko has escaped and now everyone's looking all over Greendale for the little chap… The children join in, helping Pat search for him and with Meera's knowledge about geckos and Bill's skill at chirruping just like the little creature he is soon found. Come on George, it's time for your Welcome to Greendale Party thanks to Pat!
Mrs Goggins is really missing her home town in Scotland. A postcard from her sister hints that a gifts on its way and shes really looking forward to receiving it. Pat collects it at the sorting office - paaaarp, boooomph!! Whats that?! Jess nearly jumps out of his black and white skin. Dont panic, its just a set of BAGPIPES! On the way to deliver them to Mrs Goggins the bagpipes come in rather useful and Pat even masters the art of playing them - just in time to deliver them to Mrs G with much celebration and booming along the way.
Its bath time and Bing just cant help adding a few more quirts of bubble goo…and a few more….and a few more, until he gets more bubbles than he can handle.
Bing goes to play with Sula who is engrossed in a game of sparkle magic when he arrives. Bing wants to play too but Sula finds all sorts of reasons why Bing cant play with her special sparkly things. Amma suggests that Bing makes his own sparkle magic stone but disaster strikes when Bing accidentally spills Sulas precious sparkle dust.
Bing and Pando are in the sandpit pretending to be diggers. Bing wants to dig the biggest hole and gets upset when Pando accidentally fills it in. It takes Flop to show them how they can work together to be just like the digger men they saw planting a tree in the park earlier.
Sula and Amma have come to Bings house for lunch but there are no carrots so Flop pops to the shop to get some. Bing stays behind but its not long before he starts to miss Flop. Missing Flop…its a Bing thing.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
To earn her badge, Koko has to deliver two different types of cargo safely. She goes too fast and nearly breaks her cargo of eggs – then goes too slow, and is nearly late with her cargo of wool. Happily, she realises that different cargos need different delivery methods: slow and steady with the eggs, but faster with the wool. Learning the difference means that she wins her badge!
Oswald offers to watch Roderick Robot's mechanical cat, Tinsel while Roderick gets a buff and shine at the Barber Shop. Oswald thinks it will be easy, but Tinsel's mischievous antics drive him to distraction. The naughty cat runs away and, as he searches for her, Oswald realises that not all pets are as good as Weenie.
Oswald, Weenie and Madame Butterfly discover a huge egg in the park. Realising it has fallen from a nest high up in a tree and not seeing the mother bird anywhere, a caring Oswald decides to take the egg home to his flat where it will be safe. Meanwhile Madame Butterfly will wait at the nest to tell the mother bird where her egg is. Oswald soon discovers that looking after such a delicate egg is not easy. When he finally reaches the safety of his flat, the egg hatches and the Me Ta Bird chick is reunited with her mother.
Bob and the team are setting up the Spring City Halloween Festival. Everyone is excited except Lofty. Lofty thinks Halloween is scary, so when he is sent to collect a giant ghost decoration he is more than nervous. Meanwhile Wendy is trying to play a Halloween trick on Bob but keeps ending up with the joke on her. Lofty arrives to collect the ghost decoration from Curtis but even the crate it is stored in looks scary. Determined to be brave, Lofty picks up the crate. But then he hears a rattling sound and thinks its the ghost. He zooms off, still carrying the crated ghost, hoping to get his scary job over with. By rushing off, he doesnt realise that the crate is not locked.
Bob and his crew are building a special area to celebrate local citizens who have improved the life of Spring City. Each recipient will get to see his or her image inside a golden star on a plinth. But Mayor Madison is struggling to decide who exactly will feature in the very first golden star. Various suggestions include Mr. Bentley, who is very keen to be chosen, Tilly and Jenny. But when the Spring City Rockets suggest Betsy, Scoop decides that the honour should go to a machine – and that machine should be him. Scoop shows off in front of Maria hoping he will be chosen. But his reckless behavior results in cutting through an electric cable and causing a massive power cut.
Its Spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth. He sets off cross- country to find it, with Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, but the journey is longer and harder than he remembered. Will the blossoms floating downstream give them a clue as to a shorter way home?
Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends go on a hunt for treasure in the meadow and collect all kinds of unique gems like flowers, feathers, apples and egg-shells. But theres a hole in Little Nutbrown Hares leaf-bag and he loses the precious collection along the way. Luckily, Big Nutbrown Hare is not far behind to collect the lost treasure as well as follow its trail to find his son.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse innocently pick lots of Spring flowers from a field and deliver bunches to their friends. When they realise that they are being followed everywhere by a cloud of yellow butterflies, they realise that the butterflies need the flowers, to feed from their nectar. How will they lead the little butterflies to more flowers and sweet nectar?
Grouchy hears someone calling for help. Snowy, a tiny arctic hare, is trapped under a big icicle. Grouchy lifts the weights as if they were light as a feather and throws them aside. Snowy is impressed. She asks Grouchy to teach her to be a polar bear just like him. Grouchy reluctantly agrees. Snowy tries to lift heavy things, climb an iceberg and swim in the sea - but fails. However, when she rescues Grouchy and his friends from the aftermath of a blizzard she discovers that she might be a very bad polar bear but she is a very good hare.
The kids search for the owner of a sketchbook that contains drawings done from a high point of view. After determining the artist wasn't drawing at the top of a ladder or up in a tree, they discover the sketchbook belongs to one of Busytown's tallest residents, Jeremy Giraffe. / Huckle and gang investigate a strange temperature drop which turns Busytown's summer to winter.
Its morning time in the real world and Messy wakes up to hear a noisy song bird chirping outside his bedroom window. “Whos making all that noise first thing in the morning?” asks a grumpy Messy. He tries to start up a conversation with the bird until he realises he doesnt understand what the bird is saying. “Whats the point of singing a song with no words?” asks Messy and he transports himself to OKIDO to find out.
Its a wet and gloomy day in the real world. Messy is watching from inside whilst the rain pours onto his sandcastle he built earlier, it begins to melt. “Why does it have to rain?” sighs Messy. He transports himself to Okido to find out. The weather couldnt be hotter in Okido. He greets Zoe and Felix in the garden who cant wait to show Messy their beautiful sunflowers before the Mayor of Okido comes judge them in the City in Bloom competition this afternoon.
When a comedy of errors causes Orange, Plum and Cherry to arrive late to their campout, they start off their annual tradition of telling tall-tales around the campfire by making up three outrageous, hysterical accounts of what held them up.
When Harry finds a nest with an egg in it he wants to keep it, but Nana explains that it wouldn't be fair.
Harry wants to stay up all night so he goes to Dino-World where he can play for as long as he wants.
After breaking a gasket, Chuck begins sleep-driving and Digger has to make sure he stays safe.
Wilson revels in being Frostinis special helper and is put out when Hoot and Toot get a chance to assist too. Wilson tries to do everything himself with disastrous consequences.
Hodge breaks down and has to think on his wheels to find a way to alert the other chuggers so he doesnt miss the rolling stock show hes been so excited to get to.
Angelina, Vici and Marco mistakenly think Ms. Mimi is getting married.
When Angelina finds a Valentines card from a secret admirer left at her door step, she and Polly encounter one friend.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse innocently pick lots of Spring flowers from a field and deliver bunches to their friends. When they realise that they are being followed everywhere by a cloud of yellow butterflies, they realise that the butterflies need the flowers, to feed from their nectar. How will they lead the little butterflies to more flowers and sweet nectar?
One clear Spring night, Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse settle in to enjoy Little White Owls story of adventure and treasures. Inspired by her tale, the two set out to try and touch the most special treasure of all – a shiny star. They climb higher and higher but the beautiful stars seem just out of reach. Will they find a way to get their wish?
Rosie has promised to accompany Biva to her exam. However, the very same day, her father Basil arrives unexpectedly.
Saffi has won a “Design a Statue” competition and now Bob and the team are turning her design into a water-fountain for the shopping mall. Saffi explains that her elephant statue design was based on her favourite toy, Mr Trunkers, but has since lost him. So when Muck is chosen to deliver the elephant statue, he promises to take extra special care of it for Saffi. But in his excitement, Muck accidentally knocks the elephant into a wall and scrapes off its paint. Muck cant quite bring himself to own up to Saffi, so decides to tell Bob what has happened first. On his way to tell Bob, Muck overhears Anish telling Saffi how proud he is of her statue. Muck panics and ends up damaging the elephant more.
When Skye Sampson asks Bob and Team to create a beach motocross course on Fixham Beach, Bob is so enthused he decides to compete himself. But its been a while since hes ridden his old bike and he wonders if it will even make it round the course. While Bob and Curtis work on the bike, word gets out that there is a mysterious entrant called the Masked Biker. Scoop and Muck become convinced that the Masked Biker is Leo, hiding his identity to take part even though he isnt old enough to race.
Someone in Busytown Park got rid of Sally and Hilda's newly drawn hopscotch board. Huckle and Lowly set about helping the girls find out who's responsible. As it turns out the culprit isn't a who, but a what - the park's new sprinkler system washed the chalk drawing clean off the sidewalk./ Mr. Gronkles great great grandfather has hidden a priceless treasure somewhere and its up to Huckle and the gang to find it.
Leo discovers a reef manta ray pup in the garden. The Junior Rangers set sail to find the manta ray a home in the ocean, but what happens when Ranger Rocky gets stuck in a sea jelly bloom?
Ranger Rocky entrusts the Junior Rangers with a mission—return a mola to the ocean! The Junior Rangers take up the challenge, but find themselves having to wing it when some seagulls start pecking the mola.
Fireman Sam
Despite all Mommies effort to fix it, there is nothing to do, the door of the Triplets closet is definitely broken. It opens automatically every time someone closes it and it makes an awful shrilling noise. Instantly, the Triplets imagination goes wild, all the more that they just read a book about a knight ghost who haunts a dirty old castle. For them there is not doubt, their closet is haunted! What reassures not at all Poet, or Toto!
Tomorrow is my birthday, claims Girl, but Poet and Turbulent disagree: No, mine! they both answer. Mom explains that Triplets have the same birthday. The Triplets are quite disappointed, they each wanted to have their own party and their very own cake. However, Grandpa has an idea: he takes them to the countryside and shows Girl a rose bush which he created especially for her, lends a little plane to Turbulent, as well as a spyglass to Poet. At first, they are each extremely happy...but it is a lot more fun to share your presents, right?
The Triplets and Eliott play cards quietly in the living room, when they smell something burning in the kitchen. What a mess! Now Mommys cake is ruined! Eliott is really embarrassed, he has to bake the cake again. Mrs Gzell brings her sick cat for Eliott to nurse as she's going out. Eliott gives that important task to the Triplets. They are really excited! But between Toto, a particularly annoying fly and Imhotep who does whatever he wants, the Triplets have a lot of work.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Grisu has a new mission: helping Toramento to change the lighthouses bulb. Soon he discovers that this is not the only problem with the lighthouse. The rotating lamp is also blocked by a seagull's nest. And the seagull doesn't allow anyone to approach its nest. Grisu, being attacked by the animal, spits a flame and burns the bulb. How to replace it? He must find a solution quickly before a boat runs aground on the reefs. Could Fumé do the trick? Grisu asks his father for help. Thanks to Stella and Toramento, Fumé will overcome his hate of water, thus being able to reach Grisu. Then, he will replace the light bulb by spitting out the biggest flame ever.
Findus' self-confidence is in serious crisis: the chickens accuse him of not being a real cat because he doesn't hunt mice. A strange accusation, he thinks. Because Findus actually likes mice and feels no need to hunt them. But in order not to be brought up any further, he tries to conform to the hens' ideas. But he doesn't succeed at all in chasing mice because he lacks any experience.
Its Halloween! The crows have been at he vegetables again, so Mr Wolfie has tasked Paddles and Bracken with the job of making a scarecrow. Fagan discovers the scarecrow and decides it might be a hoot to dress up and scare the locals. After much shrieking and screaming the whole community are convinced their village has a monster on the loose. Until Paddles figures it out and gives Fagan the fright of his life.
The first snowfall of the Winter blankets the entire meadow, and Little Nutbrown Hare is confused because he can no longer see the bush, the log or his seedpod ball under all the snow! Will Little Nutbrown Hare be able to find his way around the meadow now that all his familiar places are covered under a blanket of fresh white snow?
Easter is here. The girls: Dolly, Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr and Rosita gather and start to paint the Easter eggs. They happily work all day, painting beautiful eggs.
One night Berry is already in his bed, when he hears some strange noise. First he doesn't care, but the noise just getting louder. Finally he opens the door when the little green worm appeared. Long time no see friend just arrived.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave deliver a very big box to Speedy Sheep. When Speedy opens the box to finds her gift inside, they discover another smaller box inside with a label on it. And inside that smaller box is another gift, and another even smaller box! The Delivery Crew look carefully at the labels on the parcels to work out who they are for and find the best way to deliver them.
Conni without Mau? Unthinkable! But suddenly Mau has disappeared. Where's the last place he might have been? Maybe someone has seen him? Conni and her whole family start looking for him like real private investigators and they find a hot lead... But will they find Mau?
What does a knight do, anyway, when he's not high up on his horse with sword and lance, riding across the country? Well, he lets his knave polish his suit of armour, sleeps with his family in the bower and warms himself in front of the crackling fire of a large fireplace. This and much more is what Conni and her family experience on a very special excursion.
Who is very agile flying through the air? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a dragonfly.
Who has the most extraordinary costume in the savannah? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a Zebra.
Who is the King of Cuddling? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cat.
Who is the true king of hide and seek? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Chameleon.
In the real world, Messy is in the playroom trying to push his cart but the wheels seem stuck - it wont move! When you need to know go to Okido. Messy lands in Okido, its a hot day! What better way to quench your thirst in Okido but to have a smoothie from the smoothie robot at the café. Messy, Zoe and Felix jump into Oki-doodle and whizz off to Okido City. When they arrive and order their smoothies theres bad news! The smoothie robot has broken down and so the trio help to make smoothies until help arrives but they just cant make them as fast as Smilford. A long queue forms outside the city as the thirsty people of Okido come for their smoothies!
In the real world, Messy is in his bedroom about to take a big bite out of his green sock for breakfast until a huge gush of wind helps his breakfast sock escape from his grip. It blows away out through a window and lands on a faraway tree. Hmm “Why does the wind blow anyway” asks a disappointed and hungry Messy and he vortexes himself to Okido. Messy lands in Zoe and Felixs garden and immediately tells them how annoyed he is at the wind for blowing away his breakfast! Just as Zoe and Felix reassure Messy there is no wind blowing in Okido today, they hear an increasingly loud groan come from up above them.
Baby Sadie's dolly has mysteriously gone missing somewhere between home and the band shell in Busytown Park. Huckle and his team search for clues at all the places Sadie visited that day. They discover the dolly inside a grand piano that's playing a few sour notes./Cars are disappearing from a particular parking space, Huckle and gang set out to find out why.
Daisy and Ollie discover the importance of picking up their own rubbish, because if everybody left just one little piece of litter behind, imagine how quickly the mess would build up! They consider how the litter may harm wildlife in the garden and help Daddy to clean up the mess which leads to a community litter pick up at the park.
Leo, Katie and Hero get to know a feathery new friend—an Indian peacock! They bring the peacock to the rainforest to look for peahens, but end up crossing paths with two jungle cats.
A trip to the rainforest becomes necessary when a clouded leopard cub turns up in the garden. The Junior Rangers search for the cubs mother, but are set back when the cub gets entangled in some tree vines above water.
Jess and Horace want to play Boat Racing on the pond - but first the need work out how to make a boat! Some things are too heavy, some are too light… having tried lots of options and worked out that they need something light and boat shaped, they make Mimi's paper hats into boats for their boat race. Perfect!
It's Willow's apple picking party today, but some of the friends just are too chilly to go. Jess tries to work out how to keep them all warm, should they cover themselves in mud just like frogs do? Should they wrap themselves up in straw? Or might running around be the trick to getting them all toasty warm?
Harry has a nightmare in which he is chased by a monster, so he goes to Dino World in an attempt to hide from it.
When Pat takes a Special Delivery for Michaels Chinese Summer Festival, hes astonished to find that its a huge block of ice. Its a race against time to deliver it, especially when Pat discovers that Ben hasnt shut the doors of the van properly and the ice flies out and lands in a field of sheep. When Pat finally delivers it to Greendale he discovers that Michael didnt order a block of ice at all, he ordered an ice sculpture! Luckily Ted is on hand with his toolbox and together he and Pat make sure Michael gets the delivery he ordered….
Emily thinks all the other engines are pulling much more exciting loads then she is, so when she is given a huge globe to transport she decides to show it off. But as she heads off around the island, the huge globe gets knocked off her flatbed and rolls around causing confusion and delay before she manages to get it back again.
One day Bill and Ben tell Timothy he needs to find a truck that is blue and red and yellow and brown. Bill and Ben insist the truck is real, so Timothy sets off to look for it. Bill and Ben think they are very funny, but Timothy has the last laugh when he actually finds some trucks that match their description and brings back smelly rubbish trucks bound for the dump.
Smeraldo is to sail to the famous pirate Red Hair Anna's shipwreck to retrieve its treasure chest. Grisu, accompanied by Stella, goes with Smeraldo to operate his boat crane and haul the treasure, while Smeraldo is in his submarine. Unfortunately, the young dragon unwittingly breaks the professor's glasses and has to pilot the submarine all by himself. He finds the treasure but also encounters a giant and playful octopus. Grisu, surprised by the animal, burns the rope and the treasure sinks back into the sea. Everything seems lost, but a firefighter never gives up! Using a giant air bubble, Grisu manages to bring the treasure up again and saves the mission.
Natureza wants to study a very rare butterfly that lives on trees on top of mountain peaks. At David's requests, Grisu accompanies her – as a junior pilot – on a hot air ballon ride to the peaks. As Grisu never flew one, there's a bunch of comic mishaps before they manage to reach the mountains. But as they're getting close to the butterfly, the balloon accidently bumps into flying Fumé. Surprised Grisu breathes a flame on the envelope heater, ruining it and bringing them back down to the ground. But a firefighter never gives up. Grisu asks his father to throw a big flame in the balloon envelope. They take off again and head for the butterfly!
At the new Skyscraper Bob and the team find that Mayor Madison wants the elevator finished so she can have her photo taken at the top. Scoop wants to see the whole of Spring City too. He rolls into Tinys cage but on the way up realises that hes not so keen after all and in panic rolls onto high up floor girders of the unfinished skyscraper. Bob embarks on a daring rescue. Realising that Bob is taking a risk to help him Scoop manages to control himself and roll back into the cage. From now on, hed rather keep his wheels firmly on the ground!
When Bob and the team arrive at Chef Tatties fun new Milk Shake Bar, Scoop sees Chef Tattie experimenting with ingredients for his milk shakes and gets inspired. Scoop decides that he will do the same when he he helps Two-Tonne mix up the concrete for the Car Park. But the next morning, its soon clear that Scoops concrete isnt dry. Scoop has to scrape it all off so they can start again. But Bob thinks there might be something to Scoops idea to make a fun car park after all and gives him some crazy but proper materials to mix up in Dizzy.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse discover creatures that can blend in with their surroundings and are inspired to learn just where they can blend in. Little Nutbrown hare becomes disappointed when his white fluffy tail and his dark brown ear tips give him away each time. Thats until he discovers the reeds by the river are exactly the right height and colours to camouflage him perfectly.
Big Nutbrown Hare has a lot to do today. Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse promise to help but there are so many wonderful distractions they forget their promise and let Big Nutbrown Hare down. Luckily they learn a valuable lesson from some bees and get busy to make to things right!
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
The Triplets have a new idea on their mind, they want to be exactly the same and in that purpose, they wear masks at breakfast to trick Mommy. Their attempt is completely useless because, as Mommy says, they're a lot different from each other. The Triplets don't agree and they want her to start dressing them identically. Mommy refuses, she doesn't want robots as children. But when they meet other Triplets in the park that day, they finally realize it's not so bad to be different.
At the end of a day without arguing, the Triplets don't want to go to bed because they want to stay together, even at night ! Poet has an idea, they should meet in dreamland and then share the same dream together. Turbulent and Girl think it's a wonderful idea and follow Poet in his game. But the problem is, when they arrive at Dreamland, none of them wish to do the same dream. Poet wants a dream with polar bears and lots of hugs, Turbulent wants to live on a deserted island and Girl wishes to take care of little babies...
Raspberry is discovered by a talent scout who wants her to move to Berry Big City and design a new line of Glitter fashions. About to become a super-diva, Raspberry changes her mind and decides to stay, knowing that nothing in the big fashion world will ever make her feel like a star the way her friends do.
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to Peru to take a marvellous spatuletail home. But what can they do when the hungry bird falls into a deep sleep?
The Junior Rangers bring a wild boar in their garden back to the forest. There, Ranger Rocky advises the Junior Rangers to find the boars sounder, which is a group of female wild boars and their young children.
Jess wants to introduce Willow to his new friend, Chloe the caterpillar. But where's Chloe gone? He searches for her in all the places she might be, where he's visited her before, where there might be juicey leaves she'd like to eat but it's not until a butterfly breaks out of a little Chloe-shaped-sack that Jess realises that Chloe's just changed!
Jess is playing puddle jumping, dodging the rain to have fun on a gloomy day when suddenly, just as the rain's stopping, the sun comes out and at the same time he sees a beautiful rainbow in the sky. He's desperate to show his friends, and it's not until he works out you need sunshine and rain at the same time to make a rainbow that he can show his friends the beautiful coloured shape in the sky.
Harry is reluctant to have a bath so he goes to Dino-World where he endeavours to become as dirty and stinky as he possibly can.
Kipper and Tiger are having great fun with the hosepipe and paddling pool. Unfortunately Tiger didnt attach the hosepipe to the tap properly and suddenly theres water everywhere.
Pig sets up a sweet shop with Arnold as his assistant. Kipper says hed like one of each but Pig wants to be paid. He says hell take a conker in exchange for a gobstopper. But hes made the same offer to Tiger – and in a game of conkers with Kipper, it turns out Tigers world beating conker is, in fact, a gobstopper on a string!
Otus has a toy truck and the class have built an obstacle course. What shapes are the obstacles?
Its Halloween! The crows have been at he vegetables again, so Mr Wolfie has tasked Paddles and Bracken with the job of making a scarecrow. Fagan discovers the scarecrow and decides it might be a hoot to dress up and scare the locals. After much shrieking and screaming the whole community are convinced their village has a monster on the loose. Until Paddles figures it out and gives Fagan the fright of his life.
Simon and Ferdinand want to play Frisbee but Elvis keeps jumping up and catching it before they can. The two boys try and fool Elvis so they can play. They hide or they try and lead Elvis off with biscuits but nothing works. Elvis keeps coming back to play Frisbee! Youve heard of truffle hounds, well hes a Frisbee dog! Grandpa is obliged to keep him inside with him so the boys can play tranquilly. But with their first unhindered throw, the Frisbee gets lost.
Uru, the son of Mr. Uirapuru, doesnt want to sing on the Uirapurus Tree. First, because he thinks the tree is about to fall, since its hundreds of years old, and second because he wants to sing in his modern and swingy style, not the traditional uirapuru way. But Mr. Uirapuru is a quite traditional type and doesnt want to hear bout new creations or moving from the Uirapurus Tree. Tainá and her friends arrive just in time to save the uirapurus from the falling tree and make Mr. Uirapuru accept to see his sons modern way of singing: an amazing bird rap concert.
Tainá and her friends rush to answer the Cru-Cru call, when they find out that it was Pepes cousins who called: they wanted the gang to come play with them. The gang agrees to play, but the King Vultures think theyre better than everyone else and, in order to win all the games, keep changing the rules at their own will. Tainá and the gang get tired of that and go away, leaving the vultures behind to annoy no one but each other. But the Cru-Cru gang is generous and, later, they end up inviting Pepes cousins to play with them, as equals. After all, no one is better than anyone else.
Whos that hopping into the garden? Why, its a yellow-footed rock-wallaby—and its baby! The Junior Rangers hightail it to Australia to send mother and child home, but will a couple of flat tires throw a spanner in the works?
A vervet monkey shows up as an uninvited guest to one of Leos picnics. The Junior Rangers head to the savannah to bring the monkey home, but the trip takes a nasty turn when they fall into an animal trap.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave have some big, tall fun in Hattys garden, but who is the tallest? Who is taller than Hattys tallest sunflower? Who is the tallest when wearing stilts? And what is the tallest thing they can see? When Tweet says she wants to be the tallest, her friends take her to the top of the tallest mountain - but she gets dizzy and decides shes happy being the smallest after all.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave take their Rollypods to the Rollypod Garage for a bubble makeover! They fix Daves broken car-hooter, pump up their tyres so their Rollypods will go faster and polish up their paintwork until it sparkles. Then its time to show off their shiny new vehicles in a friendly Rollypod race!
Conni is exited as she goes to the big ice rink with her mum. If only Nina weren't there. She's a beginner, just like Conni, but she's always in Conni's way. When Conni finally musters the courage to go onto the ice all by her own, she promptly met by Nina and... they collide and embrace each other! Thankfully! Otherwise they'd have fallen onto their behinds. This way the following days become a lot of fun together.
Sketcky got his kite stuck on top of a tree and wonders who could help him untie it. Thanks to Doodleboo, he's going to make a very funny and agile friend help him get it back.
Sketcky sees himself with Bubble as marine explorers. Bubble wonders how Sketcky could do it if he does not know how to breathe underwater. Doodleboo arrives timely to their rescue.
While Doodleboo is ecstatic about the landscapes of Greenland, Sketcky is less enthusiastic: he prefers hot countries for sunbathing! Doodleboo reassures him that it is quite possible to tan on the ice floe. Besides, he knows a very funny polar animal who loves it...
Messy can't remember where he left his favourite sock. He goes to Okido and learns how to 'jog' his memory, but when the rollercoaster breaks down, will he be able to help Stan Tall remember where he left his screwdriver?
Messy goes to Okido to find out why vacuum cleaners are so noisy, and inadvertantly releases a huge swarm of Vacubot 2000s across Okido City!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
In April, the Pigeon post brings the ants a bouncy castle. It's Dr Owl's task to invite everyone for the jumping session, but Berry is nowhere to be found. Hail interrupts the jumping fun, but the friends seek shelter in the ant castle. The toy gets damaged, but with the help of a cloud, Berry can also join the jumping. Then the ants rebuild the castle, and everyone happily continues jumping.
Balthazar and Stanley are building a raft that gets carried away by the stream. They end up far from home, but then decide to head back during a storm. Christopher, the canary helps them, but they fall off during a gust of wind. They find refuge in a hollow to rest where they are finally discovered and helped to go home by the Spider. The next day, they play along the stream again, but they no longer worry if the raft run away.
Flutter, the butterfly girl, tries to bake an apple pie, but unfortunately, it doesn't turn out well. With the help of a fairy, she manages to fix it and then finds a lost marker and repairs the window as well. The Lily Fairy discovers that Flutter solved everything on her own and then moves on to help others.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
Paddles and Bracken and all the new pupils are feeling nervous and anxious - its their first day of school. An over confident Fagan bosses it in an impromptu game of Gaelic Football. Miss Hoot the Teacher and Uncle Liam the Head Master put the pupils into pairs in class and to their dismay Paddles and Fagan are put together - it looks like they have nothing in common. Its going to be a long day. Paddles discovers that Fagan is nervous too, and finds the toy that Fagan made and then lost. Everyone is impressed with Fagans inventiveness. Fagan is relieved and at the end of the day everyone else is also. Theyve all made new friends and had a great day. Same time tomorrow then?
When Pat takes a Special Delivery for Michaels Chinese Summer Festival, hes astonished to find that its a huge block of ice. Its a race against time to deliver it, especially when Pat discovers that Ben hasnt shut the doors of the van properly and the ice flies out and lands in a field of sheep. When Pat finally delivers it to Greendale he discovers that Michael didnt order a block of ice at all, he ordered an ice sculpture! Luckily Ted is on hand with his toolbox and together he and Pat make sure Michael gets the delivery he ordered….
Professor Smeraldo, in the middle of a pyramid exploration, calls Fumé to have some information about Thudnose, a pharaoh who was nicknamed The Dragon Pharaoh. Unfornutately, the video communication is not good and is quickly cut off. Grisu and Fumé go to Egypt to give Smeraldo a hand. Unfortunately, they don't know how to get into the pyramid to meet him, so they have no other choice than find their way all by themselves, like Egyptologist. Grisu manages to use and decrypt the pharaoh's secret motto. They finally find Smeraldo. Grisu helps him to overcome the final obstacle to eventually discover the marvelous sarcophagus of Thudnose!
Grisu and Stella are wandering in the harbour eating an ice-cream. David arrives by car, he comes to see his friend Olivier, a sailor whose expedition has just fallen through. Olivier was supposed to go sailing and clear up the mystery of the “Mermaid pass” but his teammates have withdrawn at the last minute. Fortunately, Grisu can replace them. And here are Olivier and Grisu leaving on the planned expedition. But they didn't notice that Stella is also on board, locked in a closet in spite of herself.
Simon invites his friends Lou and Ferdinand for a play date at his house. Simon decides that theyre going to play “Super heroes from outer space”. Simon decides how theyre going to build their space ship, what mission they should go on and most importantly, that the space ship commander is…him of course! But Lou and Ferdinand decide that theyve had quite enough of Simon bossing them around and they go play on the swing set. Theyre done playing with Simon. Annoyed, Simon goes off to play by himself. But playing alone is no fun at all! And suddenly he realizes that he cant boss his friends around. Everyone is equal…and off they go, playing all together this time!
Grandpa is looking after Simon and Gaspard at the house. Hes not alone though, he has brought his dog Elvis along ! The two brothers are in seventh heaven ! But when Elvis meets up with Milou, the boys cat, their encounter is going to set off fireworks. Elvis barks, Milou runs all over the place. Simon is absolutely sure and besides everybody knows it : cats and dogs cant get along! With Gaspards help he does everything he can to separate them…before realizing that quite to the contrary, all they want to do is have fun together!
Its Spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth. He sets off cross- country to find it, with Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, but the journey is longer and harder than he remembered. Will the blossoms floating downstream give them a clue as to a shorter way home?
Scoutbadger still has a soft toy, however this morning it is not in its usual place at the bottom of the bed. Scoutbadger has to find it but how can he search without revealing what he is looking for and perhaps having the others make fun of him?
The children want to give their parents a portrait of them which is much more flattering than reality. But arent imperfections part of what we like about others ?
Diesel is not a very helpful engine, but at Christmas, when there is so much extra work to be done, his unhelpfulness is really unwelcome and unkind, especially when he refuses to stop for Paxton who has been derailed. Thomas decides to help Diesel see the error of his ways. Over the course of the next few days Diesel is visited by what appear to be ghostly engines who remind him just how unhelpful he has been in the past, the joy helping others can bring at Christmas and the danger that if you dont help others they might not come to help you when you really need them. When Diesel becomes derailed himself and fears that he could be abandoned the message finally hits home.
Before you know it, a small lie can turn into a big monster lie. Little Cara becomes very aware of that when she eats all of Aunt Bettys cookies and then blames it on someone else. Suddenly, the whole city is searching for this terrifying cookie stealing monster, and Cara is all tangled up in her own lies.
Mouse wants Kipper to push her along on a roller skate. Hes got a better idea. Why dont they play Hide and Seek? She doesnt know what it is so Kipper explains that she covers her eyes and counts to ten while someone hides. Mouse hides first but when its her turn to count she confesses to Kipper that she cant count past five. Kipper says hell teach her and he does his best but in the end its easier to count to five TWICE. But by the end of the game Mouse counts all the way to ten – AND finds Kipper.
Tiger decides to invite everyone to a fancy dress party. Kipper, Pig and Jake dont know what Tigers going to be dressed as – but the invitation says no one is to come as a pirate!
Jenny wants them all to make a traffic safety map of their town. She thinks its easy. On their way to school, keep track of how many times they cross streets, whether theres a traffic signal and if the roads are safe or dangerous. Then mark it on the maps. She convinces Kevin and Doug to do it each of them at home and meet later at school. The kids have a lot of fun marking all spots on their way as safe or not so safe. They speak to Poli, trucks and cars on their way to make right decisions. And get a big compliment from Poli in the end Well you all did a great job of showing safe and dangerous ways to get around town.
Brewster is assigned to look after Ebo the elephant while some work is done on his enclosure. He decides to show Ebo where he lives. Ebo likes it at the depot because there is a pond to play in and he loves the chug wash. When its time to go home, Ebo doesnt want to go back to the Safari Park. With Kokos help, Brewster tricks him into the car, and returns Ebo to the park. Ebo is unhappy – until he sees the new water feature, thats been built for him to play in!
Mtambos in a bit of a rut giving the same old tours everyday in the Safari Park. He wants some adventures in his life so that he has new stories to tell. One of Mtambos passengers, Freddy, says that hes about to head off on a jungle expedition. Freddy asks Mtambo to watch his camera gear while he goes to the souvenir shop. Mtambo makes up his mind to ask Freddy for a job when he returns. Unfortunately, one of the monkeys steals Freddys camera. Mtambo will never get that job if he cant even keep Freddys gear safe!
Chatsworth has had a very busy day and wants a quick snooze, but everything and everyone conspires to keep him awake. First the trainees are playing loudly in the park - and then Vee calls him out on another long job. Meanwhile, at the quarry, Harrison unknowingly gets some rocks trapped in his engine. That night, poor Chatsworth doesnt get a wink of sleep because Harrison 'snores' terribly - thanks to the rattling rocks. In the morning Chatsworth tells Harrison to go to the repair shed as something must be very wrong. Harrison doesnt believe him and goes to see Morgan to prove it.
Imagine Leos surprise when he realises that a piece of seaweed in his aquarium is actually a leafy seadragon! The Junior Rangers set forth to put the leafy seadragon back in Australian waters, but their mission changes course when they have to save leafy seadragons that have been washed ashore.
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to the forest to return an equatorial spitting cobra to its home. Things heat up when the Junior Rangers and slithery serpent are ambushed by mongooses.
Poor old Alf - hes planted a big garden full of juicy raspberries and the naughty birds are busy noshing them all!!. Time for a scarecrow which happily has just arrived at Pencaster Sorting Office. Funny thing, tho, its the spitting image of PC Selby! - well, if a policeman cant scare away the birds what can?! Lots of cases of mistaken identity and cheeky tricks being played on Pat pepper the path to delivery this time, with Pat finally getting the Scarecrow to the field and the birds hot-winging it out of Alfs garden just in time!
Toot Toot! Its the Seaside Special (the beautiful bright green Greendale Flyer), stoking its engines ready for a trip to the seaside! Julian is So excited and is packing buckets, spades, kites and a picnic ready for the fun day out. Dad, Postman Pat and his mum Sarah are all ready to go but no! An urgent call from Ben stops Pat - Mrs Gogginss handbag is at the sorting office and shes going to need it – especially as its got her ticket for the Seaside Special inside it. Pat whizzes off to get it and much crazy crossing of paths with Mrs Goggins follows until finally he delivers the handbag AND himself! - just in time for the family to head out on the Seaside Special for their day at the seaside.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
To earn their badges, the trainees have to play a game. They have to find pairs of chuggers behind different-coloured roundhouse doors. Koko and Brewster do well, but easily-distracted Wilson fails the first time around. After a pep talk from Vee, he applies himself – and by concentrating really hard, he wins his badge!
Oswald and Daisy are making sticky honey buns, but Daisy doesnt follow the recipe properly and they end up getting stuck to the dough -- and each other! -- instead. They ask Henry for help, and he ends up getting stuck as well. The three then head through Big City, and everyone they meet somehow ends up getting stuck, too. But when they think that it couldnt get much worse, it starts to rain! Oswald suddenly realises that they can become unstuck by standing in the rain and sure enough the sticky dough gets washed away.
Pongo the Friendly Dragon is sad because he doesnt have anyone his size to play with and cant enjoy activities like riding on the seesaw. Feeling sorry for his friend, Oswald finds the perfect match for Pongo - Laverne the White Elephant - but Pongo is too shy to say hello to her. Oswald devises ways to get them together, but the clumsy Pongo keeps ruining his efforts. Finally Oswald manoeuvres both Pongo and Laverne into the basket of a hot-air balloon and sets them adrift, and they float off together, friends at last.
Scoop is fascinated by a heavy storm, but the impressive lightning damages the Fixham Lighthouse. Bob and the team must repair its lamp and replace its main power cable before dark. On the way they pass Curtis at the Marina and learn that the storm also damaged his motor boat, which he's trying to fix. While Lofty helps remove and replace the lamp, Scoop digs up the old power cable from the lighthouse to shore. With the tide coming in and night-time approaching, Bob and Wendy stay at the lighthouse to finish the job. They get the lamp working again, just as a new lightning storm arrives. Fascinated by the lightning, Scoop accidentally pulls out the new cable and cuts the power.
Team Bob are creating a Soft Play Café for Chef Tattie in an old warehouse by the docks, ready for an opening party tomorrow. Though the build is on track, Chef cant decide what colour to paint the disco room so Bob offers to put up paint samples for him to choose from. Leo shows off his mash-up app and Tattie decides that Leo should DJ for the party. However, Leo isnt as confident as he appeared to Chef and the extra responsibility distracts him from the build. Eventually he ends up walking through spilled paint after putting up the colour samples, leaving differently coloured footprints all over the floor.
One clear Spring night, Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse settle in to enjoy Little White Owls story of adventure and treasures. Inspired by her tale, the two set out to try and touch the most special treasure of all – a shiny star. They climb higher and higher but the beautiful stars seem just out of reach. Will they find a way to get their wish?
Little Nutbrown Hare befriends a little yellow fluffy creature by the river, and it follows him everywhere, quacking and copying his every move. Its too little to speak and doesnt look like any creature Little Nutbrown Hare or his friends have seen before. How will he return it to its parents if he doesnt know what kind of creature it is?
When Little Nutbrown Hare sees Blue Bird building a nest, he thinks it looks like fun, so he and Little Field Mouse build one themselves. But it's a bit too scratchy and tickly for them to get comfortable in. They give it to their friends to try out, but they also find it not quite right. Will anybody find their nest cozy and useful?
Under a fiery sun Crackpot starts to sweat. He sees a snowman picking up speed as he melts faster and faster and finally melting into a puddle: „Oh no, Im melting too!“ Inui shakes her head at her friend's silliness. They decide to play a practical joke on their friends by trying to convince them that the sweating caribou is actually melting. They have a lot of fun playing the trick on Lady P, Grouchy and Albert. And Crackpot stops melting when Inui weaves tree branches between his antlers to fashion a combination sun-hat/parasol.
The kids' awesome sandcastle gets trampled overnight. A lone set of footprints along the beach leads to a prime suspect who claims not to have seen their sandcastle, yet he's carrying a big shell that once adorned it. As it turns out, no one touched their castle. The culprit was the rising waters of high tide. / /Huckle, Sally and Lowly discover the impossible – a set of ski tracks that run on either side of a tall tree.
In the real world, a poorly Messy is sitting in the living room feeling very sorry for himself. “Aaachooo!” he sneezes and he wipes his nose with a tissue. “Dont like colds” he groans “but I love green socks” and guzzles down the nearest green sock he can find. Hmmm Messy looks confused and not satisfied at all. “Why does food taste different when I have a cold?” He transports himself to Okido to find out.
In the real world, a single floating red balloon has caught Messys curiosity in the garden. Messy takes a gigantic leap into the air to catch the balloon as it floats past him but its no use! Other blue balloons bob on the ground but they dont look as fun and floaty at all. “Aww”, says Messy, “I really wanted that red balloon! Why do some balloons float but others dont?” He glances disappointedly at the red balloon as it continues to float further out of his reach. He transports himself to Okido to find out.
At the girls' campout, Sour launches into a whopper of a yarn about the adventures she and Sweet had in the Berry Deep Dark Forest. She tries to get Sweet to participate in spinning the tale, but Sour's over-the-top performance leaves Sweet behind. Toward the end, Sour graciously changes the story to pull Sweet into it, giving Sweet the opportunity to toss in an ad lib that makes a nice topper to Sour's story. Sweet is thrilled when everyone applauds her, even Sour, who is impressed by her contribution and proud of her sister.
Harry finds a skipping rope outside his house and decides that 'Finders should be Keepers', so he goes to Dino World to play with it.
Harry is nervous about giving a speech about dinosaurs to his classmates.
Chuck and friends dare each other into performing tricks and stunts around the parts yard.
The trainees are doing their advanced safari training to learn how to get closer to the animals. But Wilson camouflages himself as a parrot and scares them all!
Koko gets hooked on a computer game trying to beat Hodges high score. She becomes so obsessed that she neglects to be safe on the rails.
Angelina is having a hard time adjusting to her familys move to the other side of Chipping Cheddar and decides to take matters into her own hands. She pretends to be her Mom and calls Camembert Academy to say she wont be attending after all. After exploring her new home and neighborhood and receiving an encouraging note from Miss Lilly, she starts to embrace the move, but now has to confess her “deception” to her parents.
Angelina is excited, yet nervous, about her first day of school. When she finds her other classmates proficient in other styles of dance, she tries to imitate what they are doing but without success. When she's true to her own style of dance, she realizes that everyone is different, and thats a good thing!
Little Nutbrown Hare befriends a little yellow fluffy creature by the river, and it follows him everywhere, quacking and copying his every move. Its too little to speak and doesnt look like any creature Little Nutbrown Hare or his friends have seen before. How will he return it to its parents if he doesnt know what kind of creature it is?
When Little Nutbrown Hare sees Blue Bird building a nest, he thinks it looks like fun, so he and Little Field Mouse build one themselves. But it's a bit too scratchy and tickly for them to get comfortable in. They give it to their friends to try out, but they also find it not quite right. Will anybody find their nest cozy and useful?
Woodsy has gone camping with Loudo and his father and Scoutbadger finds himself alone. Unexpectedly, Scoutbadger is unsettled by his twins absence. He is sure that being twins creates a special link between them and now 'senses' that Woodsy is in great danger. He wants to find out what is happening.
Mr Bentley is doing vocal warm-ups with the Spring City Rockets, and is about to begin rehearsals for his latest masterpiece, “A Pocketful of Pirates”. As Bob, Wendy, Leo, Dizzy and Muck arrive to renovate the hilltop theatre, Mr Bentley encourages them to join in the warm-ups. But Bob proves to be a hopeless thespian. As he confesses: Im a builder, not a actor!” But Dizzy shows theatrical flair. When Mr Bentley has to run home and retrieve an important prop, he asks Dizzy to assistant direct. Shes so excited by the task that she accidentally tells Leo to use slow-drying cement instead of fast-drying cement as they begin paving a hillside track down to the theatre. Torn between two important tasks - the play and the build - Dizzy also messes up her directorial duties, telling Brandon to get his pirate props from the wrong box.
Team Bob are on site to create a temporary city beach for the summer in Spring City. Bob explains that they will be using sand from a real beach. Mr. Bentley interrupts to inform them that he wants it to be a Blue Ribbon beach, an eco award for the cleanest, safest beaches, so they will have to work hard to keep the site tidy. There will be an inspection later in the day and he is determined for them to get the award for Spring City. Lofty takes this very seriously and is worried when Muck spills sand on the site.
The kids try to find the owner of a camera using the photos for clues. All the pictures are sporting events, so they eventually find out the camera belongs to the sports reporter for the Busytown Bugle./ A list Sally made mysteriously disappears right off the page.