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Its Easter! Kyle discovers a giant green egg thats still warm while hes on an Easter egg hunt. He thinks someone painted a giant chicken egg green for Easter and shows it off to Leo and Katie. But they later learn that it actually belongs to an Emu and that its important for them to return it to its nest for incubation. The rangers are on it!
Kyle is worried for his pet spider, Parker - he seems a little moody these days. Leo suggests for Kyle to set Parker free in the wild to cheer the spider up. Kyle is onboard with the idea! Little does he know, Parker is not only a girl, she also happens to be a venomous redback spider. They have to warn Kyle to be careful and not to set it free carelessly. The rangers are on it!
Fireman Sam
The Triplets have a new idea, to create the upside down day ! They say to Mommy that they hate her when they think exactly the opposite. When Grandpa arrives they make an upside down dinner. They start with the dessert and turn all of the flatware over. While they go at the park, they walk backwards and bump in everybody. At the end of the day they are really tired and Poet even dreams that the Eiffel Tower is upside down !
A dog? In the city? In an apartment? No way! answers Mom, and even Grandpa cannot be convinced. A dog is a lot of responsibilities. But the Kids keep on dreaming about a little dog: a Labrador? A German Shepard? A Yorkshire terrier? Once again the only answer they get is No! No! No!” However when Mom sees them writing a moving letter to Santa, she cannot resist nd says yes.
The Triplets look back on the most beautiful day of their lives: the day they got Toto! When they had seen him at the pet shop they had immediately fallen in love with him but a customer was just about to buy the little dog. Toto, who had already grown fond of the Triplets, did everything he could to drive the customer away and it worked very well!
Bing goes to play with Sula who is engrossed in a game of sparkle magic when he arrives. Bing wants to play too but Sula finds all sorts of reasons why Bing cant play with her special sparkly things. Amma suggests that Bing makes his own sparkle magic stone but disaster strikes when Bing accidentally spills Sulas precious sparkle dust.
Bing and Pando are in the sandpit pretending to be diggers. Bing wants to dig the biggest hole and gets upset when Pando accidentally fills it in. It takes Flop to show them how they can work together to be just like the digger men they saw planting a tree in the park earlier.
Sula and Amma have come to Bings house for lunch but there are no carrots so Flop pops to the shop to get some. Bing stays behind but its not long before he starts to miss Flop. Missing Flop…its a Bing thing.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
Grisu helps Toramento, who is setting up a sightseeing tour of the Pink Cave of the Valley. But some funny facts happen in the Cave: signs moving apparently by themselves, strange noises… Toramento suspects that a ghost lives there, but Grisu doesnt believe it. After a little mayhem, the little dragon finds out that the funny facts are caused by a small but sassy bat, who lives in the Cave and is annoyed by artificial light. Eventually, Grisu, helped by Stella and Toramento, creates a light system built with luminescent rocks, that spreads a soft glow that doesnt annoy the bat.
Findus meets a curious spiny animal in a corner of the yard - a little hedgehog. The cat is determined to teach his new friend things he likes to do himself. However, Findu's preferences such as gymnastics and climbing are not at all suited to a short-legged hedgehog. This leads to some harmless accidents. When the newcomer disappears without a trace, Findus worries that he has driven him away with his impetuous ways.
Piglet twins FERGUS and FERGAL make mischief with their disastrous suggestions of how PADDLES and BRACKEN can ensure that MRS. WOLFIES Mothers Day is a day to remember which it is for all the wrong reasons.
On a cold but sunny morning in the middle of Winter, Little Nutbrown Hare discovers his friends ice-skating on the frozen pond. He decides to give it a try but slips, slops and slides all over the ice. Will he persevere for long enough to be able to perfect his own unique style, or will he be put off by the natural skill of his friends?
One day Stanley gets a silver robot from Frank as a present. The robot can move, make sounds and also flash its lights. When Stanley wants to show it to Berry, the robot slips from his hands and breaks into pieces. While Stanley and Berry are out to get some help, Bubbles finds the robot and repairs it.
During Christmas, Dr Owl gets sick, and Bubbles can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that doctors can also get sick. Flutter helps him understand that the car of a car mechanic can also break down, and the shoe of a cobbler can also get torn sometimes. So the friends make a beautiful surprise for the old doctor.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave ask their friends for help finding a cure for the hiccups. Each friend offers them special solution and its soon clear that no one cure works for all. Ruff-Ruff discovers his hiccups go when hes having fun digging. Tweet is cured when she giggles. Daves hiccups prove particularly troublesome and need a special Blue Panda banana cure! But what is it?
Making others laugh is great! And you can even learn that? Conni is amazed. Together with Simon and a real clown she discovers all the things a clown has to be able to do. But the best is that in the end there is a real show in a real circus! Conni is very excited because this time it won't be just mum and dad watching!
Why do I have to look left, right, left, if the traffic lights are green?, Conni wonders. And what if there are no traffic lights? Conni thinks that there are a lot of things to discover in traffic. That's why she's going on a small walk through the city with her mum and Anna that ends at a traffic light that you can eat!
Who is a very soft little animal that loves to snack on leaves on top of a tree? Doodleboo explains how to draw a koala.
What animal is the best at scratching your back? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cute hedgehog.
Who's back can we ride on in the ocean? Doodleboo explains how to draw a sea horse.
What costume Sketchy really wants to wear? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Super Hero.
In the real world, Messy does a BIG sneeze and finds he had a tiny hair in his nose! But it's so small he loses it immediately... This gets him wondering, what's the smallest thing there is?! Messy goes to Okido to find Zoe and Felix just in time to catch Zim star as guest on Mayor Oki's TV show! Mayor Oki introduces Zim, 'Okido's expert on everything!' but Mayor Oki thinks he knows better than Zim “everything in the world is made of sandwiches” he says! Zim corrects him, “actually Mr Mayor, everything in the world is made of something very small, we call them atoms”.
In the real world, Messy is running around. He runs so fast that he can feel his heart beating loudly! Why is that happening all of a sudden? When you need to know, go to Okido! Messy lands in Okido onto Zoe and Felix's trampoline. They all jump off, and they notice all their hearts are beating loudly but they dont know why... Zim and Zam will know though, so off they go to see them. Zim, Zam and Zoom are baking a cake. Zim startles as they enter the lab, he was whisking so fast that his cake mix flies out of his hands and lands all over Zoom!
The Pig Twins discover a puddle full of stranded goldfish. Huckle and his pals try to solve the mystery of where they came from. It turns out they were blasted out of the park fountain when an obstruction in the drain hole suddenly got unplugged./ A mysterious message on Sgt. Murphys radio has Huckle and the gang baffled!
Daisy and Ollie are pretending to be mythical creatures in the playhouse. Whizzy projects some amazing images of mermaids, unicorns and dragons but the kids are disappointed that theyve never seen any of these amazing creatures in real life before. Where can I see a unicorn? Daisy asks. Daddy takes them all to the zoo and together they learn that anything is possible if you use your imagination.
A visit to the mangrove swamp is in order when Leo and Hero find a baby estuarine crocodile in the garden. Can the Junior Rangers find the baby crocodiles nest while avoiding the adult crocodiles that roam the swamp?
Leo finds a baby plantain squirrel eating his seed collection. The Junior Rangers drive to the forest to locate the squirrels nest and mother.
Jess wants the puppies to come Puddle Jumping with him. There were lots of puddles the day before but when they get to the spot, the puddle's GONE! Jess goes searching - has someone taken it? Borrowed it? No, he works out that the water's gone back up in to the clouds.
Jess has s new friend - Horace tells him it's his shadow. Jess is keen to introduce him to all his friends, but he keeps running away! Jess works out that the sun has to be shining for the shadow to come back and that all the friends have their Own shadows to play games with too.
Harry needs help making up a story to go with his new drawing.
Pat needs to deliver Bernie the parrot to Amy for a check-up, before getting Bernie back to the Parrot Sanctuary. On the way Bernie escapes and hitches a ride on the Pencaster Flyer. Bernie gets into all sorts of mischief, he steals Bills skateboard, gets caught up in Mrs Goggins scarf and winds up in a boat on Pencaster Harbour. As the storm clouds roll in, its up to Pat to save Bernie and get him to Amy.
When snow strands Spencer on Sodor, he delights in boasting to the other engines by talking about meeting the abominable snowman, which frightens Henry. The next day Spencer is reluctantly put to work helping Henry and he delights in teasing Henry about the abominable snowman again, taking every opportunity to play up his fear, but when they meet a man covered from head to toe in snow, it is Spencer who is the most frightened of all and it is Henry out tries to protect him. Luckily the snow covered man turns out to be the Fat Controller.
Salty loves to talk about things like sea monsters and to tell tall tales and scary stories that sometimes frighten other engines. Then one day the Fat Controller decides to lend Salty to help out at a port on the mainland. Salty is happy to help, until he hears that the bridge is out and that he must travel by ship. Than Saltys wild imagination gets the better of him and he runs away. His scary stories have scared him too and now hes the one who has to overcome his fears!
Toramento is exhausted because of his job, so Grisu tries to help him by boosting a malfunctioning and slow cleaning robot to do the job in his place. But the boosted robot is not easy to control and makes a mess all around the city, also because Thingy wants to play with it, sending the machine haywire. Eventually Grisu understands that Toramento doesnt need a robot doing the job in his place, but a care-giving device that provides coffee and massages, keeping his stamina up.
Checking the safety items at the watch tower in the forest, Emma realizes that the alarm system doesn't work anymore. Grisu suggest using the old fire station alarm bell. Great idea! Unfortunately, David, who's supposed to set it up, is called for an intervention and must leave. Grisu offers his help. Here is Grisu and Stella heading to the forest with the old bell on a cart. The noisy bell creates some confusion in the forest since everybody thinks there's a fire. Not mentioning Michel, Gertrud's very talkative parrot who can't help but imitating every sound and voice he hears. The mission turns into a catastrophe when Grisu burns the bell… right when a fire starts into the forest. But Grisu is resourceful, as always, and he uses Michel as a spare alarm bell.
When Mila is appearing on the childrens TV game show, “Whiz-A-Quiz”, the rest of the Spring City Rockets are disappointed that they didnt get tickets to watch and support her. This gives Mayor Madison the idea for Bob to build an outdoor movie area at the Stadium where everyone can watch the game show together. But when Mayor Madison asks Lofty to help the Spring City Rockets decorate the stadium, he gets carried away and leaves Leo to finish the support frames for the giant screen all by himself. A job that is too big for one person. When the giant screen arrives, the frame isnt sturdy enough to hold it and the whole structure starts falling apart. Lofty races in and saves the TV screen but the frame, stage and audience seating are broken.
JJ and Mila are training for a snowboarding stunt show to be performed at the opening of the Winter in Spring Festival - a celebration of winter in Spring City. Bob and the team will be building a triple chairlift to transport passengers to the top of Observatory Hill. But Bob isnt keen on the cold weather - hed much prefer to be building sandcastles on the beach! During a work break, Skye offers Bob a snowboarding lesson - and hes terrible! Meanwhile, Scoop is determined to have a slide down the snowy hill - but Wendy warns him that without snow chains, hell have no control. Scoop cant resist... and ends up sliding all over the slope and crashing into a support beam, causing the chairlift cable to jump off the wheel tracks.
One clear Spring night, Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse settle in to enjoy Little White Owls story of adventure and treasures. Inspired by her tale, the two set out to try and touch the most special treasure of all – a shiny star. They climb higher and higher but the beautiful stars seem just out of reach. Will they find a way to get their wish?
Little Nutbrown Hare befriends a little yellow fluffy creature by the river, and it follows him everywhere, quacking and copying his every move. Its too little to speak and doesnt look like any creature Little Nutbrown Hare or his friends have seen before. How will he return it to its parents if he doesnt know what kind of creature it is?
Bing is vooshing with Hoppity around the garden, making him fly higher and higher. With one particularly enthusiastic throw Hoppity disappears. After a hunt, Bing finds Hoppity in the washing up bowl and gets upset because a wet, mucky Hoppity just doesnt feel right.
Bing and his friends play Nature Explorers in Ammas garden by spinning a giant colour wheel and then finding something of that colour in the garden. When its Bings turn to find something red he doesnt look carefully before he tries to pick a raspberry and pricks his finger.
Bing has enough money to buy one thing in Padgets shop but he finds it hard to choose between all the lovely things. After much deliberation Bing chooses a camper van but on the way home he begins to regret his decision.
The Triplets had planned to go to the circus today, but Mom is too sick and Grandpa too busy to take them. So here they are, stuck at home. But it does not matter! With a bicycle, balloons and lots of imagination, they can recreate a circus in mom's room. Mom has to call for help and Grandpa will prove to be a wonderful acrobat!
The Triplets have each lost a sock and are wondering where they could have disappeared to. Maybe they are in the Land of lost socks, suggests Poet. The kids start to imagine poor little lonely socks which have lost their twin sisters. So they decide to help them get back together again, but many are still missing. Could it be Toto's fault or the washing machine's? Hard to say but the Triplets have a solution: wearing unmatching socks!
The girls' new band is about to go on the road to a concert at Berry Big City. But first they must teach the Berrykins all about their businesses, so the little folk can keep the community running until the girls return. What no one knows is that Orange is reluctant to leave home, and she is doing everything possible to stall joining the girls on the trip!
A common tree frog hops into the garden one wet and rainy day. Leo, Katie and Hero take the frog to the forest, where Ranger Rocky directs them to find the frogs breeding ground.
The Junior Rangers go to the rainforest to find a new home for a goliath birdeater spider. But can the Junior Rangers scare off a pair of weasels who are preying on their eight-legged friend?
Jess is concerned that all the water on the farm is frozen and sets about working out when it will come back. He works out that once the sun is out the ice melts and learns all about freezing and melting..
Mimi is trying to prepare for a visit from Horace and wants the hutch to feel like home for her froggy friend. Jess promises to paint the special seat Mimi has made for Horace green for her, but first he has to work out how to make green from different colours.
Harry, Charlie, and the dinosaurs are playing at being pirates.
Jake has lost something in the park – its a surprise so he cant tell Kipper and Tiger what it is. They find a treasure map signed by Bluebeard the pirate and follow the clues. When they all meet up again Kipper and Tiger realise Jake lost the map. The treasure hunt was to be a surprise for Kippers birthday, but Jakes even go the date wrong!
Kipper finds Tiger messily trying to make a clay pot on his new potters wheel. They decide to make some pots together and Tiger tells Kipper how difficult it is. Pig gives Arnold a ride on the potters wheels thinking it is a car without wheels. They find the pots Tiger and Kipper have been making and think theyre chocolate cookies. Tiger has some explaining to do.
Timmy and Otus are having fun building a den. Help them decorate it.
Piglet twins FERGUS and FERGAL make mischief with their disastrous suggestions of how PADDLES and BRACKEN can ensure that MRS. WOLFIES Mothers Day is a day to remember which it is for all the wrong reasons.
Simon and Gaspard find a lost, little cat in their yard. He is soooo cute and the children want to keep him. But Milou is jealous. And Daddy and Mommy explain to the boys that the cat must belong to someone and that tomorrow, they will have to find its owner. Simon and Gaspard are disappointed but still happy they can spend the night with the cat. They have an argument over who gets to sleep next to the little cat. And the cat has to deal with Milous jealousy as well, although Milou finally adopts him too, with a big lick on the face!
Pepe has a surprise for his friends. He and Pedroangelo, the sculptor woodpecker, built instruments for Catu, Suri and Tainá. Pepe already has his drum set. The gang is very happy with their instruments and start to play, but no one seems interested in playing as a group, and they end up fighting. Upset, Tainá abandons the rehearsal and sings a beautiful song about friendship. Her friends listen to her, stop arguing and each of them sings a different song in honor of their beloved friends. They reconcile and the first Jungle Bands official rehearsal may finally go on.
Tainá and her gang get back to the Tree House after another adventure. Her friends look downcast; they worry because Tainá is a highly qualified heroine – brave, intelligent, strong – and they dont feel as useful in their missions. Tainá helps each of them to remember the adventures on which they were essential for things to end well. Theyre all confident and happy again when the Cru-Cru calls out – and they leave for a new adventure as the inseparable friends theyve always been.
A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave report all the big stories in the Jungle for the Daily Banana newspaper. Hatty helps them ask all the right questions, so their reports include everything their readers need to know about Larry the Leopards amazing rescue, a Parrots first ever loop-the-loop and Bobby the Monkeys record-breaking weight lifting victory!
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave follow recipes to make their favourite fruit and vegetable juice drinks. They collect the fresh ingredients from Hattys garden and count out the quantities of each one needed to make A Ruff-Ruff Super Juice, Tweets Sweet Treat and Daves Bubbly Banana Juice. Then its into Hattys Bubble-Juicer they go, for some juicing magic!
This dog in the park just ran to Conni and jumped all around her. Of course, you first get frightened by this. But when a dog-trainer visits the kindergarten, Conni learns the best way to get to know and how to greet a dog, how you pet him and then even get to play with him. That's when she discovers that dogs can be really good friends.
Sketcky, disguised as a Sioux, does not hold up: he dances, sings and wants to go on an adventure! But its impossible to go for a walk, because it keeps raining. Doodleboo then has a little idea: he knows the secret of the great Indian chiefs for rain and good weather...
Sketcky loves snow and he would like to see how it forms in the clouds. Doodleboo knows a great way to visit them.
Sketcky claims not to be afraid of big animals or water. Animals, water? Doodleboo challenges him to find out which big animal has thick skin and loves water.
It's the Great Okido Sleepover only there is a loude noise keeping Messy awake! With the help of Zoom, Messy must track down the noise to save the sleepover.
When Mayor Oki wants to build new tower Messy is keen to help. There is just one problem, all his towers fall over...
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Berry and Dolly together with their friends find a small bug in a cave. They would like to take it home but there is an other tenant also living in the cave.
The characters in the Berry and Dolly stories are a bunch of tiny bugs and beetles who live alongside one another in the forest. The stories are lead by the title characters: Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird. A variety of other characters join them in their fun and games throughout the series with the stories set in their forest home. All the characters houses, belongings and clothes perfectly match their individual appearance.
It turns out whether there are witches or not, and that it is not nice to frighten others.
Bing has a great time choosing the perfect present for Sula in Padgets shop. Its a wand and is sparkly and flashy and spinny and Bing knows that she will love it. Bing is thrilled until it is time to hand the present over when he decides he wants to keep the spinny wand himself.
Bing wants to try Cocos Hula Hoop. Its harder than it looks but he finds lots of other hoopy games as he tries. Just as Bing almost gets it right he gets carried away with spinning, trips over and breaks the hoop. Coco is upset that she cant hula anymore until Bing and Charlie remind her of all the other games they can still do with the bent hoop.
Bing and Sula are in the park playing at being giants and splashing in puddles with their big welly boots. As they play the puddles get bigger and bigger until Bing slips over in the mud and gets wet everywhere. Amma comes to the rescue with a giant warm bath and a giant carroty bagel.
The Harvest festival is on and Paddles, Bracken and Bridie help Mr and Mrs Wolfie in the vegetable garden. Once the vegetables are collected Mrs Wolfie sends Paddles, Bracken and Bridie off to pick “wild blackberries” so that she can make her famous Blackberry Pie. Fagan plots to steal the blackberries that the intrepid friends pick. Fagan picks 3 blackberry bushes and then hides himself in the best fitting one, so that he becomes a mobile blackberry bush. Fagan using his disguise follows the three friends as they pick blackberries and Fagan eats as they pick, unbeknownst to the friends.
Pat needs to deliver Bernie the parrot to Amy for a check-up, before getting Bernie back to the Parrot Sanctuary. On the way Bernie escapes and hitches a ride on the Pencaster Flyer. Bernie gets into all sorts of mischief, he steals Bills skateboard, gets caught up in Mrs Goggins scarf and winds up in a boat on Pencaster Harbour. As the storm clouds roll in, its up to Pat to save Bernie and get him to Amy.
During an expedition to the jungle, Smeraldo finds an ancient vase from the dragons age. Since he needs help to carry the relic to his lab, Grisu will join him in the mission. The job isnt easy, as the vase is very frail and a bunch of wild animals - especially some cheeky toucans - will get in their way. But with the help of Smeraldo, Olivia and Stella (who sneaked onboard to take part in the adventure), Grisu manages to carry the precious object to a safe place.
A shooting star has been seen above Dragontown. At it fell in the surrondings, Pr. Smeraldo wants to find it before the wind and the rain bury the stone. Unfortunately, he has a wide area to comb. It's a perfect mission for Grisu and Stella. Equiped with a metal detector, Grisu has to deal with many obstacles, among them Thingy who turns mad every time he hears the detector beeping. And you can't imagine how many metal things lie around. Not only can't Grisu and Stella find the precious meteorite, but also they collect metal waste such as an old whistle, a magnet, wire or a weathervane.
Simon is playing hide and seek in the yard with his friend Lou and his little brother Gaspard. Lou cant find Simon. It seems that Simon has some very particular rules though, ones that only he knows! Lou figures this out when its Gaspards turn to count and look for them and Simon drags Lou off to hide with him: he changes hiding places every few seconds! Well, since thats how its going to be, Lou is going to play by Simons rules and sure enough, Simon gets tricked! Lou quickly realizes that with these strange new rules, hide and seek is even more fun than usual!
Simon and his little brother Gaspard are in a state of uncontrollable excitement : their older cousin Benjamin is going to spend the afternoon at the house ! They are so thrilled at being able to play soccer with him, he is sooooo awesomely good at soccer! And yet the game is short-lived because Benjamin in fact, would rather go count his marbles. He doesnt want to play with the two young brothers any more, despite their insisting he join them. No go. Gaspard is the first of the brothers to give up. Despite all his efforts to get his cousins attention, Simon finally goes back to play with his brother. And Simon makes Gaspard laugh so much, that Benjamin isnt going to be able to resist for long. Hes going to have to join in the fun!
Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very special feather with bright colours, spots and soft tickly bits. Just as he shows off to his friends how it can fly and float, a cheeky bird flies away with it. Little Grey Squirrel climbs her tree and discovers the bird using it to feather her nest. Will Little Nutbrown Hare find a way to get his feather back, or will he decide that the bird needs it more than he does?
Woodsy is desperately trying to do do something that requires calm and concentration but his intrusive family make it impossible. The more he tries to be on his own, the less the others leave him alone as they are very curious to find out what he is up to….
Rosie,in order to beat Scoutbadger in a race, entrusts her precious necklace to Woodsy. However she does not fully trust him even if he does swear to look after it well. However, the Tomcats decide to steal the necklace. In order to get it back and prove to Rosie that he deserves her trust, Woodsy gives in to the Tomcats blackmail and even takes some foolhardy risks….
When Emily breaks down and disrupts a race between Connor and Caitlin, Caitlin shunts Emily to the castle causing Emily to travel faster than she ever has been before. Emily is in awe of Caitlin, who she believes is the best engine ever and becomes disheartened at her own ability. But when Caitlins brakes fail, Emily races to save her from an accident proving that she too can be a Really Useful Engine.
Who is stealing vegetables from Zoofie's garden? Everyday something new is missing. Before everything is gone Zoofie contacts the emergency station. Paulie Police car takes on the mysterious case, backed-up by temporary deputy Calamity Crow.
Kipper hears a rustling noise in the park. Its Tiger looking for the Park Monster. Kipper says there arent any monsters in the park but Tiger says it is just a game. Then they see something large and shadowy in the grass… they set a trap for it using sweets but it turns out the monster is someone they know quite well.
Kipper, Tiger and Jake are having a day on the river. It takes ages to do up their lifejackets and Tiger loses his cap. Jake rows them in a circle and Tiger does a special knot to tie the boat up when they stop for lunch but it comes undone and the boat drifts away. By the end of the day they are glad to be back on dry land.
For the rescue team there is a lot of work as there is snow day! Kevin and Suji are playing in the snow building snow castles and a snowman. When its time to go home, Suji insists to take here new friend, the snowman home, so they push and pull it all the way towards home. When it gets to crossing the road however, Suji slips and falls and almost gets hurt by a car. Thankfully Poli arrives at the scene and tells the kids When it snows, roads are very slippery! Cars and people can easily get into accidents! Cars cant stop quickly on snowy roads, so you have to make sure to be extra careful when crossing on foot.
Koko is put in charge of Wilson and Brewster. The team has to complete a newspaper round by a certain time. Koko nearly fails and learns that being bossy isnt the best way to lead. She tries again, using her team members strengths instead and in the end shares her badge with Wilson and Brewster. After all – theyre a team!
Old Puffer Pete has been working in Chuggington for 150 years, and the mayor wants to commemorate his anniversary with a special show. The trainees are going to do a carefully choreographed routine - but it all goes wrong. Wilson doesnt listen, Koko goes too fast, and Brewster doesnt seem to know his right from his left! Dunbar says theyll have one more go in the morning, but if its not right - theyll have to cancel the show. The chuggers really want to do something special for Pete, so that night they sneak into the training yard and practice.
Vee needs someone to pull the royal carriage for the prince of Buffertonia. Chuggers race in to get the job, but Harrison is first - thanks to cutting some corners and running a red light or two. Happy to have the job, he goes off with Puffer Pete to learn the route. Pete notices that Harrison has got into some bad habits. He takes shortcuts, ignores signs and breaks the speed limit. Pete tells Vee shed better find someone else to pull the princes carriage. A desperate Harrison says hell do anything to keep the job!
Leo meets an oriental pied hornbill while picking apples in his garden. To find the hornbills nest, the Junior Rangers set out for the rainforest once again.
Were under attack by aliens! or so Kai thinks when he finds a mysterious crop circle underwater. They later realise that the hardworking white-spotted pufferfish is responsible for the intricate circle, but an uncontactable Kai is already on his way to destroy it, thinking it would prevent an alien attack. The rangers are on it!
Its Christmas! And everyones getting ready for the pantomime. Little Lucy has a wonderful song to sing at the centre of the show but when she goes missing whilst out riding on Pumpkin the horse all that matters is to find her.. and the newly fallen snow means that Pat has to be VERY resourceful in order to find her. A snowmobile saves the day and Pat gets Lucy back - in time for the Panto and a rather special Christmas Song to celebrate. Happy Christmas Greendale Village, Happy Christmas Everyone!.
Pats special mission is to deliver a new cow to Alf, but this cow has a habit of running away. It causes chaos in Pencaster and gets stuck on a ledge on Greendale Crag. Pats delivery mission turns into an exciting rescue.
Bing gets jealous when Sula pays more attention to Pando on a playdate. As he feels more and more left out Bing tries to get Sulas attention and spoils Sulas tea party. Sula pushes Bing and they both end up angry. Amma shows them a way to get rid of all their anger so the toy party can continue.
Bing is playing the talking lettuce game on Flops phone when he drops the phone and accidentally breaks it. Too panicked to tell Flop whats hes done Bing puts the phone in the bin but hes so upset that Flop knows something has happened.
Bing and his friends put on a show in the park. After Cocos dance, Pandos song and Sulas acrobatics display everyone is excited to see Bings finale. When he gets up on the stage Bing is overcome with stage fright so his friends, and rainbow fairy mice, come to the rescue.
Sula and Amma go round to Bings house to watch the fireworks. Sula doesnt like the bangs so shes wearing her earmuffs but Bing thinks hes brave enough to watch the Fireworks outside in the garden. Suddenly –theres a huge BANG! and a super loud rocket sends Bing racing back inside and under the kitchen table in shock.
Bing plays with a new orange balloon but when he bounces on it too enthusiastically, it POPS. Bing is sad to lose his new toy so Flop helps him put the balloon fragments in the Bye Bye Box; a memory box where things too broken to be fixed but too special to throw away are kept.
To earn their Town Crier badges, Wilson and Brewster each have to make an announcement, speaking loudly, clearly and with style. Brewster is too quiet and nobody listens to him. Wilson is loud and clear, but he exaggerates! Having failed their first badge attempt, Wilson and Brewster decide to help each other. Brewster teaches Wilson how to stick to the facts and Wilson gives Brewster pointers on announcing with pizzazz. They both earn their badges on the second try!
Oswald plants a banana seed and overnight it grows into a massive banana. Realising that he and Weenie cant eat the gargantuan fruit all by themselves, Oswald gets the idea of making it Big Banana Day and goes round Big City sharing it with all of his friends.
Oswald volunteers to make a special birthday cake for Catrinas birthday party. Madame Butterfly says that all Catrina needs is a small simple cake. However, Oswald ends up making a huge birthday cake, eight tiers in total, with a tiny cupcake on top. After a collision with the Egg twins en route to the party Oswald ends up with just the cupcake – perfect for baby Catrina!
At the new Skyscraper Bob and the team find that Mayor Madison wants the elevator finished so she can have her photo taken at the top. Scoop wants to see the whole of Spring City too. He rolls into Tinys cage but on the way up realises that hes not so keen after all and in panic rolls onto high up floor girders of the unfinished skyscraper. Bob embarks on a daring rescue. Realising that Bob is taking a risk to help him Scoop manages to control himself and roll back into the cage. From now on, hed rather keep his wheels firmly on the ground!
When Bob and the team arrive at Chef Tatties fun new Milk Shake Bar, Scoop sees Chef Tattie experimenting with ingredients for his milk shakes and gets inspired. Scoop decides that he will do the same when he he helps Two-Tonne mix up the concrete for the Car Park. But the next morning, its soon clear that Scoops concrete isnt dry. Scoop has to scrape it all off so they can start again. But Bob thinks there might be something to Scoops idea to make a fun car park after all and gives him some crazy but proper materials to mix up in Dizzy.
Little Nutbrown Hare awakes to find the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees, the flowers dropping off the bushes and the tadpoles turning into frogs. Autumn is here and its time for change! Little Nutbrown Hare misses the joys of the Summer meadow. Will he discover that Autumn has its own delights?
The cool Autumn breeze isnt enough to deter Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse from going out to find what special experiences the day might bring. However, with the weather and wind constantly changing, its very hard for the friends continue playing any one game. Will the strange weather spoil their fun, or will it bring them a special experience after all?
Among the newly fallen Autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green… something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers! It is certainly a very useful something, great for back scratching and games but it takes Little Grey Squirrel to solve the mystery.
INUI and her friends are strolling along the seashore when they see a distant iceberg. She remarks that she has always wanted to explore an iceberg. They row to the iceberg and find a way into it. The transparent iceberg allows them to explore the undersea world without getting wet. Amazed by the underwater show they do not realize that a second iceberg has collided with their “submarine”. They get out of the iceberg in a hurry and make it back safely to the shore.
Forgetful Mayor Fox has misplaced the giant key to the city that he's supposed to be presenting to a visiting astronaut. Huckle and his pals try to figure out where he set it down. They learn that Mayor Fox did one thing while touring a candy factory that required both his hands - stirring a huge pot of candy goo. Not far away they find a big chocolate-covered key./When Busytown residents are baffled by mysterious door knocking, Huckle and gang discover who it is.
In the real world, its Christmas Eve and Messy is just too excited. He cant wait for Christmas day and wants to stay awake all night. He wonders why he has to go to sleep at all, so he goes to Okido to find out. When he lands in Okido he finds Zoe and Felix cant sleep either, theyre just too excited for Mother Christmas to arrive. But wait “Mother Christmas… what kind of Christmas is this?” asks Messy. Zoe and Felix pull out their Okido Christmas story book and show Messy what happens at Christmas in Okido.
In the real world, Messy is having fun playing with his remote controlled truck. “Watch out for that sandwich… mind those socks!” he shouts as he steers the truck around his messy, make-shift obstacle course of toy bits and pieces. “Hes amazing, hes going to win, hes, hes, hes… stopped?” Messy hops down off the sofa to check whats wrong with his motionless truck. When you need to know go to Okido! Messy lands with a skip and a bounce at Zoe and Felixs house. Zoe and Felix open the door to let Messy inside.
When a simple tune Cherry composes goes viral on the Berryweb, Cherry quickly gets fed up with everyone listening to this song, everywhere, all the time. She goes to comic lengths to get some peace so she can compose the song she's suppose to write for the Queen of Berryvania.
Harry and the dinos discover that there's a new dinosaur in the house, and it belongs to Nana.
Harry wants to sleep out in his new tent in the garden so that he can practice his scout skills.
When their videogame breaks, the boys decide to continue playing…but in real life.
The trainees are heading for a lesson with Dunbar in the training yard when an underground tunnel catches Kokos eye. She wants to explore it but Vee says she isnt ready yet. Dunbar is called away from the lesson about switching tracks before they barely get started. With time on her wheels, Koko decides shes going to see where that tunnel goes. She persuades Wilson to come with her, and calls Brewster a scaredy-chugger because he refuses to go. Koko and Wilson emerge into the countryside and Wilson starts to feel nervous in these unfamiliar surroundings.
Wilson and Brewster are sent to get stone from the mountain quarry. Brewster is in a hurry to get the job done, so that he can get back and practise some new moves in the training yard with Koko. For once he doesnt slow things down by asking questions, and he doesnt hear Dunbar warning them to be extra careful on the way back, as going downhill with a heavy load is harder. At the quarry, afraid that Wilson will slow them down, Brewster takes most of the load.
At the Chipping Cheddar Music Day Picnic, Angelina finds her friends rehearsing in a band for a school project. They invite her to join in as the tambourine player. She's so excited she immediately thinks her instrument is the most important in the band. That is, until she realizes that she only gets to hit the tambourine once in the whole song. Her enthusiasm wanes, and she becomes an unreliable band player. She decides it's only one little moment, how bad can it be if she doesn't perform it correctly? It's not until after the band prefers to play without her that she learns the importance of doing her part correctly, no matter how seemingly small the part is.
Angelina and Alice are having a fun day together but get so wrapped up in their fun they become a little absent minded. Its just before the big show and she finds herself in a bind when the show is set to begin and she doesnt have her skates. Through it all, Angelina learns an important lesson about responsibility.
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Birds description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her birds eye view. He visits the field with Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, and they discover that everyone has their own unique view of the field, and each one is special in its own way.
Is Rosie hanging around with the Tomcats? Scoutbadger and Woodsy have some good reasons for thinking so….
When Bob takes Pilchard for her check-up, he discovers that the Vet Tilly is looking after a dog named Cooper... and he likes to chase cats. Vet Tilly panics as Mayor Madison is arriving that evening with her cat to be groomed. She doesnt want Cooper to chase the Mayors cat! Bob suggests making a reception area that keeps cats and dogs separate and immediately the Vet commissions the build. Now working against the clock, Bob and the team have to complete the new reception area before the Mayor arrives. But on promising to keep the animals away from the building work, Leo accidentally lets Pilchard escape from her basket and doesnt return to collect Cooper. Bob cant continue his work until all the animals are out of the way.
Bob is looking after Curtiss garage while Leo takes him out for a birthday meal at Chef Tatties. However, the meal is a ruse, arranged so that Bob and his gang can secretly give Curtis workshop a makeover. Scoop is excited to be at the garage; he claims to have a great knowledge of mechanics. The build is all on schedule until Bob is forced to attend to Mr Bentley who keeps him busy because hes very fussy about how much air he has in Philips tyres. At the restaurant Curtis is keen to get back to the garage as he is nervous about leaving it in somebody elses hands. When Bob rings Leo and asks him to play for time Leo orders more and more food for himself to eat. At the, now busy, garage Scoop decides to take a look at whats troubling Betsy, using the new vehicle inspection lift.
When Huckle, Lowly and Sally find a lost bag, they use the eyeglass case, atomizer, map, and a red scarf inside it to determine that the owner is a famous international opera star whos come to Busytown to perform for the first time./Cyclists getting flat tires somewhere in Busytown lead Huckle and the gang on a mystery.
A red kangaroo steals Kyle's beloved toy kangaroo, Stella. The rangers are on it! They realise that the kangaroo has mistaken Stella for its joey. To get Stella back, they'll have to find her joey and swap them.
Zumi accidentally destroys a large bird nest that belongs to the Sociable Weavers. To fix it is a big job, but nothing is too big when you work as a team.
Fireman Sam
The Triplets remember their first days with Toto very well. They had had to teach him well, just as Mom said, but it was easier said than done, for the little dog had decided to mark his territory and refused to give his paw. At night, the kids heard him cry in his basket and wanted to reassure him, but off to bed had said Mom. However she was not as harsh as it seems because in the morning, guess who the Triplets found warmly tucked in their Moms bed?
While strolling through the city gardens, the triplets are delighted to stumble upon a gelato street vendor. They would love to have one but « not before lunch », says Mom. The three kids try to negotiate but in vain. As she gets lost in a daydream in which she is the queen of a world made of ice cream and whipped cream, Girl does not notice that her mom and her brothers are gone. She decides to go back to the ice-cream stand. Will she be able to resist to help herself to a delicious ice cream? Of course not!
While buying pastries at Mrs Buns bakery, mom puts up a flyer for a babysitter. A baby sitter for the Triplets? « Out of the question! », reply the three kids in unison. After making sure that the first applicants never manage to reach their mom on the phone, Eliott, a teenage boy, gets to try out for the job. But the Triplets have more than one trick up their sleeves and have decided to drive the poor Eliott completely crazy. Mom comes home to a most surprising scene: the poor boy is asleep on the couch and the triplets are quietly playing cards.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Gertrud promised Maria to make a perfume for Toramento with whom she has a first date tonight. Unfortunately, Gertrud's laboratory has burned down and with it, all the ingredients. Grisu's mission (with Stellas help) is to find the flowers the perfume requires and to help Gertrud to make the perfume again. But finding the flowers is not an easy thing, especially with Thingy around. Moreover, Grisu, peeved by Fumé, spits a flame, and burns all the ingredients once more! But Grisu is a resourceful dragon, and he manages to create the perfume Maria expects just in time for her romantic date!
Beda writes an angry letter to Gustavsson because his shooting noise has scared her cow. When the postman wants to deliver the letter, he stops at Pettson and Findus' house first. Findus accidentally drops the letter into the soup, making it unreadable. The two trick the postman for a while so that he doesn't notice how they rewrite the letter on their own assumption about its contents. In the process, the previous complaint turns into a friendly invitation to coffee and cake.
PADDLES longs to be part of the St. Patricks Day Parade but organiser CHARLOTTE CHICKEN claims that polar bears arent Irish enough to join in until the little bear-cub has a happy accident.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse go on a long trip with Big Nutbrown Hare to find some food he hid away during the warmer months. Little Nutbrown Hare plays with a stick along the way, which turns out to have many uses, one of which is helping them find the food and another is finding their way home again.
There are two balls in the kindergarden. One, the big bugs play with, and one for the small bugs. One day one of the balls bursts and they all have to find a way to peacfully play with the one remaining ball. Soon they realize that they can also play together, so Stanley admits that the small bugs are not that clumsy after all.
The Moonbug can't walk. The centipede always helps him to get him to where he wants to go. But one day the centipede has to go on a long journey, so the Moonbug is left to go alone to Alfonso's concert. But Eddy, the potatobeetle builds a special chair with wheels for Moonbug. The Moonbug can finally go alone to Alfonso's concert, and anywhere he wants to.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave help Hatty bunny-sit the three Little Bunnies. They learn the secret to successful bunny-sitting is to have them play, eat, and then sleep after their bedtime story. And they must not forget that Littlest Bunny needs his cuddly carrot to help him settle down. A special song helps them remember all the bunny-sitting rules - and makes the perfect sleepy lullaby!
To crawl like crocodile and to swing on lianas just like a monkey! Have you been in the jungle today? Dad is amazed. No! Conni goes exercising and thats a lot of fun. Especially, since she soon learns to perform a leap-frog, which is something she never dared to do before. Even I cant do that dad declares. Maybe he should also do some exercises.
Conni is exited as she goes to the big ice rink with her mum. If only Nina weren't there. She's a beginner, just like Conni, but she's always in Conni's way. When Conni finally musters the courage to go onto the ice all by her own, she promptly met by Nina and... they collide and embrace each other! Thankfully! Otherwise they'd have fallen onto their behinds. This way the following days become a lot of fun together.
What was a caveman's favorite attraction? Doodleboo explains how to draw a funny dinosaur.
Who reigns over the ocean? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Pirate.
What does a real pirate never separate from? Doodleboo explains how to draw a parrot.
What animal from the savanah makes lots of noise and loves playing in water? Doodleboo explains how to draw an elephant.
In the real world, Messy is having fun on his swing. Back and forth he goes but suddenly it breaks! A disappointed Messy goes off go to Okido to find out why! He lands in Felix and Zoe's garden but can't see them anywhere. To Messys surprise, out they jump from behind something strange… “Where did these metal trees come from?” Messy asks them and discovers that they aren't trees, they're legs! In fact, they're legs of Stan Tall, Okido's biggest robot who is helping Zim build a bridge today. So Messy whistles the Okidoodle over and they race Stan to the seaside to get started!
In the real world, Messy is sniffing around his sitting room trying to find out what smells so bad... Eurghh fresh laundry - Messy cant stand this clean smell! In fact its smelly socks that smell delicious to a Messy monster! Why do some socks smell good and some bad? Its off to Okido to find out! Felix and Zoe are outside in Okido, holding their noses against a terrible smell in the air. The smell is so terrible that Lolly thinks its the flowers Mayor Oki gave to her.
The kids find some numbered papers blowing around the park. After investigating several possibilities of where they could be from, they finally figure out they were once fastened to trees in the park as part of a self-guided tour to celebrate Arbor Day. / When all the milk in Huckles Dads store turns out to be sour, Huckle, Sally and Lowly set out to find out why.
Daisy, Ollie, Whizzy and Boo are excited to learn about Halloween and are looking forward to dressing up in spooky costumes and going trick-or-treating. They hear a thunderclap and the rain starts to fall; it looks like they wont be able to go trick-or-treating after all. Daddy has an idea; they can still dress up and play some Halloween games at home. What a lot of spooky fun!
A common tree frog hops into the garden one wet and rainy day. Leo, Katie and Hero take the frog to the forest, where Ranger Rocky directs them to find the frogs breeding ground.
The Junior Rangers go to the rainforest to find a new home for a goliath birdeater spider. But can the Junior Rangers scare off a pair of weasels who are preying on their eight-legged friend?
Jess is concerned that all the water on the farm is frozen and sets about working out when it will come back. He works out that once the sun is out the ice melts and learns all about freezing and melting..
Mimi is trying to prepare for a visit from Horace and wants the hutch to feel like home for her froggy friend. Jess promises to paint the special seat Mimi has made for Horace green for her, but first he has to work out how to make green from different colours.
When Harry is disappointed that none of his wishes come true in the real world, the dinosaurs take him to visit the wishing well.
Ted has entered his Red Rocket into the Pencaster Flying Machine Challenge and Pat needs to deliver it to him in time for the race to begin. When Pat lands in Thompsons Field after some gusty winds, one of the sheep starts the Rocket and it lifts off with Pat and Jess inside! With no time to spare, Pat agrees to fly Teds Rocket around the course… can Pat make it in time and win Ted the trophy?
Diesel is not a very helpful engine, but at Christmas, when there is so much extra work to be done, his unhelpfulness is really unwelcome and unkind, especially when he refuses to stop for Paxton who has been derailed. Thomas decides to help Diesel see the error of his ways. Over the course of the next few days Diesel is visited by what appear to be ghostly engines who remind him just how unhelpful he has been in the past, the joy helping others can bring at Christmas and the danger that if you dont help others they might not come to help you when you really need them. When Diesel becomes derailed himself and fears that he could be abandoned the message finally hits home.
Diesel is not a very helpful engine, but at Christmas, when there is so much extra work to be done, his unhelpfulness is really unwelcome and unkind, especially when he refuses to stop for Paxton who has been derailed. Thomas decides to help Diesel see the error of his ways. Over the course of the next few days Diesel is visited by what appear to be ghostly engines who remind him just how unhelpful he has been in the past, the joy helping others can bring at Christmas and the danger that if you dont help others they might not come to help you when you really need them. When Diesel becomes derailed himself and fears that he could be abandoned the message finally hits home.
Sandro and Stella are preparing a surprise party for David's tenth anniversary as captain of the fire brigade. But Fumé unwittingly smashes the cake Sandro baked, and the firefighter doesn't have time to make a new one because he has to go on a rescue mission. So Grisu offers to bake one in his stead, helped by Stella. They immediately run into difficulties as the grocery shop is closed. They have to get their ingredients elsewhere – Fumé at Gertrude's, Stella at Maria's pizzeria and Grisu at Guellec's farm. This entails comic mishaps such as Stella running on a rollin pin or Grisu pursued by the black sheep.
Natureza is going to to the polar cap to conduct some studies. She needs someone to build an igloo for her while she sets up scientific instruments. Impervious to cold, Grisu accepts to come along and build the igloo. He quickly runs into comic difficulties: the snow he is to dig out to make bricks gets too hard, he's distracted by a playful sea lion, then he's trapped by falling icicles (and fortunately gets rescued by Natureza)… To top it off, as Grisu is almost done, a snowball thrown by the sea lion smashes on his head. Surprised, the little dragon lets out a flame that melts down the igloo's top. But a firefighter never gives up!
Bob and his crew are finishing off the new penguin pool at Spring City Zoo. Its almost complete when Lofty accidentally drops a large rock, which smashes the observation window. Its urgent that they fix it quickly because the penguins will be arriving any moment. Meanwhile Mayor Madison and Mr. Bentley are entertaining a special visitor, the grouchy Mayor Snipe from Riverdale. They take him on a tour of the city, but he isnt impressed with the castle, the sports stadium or the revolving restaurant.Back at the zoo the penguins have arrived, but the pool isnt ready for them yet. Leo has been busy working on a new pond and water feature at The Town Hall, and Lofty suggests the penguins can stay there until their new home is ready.
Bob and the team arrive at the Racetrack to build three horse stables the day before a big race. At the sight of the horses, Leo goes into cowboy mode for the duration of the build. Henry Corner, the anxious groom, wants the build to be as noise-free as possible for the sake of his nervy horses, which is exactly when the noisy Two-Tonne arrives in reverse. The build progresses well, until, getting carried away lassoing with some spare ropes, Leo scares the horses, who escape from their paddock and kick out at the nearly-built stables in their excitement. The stables collapse like dominos! Bob and Scoop have to round up the horses now galloping around the racetrack while Wendys quick thinking and Loftys help steers them back safely into their paddock. But the stables still need to be built all over again and now its nearly dusk. A contrite Leo thinks he may have a solution, but what?
When Little Nutbrown Hare sees Blue Bird building a nest, he thinks it looks like fun, so he and Little Field Mouse build one themselves. But it's a bit too scratchy and tickly for them to get comfortable in. They give it to their friends to try out, but they also find it not quite right. Will anybody find their nest cozy and useful?
Big Nutbrown Hare teaches Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends to play hide-and-seek, but the boisterous little hare finds it hard to stay still and quiet, especially when the Spring meadow is full of birds, butterflies and lizards to chase. When he does manage to stay still and quiet he finds the creatures of the meadow come to him… even very shy ones.
Its bedtime but wheres Hoppity? Bing remembers playing with him in the garden but now its all dark out there and he doesnt really like the dark. Flop finds Bings carrot torch and together they set off into the dark on an adventure. But wheres Hoppity?
Bing and Sula have a lovely time in the park clambering around on the trees. At first its Sula who needs Bings help to climb up but when Bing climbs a bit too high he gets stuck and then he needs some help himself.
Bings friends are coming to his house for a cake party. Sula arrives first and Bing cant wait to show her the cake hes made, but he accidentally tips the cake off its stand and breaks it into pieces. Bing is upset that the cake is ruined but Amma helps him see it somewhat differently.
The Triplets are watching a detective series on television before going to bed and they are fascinated by Sherlock's knack for solving enigmas. So when Poet cannot find his cuddly bear the next morning he decides to conduct an investigation. The kids search the entire apartment for evidence, with their magnifying glass, but in vain. They go to the bakery, then to the park and ask passersby for their help but still not a trace of the bear. It is finally Toto and his great sense of smell that will lead them to the cuddly toy, which was simply bundled up in Poet's blanket.
The Triplets are thrilled: Eliott is coming over to babysit them tonight and they want him to tell them a scary story. But as the story goes along the kids are more and more frightened and prefer going to bed without hearing the end. How can they avoid nightmares? How about setting a net around their beds, using a magic cuddly bear or invoking a protective fairy? Suddenly they hear a loud noise in the apartment! Phew, it is only mom. The Triplets are really glad she is home.
Against Strawberrys advice, Orange adopts a baby fish and discovers she has her hands full when it turns out to be not a fish, but a tadpole-on-its-way-to-being-a-frog!
A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
Jess thinks that Little Bird has dropped a feather as a gift for him to keep and play with so he's very worried when it goes missing. He searches for it and finally he finds it, right in Little Bird's nest, keeping her warm.
Jess is having a sleepover and wants to wish on a star with the puppies like Willow has told them to. But they all fall asleep. When he wakes in the morning to find the stars are gone he has to work out why and when they'll be back.
Harry decides to imitate his Mum by becoming a newspaper reporter for the day.
Kipper hears a rustling noise in the park. Its Tiger looking for the Park Monster. Kipper says there arent any monsters in the park but Tiger says it is just a game. Then they see something large and shadowy in the grass… they set a trap for it using sweets but it turns out the monster is someone they know quite well.
Kipper, Tiger and Jake are having a day on the river. It takes ages to do up their lifejackets and Tiger loses his cap. Jake rows them in a circle and Tiger does a special knot to tie the boat up when they stop for lunch but it comes undone and the boat drifts away. By the end of the day they are glad to be back on dry land.
Timmy and his friends are making paper planes but Timmy needs some help from Finlay. Help Timmy decide which transport comes next.
PADDLES longs to be part of the St. Patricks Day Parade but organiser CHARLOTTE CHICKEN claims that polar bears arent Irish enough to join in until the little bear-cub has a happy accident.
Simon plays a joke on Gaspard by hiding his truck. Ha ha ha super funny! But when the truck disappears again while the brothers are building a race track in the yard, Simon swears that he hasnt pulled the same joke twice. It wasnt me, I promise! Simon helps Gaspard look all over the place for the truck but, ahhh, now its his toy car that disappears. Actually, it was Grandpa who moved them so they wouldnt get them wet while he watered his garden. Except that both the truck and the car disappear again! Is this one of Grandpas jokes?
An owl egg accidentally ends up inside an Amazonian turtles nest. When the baby turtles hatch out from the eggs at the same time as the baby owl, they find their little “sister” quite different, with its big eyes, turning head, and not able to swim. But they accept her, anyways. The problems start, however, when they decide to take their “lil sis” for a swim and theyre all dragged by the river stream. The animals of the forest call the Cru-Cru for them, and Tainá and her gang run to their help. The Guardians of the Amazon take the baby turtles out of the dangerous stream, save the baby owl from the waterfall and, to top it off, teach them that each one has their own way of being.
A terrifying monster haunts a baby Amazonian bush dog. Its mom has never seen the monster, but the baby assures that theres a shadow with a monstrous voice prowling its lair every night. Tainá and her gang show up to solve the mystery and protect the baby bush dog and its mommy. After a great deal of confusion, Tainá finds out that the monster was nothing but a tiny Cock-of-the-rock, whose terrible cough, the shadows of the night and the imagination of the baby dog were turning into a big monster. Nothing that a cup of tea and some good laughing wont solve.
A swim in the garden brings Leo and Hero up close and personal with a Malayan water monitor. The Junior Rangers set out to search for the monitors home, but will their jeep survive a river crossing after a jeep float gets punctured?
Imagine Leos surprise when he realises that a piece of seaweed in his aquarium is actually a leafy seadragon! The Junior Rangers set forth to put the leafy seadragon back in Australian waters, but their mission changes course when they have to save leafy seadragons that have been washed ashore.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave help Larry the Leopard find his way to the play park, and safely home again, by making him a map. They draw all the roads and pathways Larry needs to follow, adding signs and landmarks en route to remind him which way to go. When they arrive at the play park they have fun riding on their favourite ride, the merry-go-round!
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave throw a big party for all their countryside and jungle friends. Invitations are sent out to tell everyone the time and place. Decorations are put up and party food prepared. DJ-Dave gets the party started with some cool music and soon everyones having fun dancing and tucking into their favourite snacks. Theres even time for Hattys favourite party game!
I've got lice? But I wash my hair all the time! Conni learns fast that this has got nothing to do with dirt and that this happens to a lot of kids. The main thing is to get rid of the pests! Mum and Conni declare war on the lice. Yay! The lice are all gone, Conni is happy. Apart from one... and this one gets scrutinized under the magnifying glass to a hair.
Sketcky is too greedy! He cannot help eating too fast. Doodleboo shows him that he should follow the example of someone who likes to take his time.
Sketcky is invited to his cousin's home in Megalopolis. Sketcky is very happy to visit this city full of people and cars. To avoid traffic jams in this big city, Doodleboo has an idea.
On one of Sketcky's holiday photos, Doodleboo and Sketcky discover an egg in a nest. But the nest is not in a tree. Doodleboo will show Sketcky what this strange animal is, that lays eggs and does not fly.
It's wash day in Okido. Messy travels with Zoe and Felix to the Okido llaundrette and learns just how much soap can be too much. Soon Okido is covered in bubbles and it's up to Messy to clean up.
It's the day of Mayor Oki's Ice-skate Skate-tacular. Only there is too much ice and it's stopping everyone from getting to the show! Messy must find away to metl the ice and save the show.
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Berry and Dolly goes to the kindergarten and the day passes fast with lot of interesting plays.
Balthazar really gets to like the unknown bumblebee girl, and with the help of the friends he even builds a house for her.
Berry and Dolly accidentally ruin the snowman of Balthazar but finally they build an even nicer one jointly.
Flop teaches Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Pando soon gets the hang of it but Bing struggles and gets frustrated. After many attempts and some gentle guidance from Flop Bing finally blows a big bubble and is outraged when Pando pops it.
Bing and Sula head off for a picnic at the paddling pool with Flop. But when they get there, they are shocked to find there is no water inside. Bings disappointment soon gives way to the realisation that its a very special pool day. With no water there are all sorts of games they can play that are usually against the pool rules.
During Bings bedtime routine he inadvertently pees on his blankie and its too wet to wash and dry before bed. Fortunately his Hoppity Voosh toy has a cape just as soft and huggy as blankie and it even smells just right too.
Its winter, and peak sledging time – a sport at which Paddles excels! He helps his friends sledge and keep warm as well by inventing a sledging game; he tows everyones sledges up the hill and toboggans down on his tummy, towing all behind! The friends explain to Paddles that cold winter nights mean its ceilidh time, and everyone helps prepare for a ceilidh at the Wolfie house. But as the big night arrives theres yet more snow, and its even colder – how will everyone get to the ceilidh? Paddles and his sledging ceilidh cart to the rescue!
Ted has entered his Red Rocket into the Pencaster Flying Machine Challenge and Pat needs to deliver it to him in time for the race to begin. When Pat lands in Thompsons Field after some gusty winds, one of the sheep starts the Rocket and it lifts off with Pat and Jess inside! With no time to spare, Pat agrees to fly Teds Rocket around the course… can Pat make it in time and win Ted the trophy?
Toramento is exhausted because of his job, so Grisu tries to help him by boosting a malfunctioning and slow cleaning robot to do the job in his place. But the boosted robot is not easy to control and makes a mess all around the city, also because Thingy wants to play with it, sending the machine haywire. Eventually Grisu understands that Toramento doesnt need a robot doing the job in his place, but a care-giving device that provides coffee and massages, keeping his stamina up.
Checking the safety items at the watch tower in the forest, Emma realizes that the alarm system doesn't work anymore. Grisu suggest using the old fire station alarm bell. Great idea! Unfortunately, David, who's supposed to set it up, is called for an intervention and must leave. Grisu offers his help. Here is Grisu and Stella heading to the forest with the old bell on a cart. The noisy bell creates some confusion in the forest since everybody thinks there's a fire. Not mentioning Michel, Gertrud's very talkative parrot who can't help but imitating every sound and voice he hears. The mission turns into a catastrophe when Grisu burns the bell… right when a fire starts into the forest. But Grisu is resourceful, as always, and he uses Michel as a spare alarm bell.
Simon and his friends are performing in their school play. Simon and Mamadou are playing the role of trees, Lou is disguised as a mouse and Ferdinand is an elephant. The kids are all excited. But the play is about to begin and Simon suddenly realizes that all the parents are in the audience. Full house! And stage-fright kicks in! But hes not the only one scared to go on. Mamadou is petrified with fear. But were always stronger together and with the two of them reassuring each other, the play is going to be a great success!
At the beach, Simon discovers a crab sitting in a pool of water between the rocks. But a little girl, Maelle, is already there and she declares that the pool of water is hers! Simon doesnt agree one little bit! In order to see who gets to “own” the pool of water, Simon offers a challenge: see who can catch a crab first! Simon loses this particular challenge, but he wins the next one, which consists in collecting the most winkles. One last challenge will decide the definitive winner: the first one to reach the water wins the whole beach!
One Spring morning a cute spotty ladybird lands on Little Nutbrown Hare and seems to want to stay with him. All his friends admire the interesting little creature and he feels very special indeed. When she eventually flies away Little Nutbrown Hare follows her, wanting her back. But he understands why she left when he discovers she has lots of tiny spotty babies.
Martis wants to leave, like his older brothers before him. Scoutbadger says he would like to go along too. The boys will find out that they are not yet quite big enough to play the adult.
The children set out to find a treasure that Grandpa and his best friend hid in the forest a long time ago. And the long time is the problem as Grandpas clues are no longer very accurate….
Phillip, the little diesel boxcab, arrives at Knapford full of energy and enthusiasm. When Gordon tells Phillip how fast he is, Phillip is determined to prove that he is faster and challenges him to a race. Unfortunately Gordon is resting on the siding when Phillip comes over and when the express engine tells Phillip to “go away”, he thinks its a challenge and races off. When he gets to the other end of the line and Gordon still hasnt overtaken him, Phillip assumes hes won, causing Gordon to show him just how fast he really can be. Phillip is very impressed, but he is not in the least disheartened as he believes he still beat Gordon the first time.
What a quiet and lazy day! Digsy only has to fill a hole in the ground, than he'll be free for the rest of the day... Or? One by one his friends ask him for small favors, and before he knows it he has so much to do that he doesn't even knows where to begin, and in the end nothing gets done.
Kipper is waiting for Pig and Arnold at the duck pond when a small friendly robot clanks out of the water. At Kippers house it tries a piece of bread, a milk shake and some chocolate cookies but when Kipper introduces Hippo, to his horror, the robot eats him too! Happily Kipper and Hippo are reunited at the duck pond.
Its Arnolds birthday and hes got some great presents. Pig has given him a cassette player – but the tape is missing. They want to play musical chairs – who has the tape? Everyone thinks everyone else has it until Tiger asks some searching questions. And the tape is in Tigers…. well, that would be telling wouldnt it?
Kevin and Doug play in the street with water guns hiding between parked cars and chasing each other. Until suddenly Kevin gets almost hit by a car, but Poli is at hand immediately, saying “Kevin! And Doug! I cant believe you two just ran out into the road!” Poli asks if they know that if they run in between parked cars, theyre eighteen times more likely to get into an accident?! Its very dangerous as its nearly impossible for drivers to see kids in time, and they can wind up getting hit!!
The trainees have to assess each other as they do braking tests in the park. Wilson doesnt do so well – and the trainees consider reporting that he did better than he actually did. In the end, Wilson decides they should be honest to Vee, even if it means forfeiting his badge – but Vee tells them the badge wasnt for braking, but for good judgment, which theyve shown by telling the truth!
The trainees are learning how to use their snowploughs, snow horns and snow lanterns, but have yet to experience real snow. When a blizzard comes in, its all chuggers to the rails! Wilson goes out with Harrison, promising to stick very close to him. Unfortunately, he gets distracted by some children building a snowman, and falls behind. The snowstorm worsens, Wilson ducks into a tunnel to shelter, and an avalanche traps him. Wilson remembers what he learned that morning and uses his snow lantern and horn to attract Harrisons attention.
When Koko sees the pretty design that Lori has painted on Zephies face, she decides she wants one too and the two of them compete to see who can get the biggest and best design. Loris too busy repainting rolling stock in the automated spray shed to help, so Koko and Zephie decide to paint each other using the paint car. Koko paints Zephie with spiders and Zephie gives Koko a beard and moustache! They laugh when they realise theyve played a trick on each other - but the laughing stops when they discover the paint is permanent!
Kai needs a photo of the majestic Golden Pheasant for a photography competition. But no flash photography please!
The Junior Rangers are caught in a sandstorm! Leo grabs Hero and escapes with the other rangers... except he didn't actually grab Hero. He grabbed a Fennec Fox instead!
Pat is delivering the 1st prize in the annual treasure hunt - a tepee. Only Lauren knows where the tepee is to be delivered and writes it on an envelope for Pats eyes only. The envelope gets lost among thousands of other letters. Pat has to take part in the treasure hunt to find the secret location to deliver the tepee. He must win the treasure hunt to deliver the tepee before the kids get there.
Pat has to deliver a wind generator to Ted Glens workshop. Ted has invited the children to see his new generator in action. The strong winds make it difficult for Pat to complete his delivery - a fence hits the van and causes a problem with the engine. When Ted, Lauren and the children become trapped without power at the workshop, Pat uses the wind generator to make the van move without the engine and saves the day.
Flop is pushing Bing on the swing in the park when Pando arrives and wants to have a go too. They agree to let each other have turns by counting up to ten but when Pando has his turn he wont count properly. Bing gets so cross he runs in front of the swing and gets bumped.
Bing is busy building a tower as tall as he is with his blocks and is upset when Coco arrives and hijacks the blocks so that she can make a rainbow pattern with them instead. When even Charlie wants to play with the blocks its clear a new game needs to be found that they can all play together.
Bing and Sula go to the park to feed the ducks. Sula is very good at standing quietly and giving the ducks just the right amount of food. Bing throws all his duck food into the water in one go and gets more than he bargained for when a big flappy goose comes to gobble it all up.
Its snack time for Bing but the only banana left is too mushy to eat. Flop suggests making a smoothie with it instead. Disaster strikes when Bings carrot accidentally gets put into the blender as well and when it gets shredded Bing is upset to discover that his carrot has changed and that he cant have it back.
Bing finds a frog in the garden and wants to keep it so he and Sula make the frog a house in a bucket. But froggy doesnt like her new home and hops out. Maybe theyve not thought enough about what froggy really needs in her home.
Koko and Brewster are trying for their Courier badges. They each have to deliver three packages before five oclock. But after two deliveries, Kokos badge quest is interrupted when Eddie needs her to take him to an emergency track repair. Koko thinks she hasnt won her badge – until Vee says that, as Koko has delivered him to the track repair, Eddie can count as the third package.
Oswald is playing the piano, with Weenie beside him, when they hear a drip drip dripping noise. Oswald investigates only to discover it is a leaking tap in the kitchen. Oswald tries to fix it with his spanner but the pipe bursts and water floods Big City!
Oswald, Weenie and Henry decide to spend the day together, and set off for Madame Butterflys Diner. Henry orders fish fingers - just like always on a Monday - but Oswald orders the Monday Surprise. It turns out to be the best meal of all! Oswald exclaims I guess you never know! delighted that life is always full of surprises. As their day goes on, Henry and Oswald encounter many more happy surprises but Henry gets the biggest one of all when his friends throw a birthday party for him – eight days early! Henry finally admits that life is much more fun when…you never know whats going to happen next….
Keen on Bobs sardine sandwiches, Pilchard sneaks into his rucksack and hitches a ride to work at Chef Tatties UFO-themed revolving restaurant where she sneaks out and walks through some paint leaving a trail of green footprints. Inspired by all the talk of aliens, the Machines follow the trail. Pilchard arrives in the kitchen and goes to sleep on top of a remote control causing the restaurant to revolve at high speed. Bob saves the day by luring Pilchard off the remote control with a sardine sandwich. The team finish the restaurant and the Machines discover the truth about the alien .
Bob and the team will be building an enclosure and viewing platform for the new giraffe. Lofty is excited that he will be seeing his favourite animal. But when the giraffe arrives he gets so anxious to get a good view that he crashes through a fence and frightens the giraffe away! Luckily he knows exactly what giraffes eat and is soon tempting the giraffe back to his enclosure with a big pile of leaves on his jib. The enclosure is finished and tidied up just in time and Bob suggests Jenny Dobbs names the giraffe after its biggest fan… Lofty!
One bright moonlit Autumn night, the Nutbrown Hares are both having trouble sleeping. As they lay quietly in a pile of leaves they listen to the sounds of the night… swish, hoot, wobble, nibble, croak and splash! They go on a journey to discover whats making the interesting night noises, but will they work out what sound the moon makes?
Chilly Autumn winds blow as Little Nutbrown Hare chases the beautiful fallen leaves. When one wafts so high that only a bird could catch it Little Nutbrown Hare wishes he could fly as well. He and Little Field Mouse try every way they can think of to fly, without luck. They have fun trying, however, and along the way they discover they have their own very special talents.
Crisp Autumn days are perfect for collecting pretty golden leaves and playing hide and boo. Little Nutbrown Hare is so excited that he accidently promises to play with two different games with two different friends on the same day. He cant be in two places at once, so how will he keep both his promises and both his friends happy?
INUI longs to see a pole star fairy and her friends are determined to bring that about whatever it takes. LADY P, who is the smallest, will dress in a sparkly tutu with fake wings manufactured by CRACKPOT and GROUCHY. Then WHITNEY WHALE, hiding behind an iceberg, will launch the wannabe fairy into the air with a flick of her massive tail. For a few moments the illusion works – but then it is clear that the falling star is none other but LADY P. Still, INUI is touched by her friends kindness.
Red spots suddenly begin appearing on everything in Busytown from Mr. Rabbits mail box to Hilda Hippos roof! Huckle ultimately discovers that the red spots are really juice marks made from cherries falling from overhanging trees. / A teeny weeny piano motivates Huckle, Sally and Lowly to try to figure out who would own such a small instrument.
In the real world, Messy is busy in his bedroom, theres toys and clothes thrown all over the higgledy, piggledy place! He stands on the bed admiring the view – what a magnificent mess - his best ever! Suddenly the lights go out. He tries pressing the light switch on and off but he remains surrounded by darkness. “Why did my light go off all on its own?” he wonders so he vortexes himself to Okido to find out. Messy lands in Okido and bounces into Zoe and Felixs house where he finds them dancing to disco music. “Hey! Youre having a party without me” moans Messy. Zoe reassures him that theyre only practicing for their disco later on in the day.
In the real world, Messy is happily singing away and about to eat a delicious ice cube sandwich but before he knows it, the ice has melted leaving a very sorry looking sandwich indeed! Scratching his head, he decides to find out why its suddenly become so warm? When you need to know... Go to Okido! Messy lands in Okido to find Zoe and Felix in their garden. Theyre fanning themselves under the shade of an umbrella but cant seem to cool down! In order to find some cool shade they ski-doodle off in Okidoodle to the Cloudship.
On a road trip to find homes for his van full of orphan puppies, Huckleberry gets lost near Berry Bitty City and is invited by Strawberry to spend the night—but ends up staying longer to repair the damage that his frisky pups do to the marketplace bedroom! The girls each host one of the pups while Huck, grateful to the town for rescuing him, fakes interest in the girls activities in an attempt to get everyone to like him. Blueberry discovers his love of the same Patti Persimmon mystery novels that she loves, and encourages him to be himself. Meanwhile the girls swap puppies until each finds their perfect match and adopts one!
Harry and the dinos are playing a game of 'I Spy'', Harry decides to 'spy' his dinos, but he can't remember their proper dinosaur names.
Harry and Charlie are arguing over what the moon is made of. In order to settle their dispute they take a rocket journey to the moon via Dino World.
Chuck and friends try to prove to Rally that theyre too big for toys and games and that theyre only interested in racing.
Part of the track is out, and theres chaos in Chuggington! Vee needs Eddie to repair the track - but hes late for work again. Hodge prepares the electro-magnetic crane and the replacement track so they will be ready to go as soon as Eddie arrives. Wilson persuades Hodge that he could do the repairs by himself and save Eddie from getting in trouble. Hodge doesnt think so - when he is buckled up to the magnet he cant see what he is doing - Eddie always guides him. No problem says Wilson and offers to go along to help.
Koko has her first big solo delivery job, picking up timber and delivering it to the paper mill - that is if Old Puffer Pete gets out of her way! In spite of Petes admonition to take it slow and steady, Koko speeds toward the timber yard, nearly ploughing into a family of squirrels! On her return she encounters the squirrels again - but this time she has to make an emergency stop, spilling her load! Old Puffer Pete chugs up behind her and re-loads the logs onto her car with his crane - which gives Koko an idea.
Angelina wants to help promote the opening of her dads new music store with a big party and a musical demonstration. She enlists her musician friends to play some of the instruments that will be sold in the store. Unfortunately, Mrs. Thimble, whose store is right across the street, doesnt appreciate the loud music because it interferes with her daily nap. Angelina finds a creative way to keep the party going without disturbing Mrs. Thimble.
Ms. Mimi introduces the class to a new drum kit. When Angelina behaves over-exuberantly, she is embarrassed by Ms. Mimi's gentle admonishment. She tries to regain Ms. Mimi's favor, but to do that she misses important rehearsals with her friends. Angelina learns that everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes thats how we learn!
One gorgeous Summer morning Big Nutbrown Hare wakes to find Little Nutbrown Hare enthralled by a story of Little White Owls. Encouraged, Little Nutbrown Hare sets off to make up a story of his own, but finds it harder than he thought to come up with one. With the help of his father, he finally uses some fruit hes collected on the way to help him tell a very colourful tale.
Little Nutbrown Hare has a new game. He will be Big Nutbrown Hare for a day, doing jobs like finding food, answering tricky questions and resting in the grass. Likewise, Big Nutbrown Hare must take on his sons jobs of playing with his friends, making up new games and asking questions. Its all great fun until they realize that they are much, much better at being themselves.
Its Mothers Day when all the mothers get together to talk about their daily lives and the community. Meanwhile, the fathers and children prepare them a pleasant evening along with some surprises. Rosie has decided to mark the occasion with a lovely sculpture for her mother but things do not turn out quite as expected.
Bob and the team are building Spring Citys new Ice Rink when the Rockets arrive and plead with him to finish it as soon as possible. They explain that the rink they were going to be playing on that evening is out of action and they have no-where to play! Bob tells them hell do his best and the building begins. Muck is fascinated by the idea of Ice Hockey and when Bob and Wendy set off to get the clear plastic panels to fit in the barrier surrounds, Muck decides to have a little go himself. Despite Leos protestations, all the machines are soon skidding about on the ice causing mayhem! When Bob and Wendy arrive back, they are alarmed to see all the barriers knocked down! Muck says sorry but Bob knows that the Rockets will be back very soon and they need to work fast.
Bob and his crew are finishing off the new extension to the Spring City Museum. They are awaiting the delivery of its first exhibit – a full sized Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton. Mr. Bentley has come out in his lunch break to supervise the arrival of the skeleton. But while Bob is back at his yard Leo discovers to his horror that Mr. Bentley has bungled the dimensions of the doors to the new extension, and now they are unable to get the huge dinosaur skeleton inside. Lofty suggests taking the skeleton to pieces and reassembling the bones inside the building.
Huckle and the gang race all over Busytown trying to find the lock that fits and old key they found. They search everywhere from the Busytown Museum to Mr Gronkles antiques. They come up empty until they remember that an old roll top desk was being delivered to the antique store near where they found the key and had a lock on it. They try the key and it fits. / Chocolate sauce on Lowly's car leaves Huckle and the gang puzzled.
A forest fire breaks out! It's up to the Junior Rangers to ferry the animals to safety, with a little help from their new friend, a sociable Capybara.
Kai has done it! He has finally invented an animal translator that can decipher the song of the Humpback Whales! Or so he thinks...
Fireman Sam
Poet was quietly sitting on the pot when he suddenly heard a horrible sound and quickly ran away, convinced that a dragon was hiding in the toilet. The triplets called their Grandpa for help, but he only managed to stop the roaring temporarily. He must be hungry, suggests Girl, so why not feed him the roast? Another miss, but Toto had a feast! Good thing Mom called a real dragon hunter to the rescue, a plumber, and everything returns to normal. There is just one slight problem: there is nothing left for dinner!
Poet is convinced that the frog they found in the garden is actually a princess, but Girl disagrees: it must be a prince! The three kids come up with plans to find out: how about observing how the animal reacts to jewelry or to Toto dressed up as a dragon? But the frog does not blink and there seems to be only one last solution. Turbulent volunteers to give it a kiss! However, nothing happens and the little frog just hops away while Poet and Girl cannot stop laughing: you kissed a frog!”.
Mom tells Poet that he should put his cuddly bear in the washing machine, but he does not want to. Mom tries to discreetly steal the bear, but it is easier said than done. Seeing that she is having a hard time, Turbulent and Girl decide to give her a hand to retrieve the cuddly toy, however their commando mission proves to be more complicated than they planned, and the little bear ends up even dirtier than before. Poet can only resign, but what a joy it is to hug a fresh and clean teddy bear.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
Grisu helps Professor Smeraldo to retrieve a Dragonosarus egg from the icecap. Fumé joins the mission too, hoping to do some dragon training. They must prevent the prehistoric egg, caught in an iceblock, from falling off a crevasse, but a hungry albatross pops out and the mission is not so easy since the ice block ends up falling into the crevasse. Luckily, snowdrift softers the impact but our heroes find themselves without any rope to bring the egg back. In the end, the little dragon creates an ice firefighter pole using Smeraldo's searching material and manages the rescue the egg with Fumes help.
Findus promises the chickens that he will build them a feather brush machine. However, he then passes on this difficult tinkering to Pettson, who is more skilled with his hands. Unfortunately, Pettson forgets the order. When the chickens joyfully await the finished machine the next day and are presented with nothing, they are deeply disappointed. The old man and his cat now learn what it means not to keep a promise.
Theres a bumper apple crop in the orchard, and the whole of Drumsnella is involved harvesting the fruit before the birds can get them. Even the children are involved.... Paddles cant help but feel sorry for the hungry birds. However, the apple picking doesnt go entirely to plan; a mischievous Fagan cant help himself and shakes the trees so that apples deluge poor Oscar and Seamus. As a punishment Fagan has to pick up all the rotten apples and put them in the wheelbarrow. Everyone in Drumsnella is busy making apple-themed food for the store cupboard. Fagan spots a get rich quick opportunity and decides to invent an apple juice machine.
Little Nutbrown Hare is very proud of a Christmas Tree he has built from pine cones. So proud, that when Little Field Mouse accidentally knocks it over he has trouble forgiving her. When he makes a mistake of his own, Big Nutbrown Hare forgives him immediately, and he understands how important it is to forgive.
A great storm tears down the fireflies' house. The whole house breaks into peaces and all the lanterns with it. So the small firefiles go on a journey to find the wise old Shining Bug, and ask him to give them new lanterns. When the fireflies return home they are surprised by their new home, the forest friends have built them.
On a spring day, Flutter meets a group of unknown butterfly girls. The girls are happy, energetic and skitty, and Flutter is in awe of them at first. But it turns out the group always makes fun of Flutter's real friends. So Flutter decides to choose her peacful way of life besides her friends.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave cheer Little Lamb on in her first big running race. Little Lamb doesnt think shes good enough to beat the champion, Speedy Sheep, so they make up a rousing cheerleader chant to encourage her to run faster. They even add some special moves! But will this be enough to help Little Lamb become the new speedy champion?
Conni never would have thought that you could have so much fun taking the train. Huge signs with the names of cities and the numbers of the rail tracks, taking escalators, finding rail tracks… Even in the train itself there is so much to discover. This way the long trip to the grandparents passes in no time and feels just like a huge adventure.
A monster lives under my bed, Conni admits hesitantly and tiredly rubs her eyes. It must be a very lonely monster if it visits you all the time mom comments sympathetically. A lonely monster? Conni has never heard about such a thing. Maybe it needs a friend she suggests relieved. Great idea! They find a friend for the monster...
Accusing a mysterious thief of stealing his candy, Sketcky ends up finding it at the bottom of his toy chest. Doodleboo meets a Riddleboo to ward off thieves.
Attention, ladies and gentlemen, the circus has just arrived near Doodleboo's house. You too, guess what Doodleboo prefers at the circus.
Sketcky and Bubble learn a choreography together, but Sketcky does not know how to do somersaults. Doodleboo knows someone who could teach him how to do it.
Friend Philivert is celebrating his birthday. Only problem: crossing the wild jungle. Help Sketcky find which companion can help them cross the city.
In the real world, Messy is in the laundry basket, hurling socks around the bathroom. “Green, my favourite! But I wonder what makes green socks green?” He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. When Messy lands in Okido, Felix and Zoe are in the garden beating the dirt out of their tent. Dust billows out in clouds as Messy helps them, but its still covered in dirt. Zam asks if they need any help, because she has just the thing!
In the real world, Messy is surrounded by his usual mess! Hopping about, he asks himself why fish live underwater, but birds live in trees? When you need to know go to Okido! Messy lands with a somersault onto his bottom and finds Felix and Zoe are painting their house. “Why?” asks Messy. “You have to take care of the place you live in Messy”, explains Zoe. And just at that moment an alarm goes off… Its a Cloudship emergency!
Peppino delivers pizzas faster than anyone in Busytown, so when the kids wait an unusually long time for their pizza to arrive, they figure something must be wrong at the pizzeria. But Peppino isn't there and neither is his delivery car. By following his delivery route, the kids ultimately find Peppino stuck in an elevator./Fairy dust and strange sightings has Hilda Hippo convinced there are real live fairies in Busytown Woods!
Daddy is whipping up one of his speciality smoothies for the children and when they run out of fresh fruit and he has a great idea! They visit Farmer Fran at the city farm and learn all about fruit picking and have fun collecting their own strawberries.
A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
Jess thinks that Little Bird has dropped a feather as a gift for him to keep and play with so he's very worried when it goes missing. He searches for it and finally he finds it, right in Little Bird's nest, keeping her warm.
Jess is having a sleepover and wants to wish on a star with the puppies like Willow has told them to. But they all fall asleep. When he wakes in the morning to find the stars are gone he has to work out why and when they'll be back.
Harry, Charlie, and the dinosaurs are playing at being pirates.
Pat has to deliver a disco machine to the school in time for the disco that evening. While the children wait excitedly, the disco machine is damaged in an accident and Pat has to take the machine to Ted for repair. To make matters worse, the bridge to Greendale is closed at the last minute and its up to Pat to find a way to the school in time to save the disco.
Den and Dart are a team and the best of friends. They work together at the Dieselworks and are rarely separated. But when Mavis has an accident and is sent for repair the Fat Controller needs a replacement engine to work at the quarry. He decides to send Den who is very worried about taking on a new job on his own, especially when Mavis warns him about how troublesome the trucks can be. Dart isnt too happy about working on his own at the quarry either, but with the help from new friends both Den and Dart manage to cope with being separated.
The excitement continues for Thomas & his friends in Series 19. Thomas causes an accident by being silly, blaming an imaginary engine named Geoffrey, but then proves he is a good friend by helping Hiro. Elsewhere, Diesel is visited by some 'ghostly' Christmas engines, Percy struggles to keep track of his woolly cargo and the engines work as a team to rescue a stranded whale.
Grisu and Stella are supposed to draw water from an old well but they soon face several problems: the bucket they use is holed and when they manage to get a bucket full of water, the thirsty sheeps drink all. Not mentioning Fumé who doesn't see the point of watering plants when you can do some dragon training. Grisu thinks he has found the perfect solution when he gets the idea of borrowing the firefighter's water pump… until Fumé (always the same old tune) burns it! But Grisu is never short of ideas. He manages to build a whole aqueduct and a funny pumping device to bring water from the river to the farm!
Following Stella's suggestion, David and his team offer Grisu a very special day: the firefighters will involve him in their trainings. Delivering things with a drone, hitting targets with firehose water, going down the fire truck ladder while holding a bucket filled with water on one's head, navigating through a maze with lots of fun obstacles. Grisu does well in the proves, in spite of comic mishaps mainly caused by his dad. That is, until Grisu unwittingly burns the garage door switch and traps the firefighters and Fumé inside, right as the siren goes off. But a firefighter never gives up!
Rolands Gifts is an internet gift shop; Bob, Leo, Scoop, Muck and Lofty are in it's huge distrubution warehouse with owner, Roland Sweet. Its a few days before Christmas and Roland has commissioned Bob and his team to install a hi-tech a robotic picking system, which will pick items off shelving, wrap them and put them into delivery vans via a chute. The system needs to be installed by evening the next day so customers receive their gifts in time for Christmas Day. Scoop and Muck are excited and do robotic impressions; Leo claims to be very knowledgeable about robotics. During the installation Leo switches the system on to prove his knowledge to Scoop. Meanwhile an approaching snowstorm has moved the delivery deadline to that very evening.
Team Bob are preparing to dig the foundations for a skyscraper in Spring Citys new business zone and are under pressure from Mayor Madison to get started. She keeps interrupting their work on Bobs smart-phone. Scoop and Muck set a challenge to see which of them can dig/clear the earth quickest. Interrupted again, Bob calls a halt but the machines get carried away and keep digging. Scoop goes too deep and hits into something hard underground. Bob calls Anish Bose, the archaeologist, who announces the discovery of Roman ruins. The build will have to halt while they excavate the site. Scoop is filled with remorse and horrified to learn that Romans didnt have machines like him. An interested crowd starts to gather as Anish discovers more artefacts. Mr Bentley arrives for a progress report but rather than being angry at the lack of progress he is excited by the historic discovery.
Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very special feather with bright colours, spots and soft tickly bits. Just as he shows off to his friends how it can fly and float, a cheeky bird flies away with it. Little Grey Squirrel climbs her tree and discovers the bird using it to feather her nest. Will Little Nutbrown Hare find a way to get his feather back, or will he decide that the bird needs it more than he does?
One Spring morning a cute spotty ladybird lands on Little Nutbrown Hare and seems to want to stay with him. All his friends admire the interesting little creature and he feels very special indeed. When she eventually flies away Little Nutbrown Hare follows her, wanting her back. But he understands why she left when he discovers she has lots of tiny spotty babies.
Bing helps Flop do the shopping at Padgets shop but whilst Flop is paying he finds a strawberry lolly that he cant resist putting in his pocket. When Flop sees Bing licking the lolly on the way home they have to decide what to do now.
Bing and Pando are both tired but insist on one last game of Hide and Seek before bed. Pando finds a great hiding place under the covers of Bings bed but by the time Bing finds him hes fast asleep. Bing is tired too and gets upset when he thinks theres nowhere left for him to sleep, but Flop and Padget find a way.
Bing and Sula help Amma to get lunch ready. Bing watches yummy peas and delicious carrots go into the pot, but when lunch is served theyre all mixed up together and Bing doesnt like it. Amma finds Bing an unmixing spoon so that Bing can enjoy his lunch just the way he likes it.
When her little girl says she wants to become a doctor, mom tells her that it takes a lot of work. Surely enough, Girl decides to start training right away, with her first aid kit. Poet and Turbulent are her first patients, but the two boys are quite annoyed by their consultation. Girl tries to heal Toto and finally her teddy bears but they too seem rather ungrateful. So how about becoming a doll doctor?
The triplets are enjoying a day at the beach with their mom. Unfortunately, Girl starts having the hiccups and cannot get rid of it, despite her brothers' many tricks and advice. Strangely enough, a seagull is finally going to cure her...But guess who has the hiccups now?
Plum rallies her friends to be secret “shoemakers elves” for Raspberry and help her finish a dress, but things comically get out of hand when Raspberry, thinking she has her own personal night crew, starts designing more and more ambitious dresses for the “elves” to make.
A swim in the garden brings Leo and Hero up close and personal with a Malayan water monitor. The Junior Rangers set out to search for the monitors home, but will their jeep survive a river crossing after a jeep float gets punctured?
Imagine Leos surprise when he realises that a piece of seaweed in his aquarium is actually a leafy seadragon! The Junior Rangers set forth to put the leafy seadragon back in Australian waters, but their mission changes course when they have to save leafy seadragons that have been washed ashore.
Mimi has lost the handle to her music box and can't hear her music. Jess works out how to make instruments and get all the friends involved in making a little orchestra and performing a fantastic song to cheer mimi up.
Jess helps Mimi to find her little frend Sammy Snail who's gone missing. They check all the places she's seen him before and work out that if they follow the silvery train it leads right to him.
When Harry is disappointed that he can't have what he wants for breakfast he goes to Dino-world.
Kipper is waiting for Pig and Arnold at the duck pond when a small friendly robot clanks out of the water. At Kippers house it tries a piece of bread, a milk shake and some chocolate cookies but when Kipper introduces Hippo, to his horror, the robot eats him too! Happily Kipper and Hippo are reunited at the duck pond.
Its Arnolds birthday and hes got some great presents. Pig has given him a cassette player – but the tape is missing. They want to play musical chairs – who has the tape? Everyone thinks everyone else has it until Tiger asks some searching questions. And the tape is in Tigers…. well, that would be telling wouldnt it?
Timmy and his friends are playing pirates. Where is the treasure in the garden?
Theres a bumper apple crop in the orchard, and the whole of Drumsnella is involved harvesting the fruit before the birds can get them. Even the children are involved.... Paddles cant help but feel sorry for the hungry birds. However, the apple picking doesnt go entirely to plan; a mischievous Fagan cant help himself and shakes the trees so that apples deluge poor Oscar and Seamus. As a punishment Fagan has to pick up all the rotten apples and put them in the wheelbarrow. Everyone in Drumsnella is busy making apple-themed food for the store cupboard. Fagan spots a get rich quick opportunity and decides to invent an apple juice machine.
Simon, disguised as Super Rabbit and Gaspard, disguised as Captain Rabbit, are playing lawn bowling in the yard. Simon is pretty good at it but Gaspard is having a lot of problems. So during snack time, Simon makes his brother believe that if he drinks a mega soup made with super bananas, he will become super strong and knock down all the pins! Mommy goes along with the game works! Simon cant believe his eyes, Gaspard is able to knock down the pins from much further away than he can.
The Cru-cru has called, and Tainá and her gang must help Mrs. Açu-Alligator to convince her daughter to open her mouth. The baby Açu-Alligator is ashamed of her really big mouth, her size and her tail. No conversation in the world will change her mind, until Catu gets in trouble and the baby alligator helps Tainá to save the clumsy monkey! The baby alligator is finally convinced that having a really big mouth and a powerful tail can be quite useful for everyone around her! Its nice to like oneself.
Madam Agouti has the habit of hoarding any piece of junk she finds, and for that she ends up trapped in her home – a hole in a trunk. She calls the Cru-Cru, so that Tainá and her gang can set her free. But the hoarder doesnt show much gratitude and shoos everyone away from her place because theyre touching her stuff. Agouti, by the way, doesnt have many friends precisely because of that; shes too jealous about her junk. The Guardians of the Amazon get back to their business, but theyre soon called out again. This time, Madam Agoutis log has exploded, and she ended up at the edge of a cliff. Luckily, Tainá and her gang manage to rescue her, and Madam Agouti finally learns that having friends is way better than having things.
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to the forest to return an equatorial spitting cobra to its home. Things heat up when the Junior Rangers and slithery serpent are ambushed by mongooses.
The discovery of a green iguana in the garden leads to an adventure in the rainforest! The Junior Rangers want nothing more than to find the iguanas home, but a hungry hawk has other plans for the iguana.
Hattys hat gives Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave a magic Hatty-hat each to wear and then runs off to have fun in Hat Land with all the Hatty-hats from their previous adventures. For the first time ever, Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave take turns in asking questions and a hat-less Hatty takes their place in the Game Time line-up! Each question takes them closer to reuniting Hatty with his favourite hat - and Hatty discovers its much harder answering questions than asking them!
Hatty helps Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave pack up their Rollypods for a vacation at the seaside. There are so many things they want to take, but which items do they need for the perfect beach holiday and which items can be left behind? The sing a song to help them remember everything theyve packed and check it all back on board for the journey home, so that nothing is left behind!
Conni's family has to move house. No! Losing her friends, going to a new school, having a new bedroom? But in the end it all turns out to be good. In the playground near to her new home, Conni meets Anna – the beginning of a great friendship!
While Doodleboo and Sketcky sunbathe, Sketcky wants to know more about the sky, clouds, and space! Doodleboo has the idea of a Riddleboo that will reveal all the secrets of the universe to Sketcky...
Sketcky would like to succeed in doing his magic tricks, but he fails them all the time. Doodleboo is no more talented than he, but he has a magic Riddleboo for his friend to discover!
Looking at a picture of the desert, Sketcky wonders what one could do in such a huge desert. Doodleboo has an idea of Riddleboo, full of travels and surprises!
Messy is in the kitchen making a jam sandwich. He jumps to grab the sandwich from the side but accidentally loses his grip - whoops! Poor Messy, his sandwich is all over the floor! “But why do things always fall down and not up?” he asks and transports himself to Okido to find out. In Okido, Messy joins Zoe and Felix in the garden, who are stargazing at the night sky. They spot a shooting star. As it zips across the sky it starts to get bigger in size. Now its travelling towards them! “Duck”, shouts Messy, as it lands right in front of them.
Its morning time in the real world and Messy wakes up to hear a noisy song bird chirping outside his bedroom window. “Whos making all that noise first thing in the morning?” asks a grumpy Messy. He tries to start up a conversation with the bird until he realises he doesnt understand what the bird is saying. “Whats the point of singing a song with no words?” asks Messy and he transports himself to OKIDO to find out.
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Berry and Dolly insist on seeing an octopus. They manage to get to the home island of the octopus and in the way back home rainbow-fishes help them.
The violin of the poor Cricket breaks. Berry and Dolly takes care that neither the Cricket nor the other animals remain without instrument and music.
Dolly helps Christopher, the canary who broke his wing. In gratitude Christopher takes Dolly to the island where the yellow ladybird lives.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Bing and Sula discover a new toy at Ammas creche, a talking ride on car. It seems like fun until Talkie Taxi keeps saying the same thing over and over again. When the taxi crashes and is finally silenced Bing and Sula use their imagination to play a game they really want to play without being dictated to by the noisy taxi.
Its a windy day and Bing wants to fly his Hoppity Voosh kite with Flop. And he wants to do it all by himself. Even when Pando arrives and wants to help Bing insists on doing it his way. When the kite gets caught up in the park bench Bing realises that there are some times when another pair of hands comes in handy.
Piglet twins FERGUS and FERGAL make mischief with their disastrous suggestions of how PADDLES and BRACKEN can ensure that MRS. WOLFIES Mothers Day is a day to remember which it is for all the wrong reasons.
Pat has to deliver a disco machine to the school in time for the disco that evening. While the children wait excitedly, the disco machine is damaged in an accident and Pat has to take the machine to Ted for repair. To make matters worse, the bridge to Greendale is closed at the last minute and its up to Pat to find a way to the school in time to save the disco.
Sandro and Stella are preparing a surprise party for David's tenth anniversary as captain of the fire brigade. But Fumé unwittingly smashes the cake Sandro baked, and the firefighter doesn't have time to make a new one because he has to go on a rescue mission. So Grisu offers to bake one in his stead, helped by Stella. They immediately run into difficulties as the grocery shop is closed. They have to get their ingredients elsewhere – Fumé at Gertrude's, Stella at Maria's pizzeria and Grisu at Guellec's farm. This entails comic mishaps such as Stella running on a rollin pin or Grisu pursued by the black sheep.
Natureza is going to to the polar cap to conduct some studies. She needs someone to build an igloo for her while she sets up scientific instruments. Impervious to cold, Grisu accepts to come along and build the igloo. He quickly runs into comic difficulties: the snow he is to dig out to make bricks gets too hard, he's distracted by a playful sea lion, then he's trapped by falling icicles (and fortunately gets rescued by Natureza)… To top it off, as Grisu is almost done, a snowball thrown by the sea lion smashes on his head. Surprised, the little dragon lets out a flame that melts down the igloo's top. But a firefighter never gives up!
Simon and Lou are playing in the park when they run into Simons older cousin. Maxime and his friend Renaud are playing soccer together. Simon and Lou want to join in but the big kids tell them theyre too little! Simon and Lou are going to prove the contrary. So when the big boys decide to show off with their skateboard, Simon comes up with an occasion to show them they are not little at all! Simon proves it by not falling off the skateboard. Which is more than can be said for the big boys!
Simon and his little brother Gaspard are on vacation at Grandpa and Grandmas and today, Dad and Mom are coming to bring them home. But when Dad calls to them to get ready to leave, the two brothers decide that no way are they going home! They do everything they can to delay departure time. They hide their knapsacks, then Gaspards blankie. All in vain though. But when they are finally ready to leave, its Dads turn to lose the keys. And Simon who finds them! So, is it true, daddy didnt want to leave either!
It is a sunny Spring day in the meadow and Little Nutbrown Hare is enjoying all it has to offer. As the day wears on a heavy grey cloud forces Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse to seek shelter from the rain. Will the friends let a little water ruin their fun or will they discover that rainy days can be just as exciting.
Berry is annoyed with Edmund as he does not want to play at skittles with her. She decides to change fathers. Accompanied by Rosie, she wants to find out what her friends fathers are like.
As Woodsy is going to sleep over at Loudos, there is a spare place in the burrow. Rosie wants to invite Biva but Scoutbadger wants to invite Martis. Edmund, who does not like it when things get too boisterous, says only one friend can come. Scoutbadger and Rosie quarrel over which one can invite their best friend….
When Philip shows off to James about how many trucks he can pull, James decides to prove that he is the stronger engine by pulling a very long train. Soon disaster strikes as James cant control all of the trucks and comes off the rails breaking through the side of a stone bridge. Philip races to save James and the brave little engine slips under James to rescue his new friend from falling and props him up until help arrives.
Harry Hot Rod and Robbie Robot starts a secret club. For a secret club you need secrets. But when do the secrets go too far? Is it when people gets upset or sad? And for how long should you keep a secret? Should you keep silent even if someone might be in danger? Robbie and Harry are facing a severe ordeal.
Kipper thinks the Wonder Dog books are great and decides to be Kipper the Super Dog. His blanket becomes a cape and his bike a Super Bike. Now he needs someone to rescue. He makes Arnolds kite fly when theres no wind. But he becomes a real hero when he saves Jakes kitten. Tiger wants to be a hero too. Pig asks him to rescue Arnolds kite – its stuck in a tree – but Tigers not so sure when he sees how tall the tree is.
A magic carpet, complete with three wishes, turns up in Kippers house. He wishes himself and Hippo to the moon to meet the Bleepers. The carpet tips Hippo off when they reach the moon and the Bleepers find him and wonder what he is and how he got there. When Kipper turns up the Bleepers wonder how he got there. He tells them about the carpet but they laugh. He gives them a ride right round the moon and at last they believe him.
Kevin and Suji are in the car with das tickling each other while they are driving for a picnic. Kevin notices that dad is looking into the mirror all the time and wonders. Well, son - theyre like a third eye! The mirrors help me keep track of what the cars around me are doing, explains dad. When they approach a light Kevin wants dad to speed up to make the green light, but dad explains, not a good idea - if the light turns red, we wont be able to stop. When you cross the road, never assume a car will be able to go around you.
To earn their badges, the trainees must be efficient when picking up litter, which means not wasting any time. Wilson and Koko race off, each determined to finish first. Methodical Brewster goes more slowly, sorting the litter as he goes into 3 different bins: paper, plastic and cans. Koko and Wilson deliver their messy loads to the recycling yard – but it wont count until its sorted! While a happy Brewster collects his badge, Koko and Wilson are still sorting their litter....
On the hottest day of the year, when the trainees are going to help Frostini deliver ice cream, theres a power failure and it looks like all the ice cream will melt! Speedy has an idea: he and Frostini will go to the ice caves in the mountains and bring back ice to keep things cold. Meanwhile, the trainees must look after the refrigerator cars; theyll keep working as long as the trainees keep moving! At the ice cave, Frostinis over-enthusiastic ice-cutting brings a huge piece crashing down, blocking the exit. He and Speedy are trapped!
Calley is teaching Hoot and Toot how to use the sliding turntable. When she gets called away on an emergency, she asks Brewster to take over the training. The twins find Brewsters methodical way of teaching a bit boring and make their escape. Brewster chases them all over the depot. The twins accidentally get on the track lift, which sends them straight underground. They explore for a bit, but when they want to get back they cant - not without using a turntable! They wish theyd listened more to Brewster... but his method must have worked, because gradually they remember what he said.
An Arabian Oryx helps Farah out of quicksand, but leaves with her precious handbook! Can the Junior Rangers help get it back?
Peyo is stranded in the middle of a river, surrounded by scary river monsters. Will the Junior Rangers be able to save him? Are these river monsters as scary as they seem?
When the sorting machine breaks at the mail centre, Pat is asked to deliver two of Teds robots to help Ben. The robots malfunction causing havoc and Pat has to work out how to fix them. Eventually the robots are delivered and prove to be excellent at sorting through post.
Pat is asked to deliver helium balloons to celebrate the re-opening of Pencaster Town Hall. The kids are being given balloons to release into the sky. At Teds Garage the balloons are released by mistake, to make matters worse PC Selby gets taken up in the air with them. PC Selby floats over Pencaster Harbour and Pat has to make a daring rescue attempt in his helicopter.
Bing wants to play his car park game with Flop but Charlie is visiting and keeps messing up the game. Bing wants Charlie to go away so Flop with Charlie in the kitchen. Bing doesnt enjoy his game on his own and finds out that some games are better played together.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Wilson is trying for his Fire Warden badge and is thrilled to be given his own siren. When the fire alarm goes off, he must sound his siren and make sure everybody leaves the area safely. Wilson gets a little carried away practising and doesnt hear when the real alarm goes off. He is given another chance and this time concentrates and takes his responsibilities very seriously. When the alarm goes off during the night, he is able to evacuate the chuggers from the roundhouses quickly and calmly.
Oswald tries roller-skating in Big City Park only to keep falling over. Daisy tries to teach him, and Johnny Snowman gives him a pep talk, but after Oswald falls into Fish Fountain, he is ready to give up. But then Madame Butterfly loses control of Catrinas pram and it starts rolling wildly through the park, heading straight for Big Pond. Oswald sees the danger and, without thinking, roller-skates to the rescue!
Oswald and Weenie spend their very first sleepover with Henry but soon find that staying at someone elses house can be very different. They have trout balls and spaghetti for dinner, which they would never have at home, and watch “Penguin Patrol” instead of “Sammy Starfish” – Oswalds favourite TV programme. Best of all, they learn the Penguin Polka and realise trying out new things is fun.
Bob and his gang are installing new barriers and laying a new paved driveway at FIxham Town Hall; at the end of the day a statue of Mayor Madison will be unveiled in the new driveway. Scoop is fitted with his pneumatic breaker and gets overexcited while using it, resulting in him breaking an underground water pipe and causing it to leak. While Bob and Wendy have some difficulty installing the barrier, Scoop covers up the leak and gets Muck to stand over the hole thus blocking the water from escaping. When Muck moves from this position Scoop speeds back to hide his mistake and causes Lofty to drop the paving slabs. The slabs are shattered! Scoop remarks on them looking like jigsaw pieces – giving Bob the idea of using the broken slabs to make crazy paving.
Tonight the Fixham Medieval Festival will open, but Maria Madison is appalled to discover that the castle has no portcullis. She summons Bob to put one in. Meanwhile Mr Bentley puts his foot through a rotten section of drawbridge as he eagerly heads into the castle to rehearse his lines. Leo becomes distracted role-playing as Prince Fix-a-Lot and traps himself behind the portcullis and inside the castle where he can hear a ghost wailing! Bob and the team hatch a plan to break into the castle to rescue Leo. First they fit a new drawbridge in place of the rotten one so that Muck can drive across and raise the portcullis with his bucket. Bob bravely ventures into the castle, saving Max and exposing the real ghost.
A fun, spooky tale from little White Owl leaves the friends a little on edge, so when they hear strange noises in the pumpkin patch, they wonder what kind of creepy creature might be lurking there with them. Will Big Nutbrown Hare be able to convince them not to let their imaginations run away with them?
The friends are all playing together in the Autumn meadow. Little Redwood Fox inadvertently spoils all the games of the day, but the others put their heads together and come up with a game that suits her perfectly.
Its a fine Autumn day and it seems that all of the meadow creatures are out enjoying the sun. Little Nutbrown Hare is surprised that Big Nutbrown Hare knows every single creature in the meadow. He sets out to trick him into believing there is a brand new animal… called a Grrr-umph, which he cleverly creates out of shadows! Will Big Nutbrown Hare be tricked?
INUI and her friends are celebrating Opposite Day where everyone does the opposite of what they would normally do. CRACKPOT has forgotten what day it is and is confused by his pals' behaviour. “Night-night!” says Inui early in the morning. They all walk backwards. Sacha greets Crackpot with “Youre looking good, little white bunny!” and Lady P convincingly insists that the world is topsy-turvey. Finally they remind the puzzled caribou what special day it is. But Crackpot is the one to have the last joke.
A mysterious giant circle appears in the middle of a corn field. Although Pig Will and Pig Wont are convinced its the landing site of an alien flying saucer, Huckle puts the clues together and ultimately goes up in a hot air balloon to reveal the flattened area is actually Vincent Van Goats latest artistic endeavor./When flying potatoes are dropping from the sky in Busytown, Huckle and gang are determined to find out why.
Messy is in the living room watching cartoons on the TV. As he watches he starts to wonder how do his cartoon characters get inside his telly anyway? He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. Messy arrives with a hop, skip and a jump into Zoe and Felixs house, theyre dancing around to their favourite band who are performing on telly. Messy starts to join in. But all of a sudden, the television screen distorts. Felix tries to change the channel but discovers the TV shows dont have Okido people in them instead theyre hosted by aliens!
Its night time in the real world, but Messy is not asleep. Hes at his window mesmerised by the nights sky and all the distant lights he see can twinkling from far, far away. A curious Messy vortexes himself to Okido! Messy arrives just in time to catch Felix and Zoe heading to Zim Zam and Zooms. Apparently theyve made a discovery and have breaking news for the whole of Okido! At the Cloudship, Mayor Oki is preparing to be filmed by a camera man whilst Zim, Zam and Zoom introduce their news.
Blueberry invites Huck to return to Berry Bitty City to co-write a story with her to submit to an online mystery magazine. He is hopeful that if the story is accepted, he can raise funds for his new Hucks Hotel for Homeless Pets. But as they write the story, Huck feels he isnt contributing anything—Blueberrys insistence on duplicating the style of Patti Persimmon dominates their story. Trouble ensues when Blueberry learns Huck is writing a song with Cherry. She thinks he has found a new writing partner he likes better than her.
Harry has a nightmare in which he is chased by a monster, so he goes to Dino World in an attempt to hide from it.
Harry is upset to learn that he must return his library book so decides to hide the book in Dino-World.
The boys race against one another to try and win a radio contest.
The trainees are playing hide-and-seek - and everyone has to admit that Wilson is the best hidey - chugger ever! The trainees game is interrupted for a lesson: learning how to do different emergency stops with mud, leaves and water on the rails. Wilson is in heaven, as he likes nothing better than getting dirty! When they finish their lesson, Lori has a surprise for them: instead of being washed by hand, theyre going to use the automatic Chugwash. Wilson makes his escape (telling Eddie the Chugwash is broken) - no way is he going to get washed!
Brewster delivers some feed to the Safari Park, and hurries back to practice todays task - picking up mail sacks - unaware that he has a monkey stowaway onboard! Back at the depot, someone - or something! - is causing mayhem. Methodical Brewsters questioning mind comes in very handy when he turns detective. He solves the crimes and catches the culprit with the help of Eddies lunchbox and the mail car net!
Polly adores a book about a little mouseling girl who gets superhero powers when she hears a trumpet fanfare. This makes Polly think that maybe she has super powers too! She gets a fanfare recording from her father, but after humorous testing, it's clear Polly has no superpowers at all. Angelina says everyone is super at something, so she has Polly try a variety of things to see what she's super at. It turns out Polly's a super singer! Angelina was right, everyone is super at something.
Vici puts together a Dance Like a Cake Day where all of her friends have to bring a cake associated with a dance. Angelina has a difficult time deciding what type of dance and cake to present and even has to deal with the disappointment of some of her ideas just not working out. With the help of her friends, she decides what to bring, and ends up being very proud of her final presentation!
A Summer storm sweeps across the valley and a nervous Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends scamper into a cave with Big Nutbrown Hare. They are all safe and dry in the cave, but the thunder outside is still scary. Big Nutbrown Hare explains that noises cant hurt you… but will he help them overcome their fears enough to enjoy the storm and the wonders of nature that it brings?
A lazy Summers day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare… a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums! Little Nutbrown Hare isnt the only one enjoying the juicy summer fruit, it seems like every animal in the meadow has come for a taste. As the Summer goes on the plums disappear and Little Nutbrown Hare begins to wonder what all the animals will do without them.
Woodsy is suffering from not feeling appreciated enough by the forest children. It is always Scoutbadger who does extraordinary things and gets all the recognition. Woodsy is hurt and decides to pull off an exploit - to bring back the scarecrows hat and so be finally acclaimed a hero.
Jenny Dobbs, the zoo keeper, asks Bob to finish building the new bear enclosure at Spring City zoo. He plans a three-tiered natural habitat that resembles a rocky mountain, with a pool and cave for shelter. Scoop thinks the mountain needs to be a tall as possible in order to keep the bear happy, and he convinces Muck and Lofty to help him. Unfortunately they build it too high. The rocks and soil in-fill can't take the weight and the whole mountain collapses. Scoop apologises, but Bob quite likes the idea of a bigger structure and alters the design so they can re-build the mountain with four levels. They finish just in time as a crate carrying the bear arrives.
Bob and the team are completing work on a brand new fitness trail in the sports stadium park. They must finish before the afternoons Spring City Fun Run - a steeplechase across the fitness trail obstacle course, organised by Scoops idol Skye Sampson, a fitness guru and world champion record-breaking athlete. When Scoop is told that only humans will be competing, he sets up his own competition: the Muscle Machine Games! With events including “Weightlifting” (with a pallet of wooden beams) and “Discuss Throw” (with an old tyre) Lofty and Muck both break new records...
When Hilda arrives at Sally's dance party, she's suddenly struck with a severe case of the sneezes. Thinking she's come down with a cold, her friends take her to Doctor Lion who informs her she has an allergy to something. It turns out she's allergic to her best friend Sally - or rather, the new rose-scented perfume Sally's wearing./Huckle, Lowly and Sally find they have their mystery-solving hands full when things start disappearing, in the blink of an eye!